2/26/2020 |
Norma |
Kline |
Retired Conservation Biologist |
Meadville |
Pennsylvania |
The Transportation and Climate Initiative needs to consider and implement a comprehensive transportation initiative program now that includes but is not limited to improved transportation options... read more The Transportation and Climate Initiative needs to consider and implement a comprehensive transportation initiative program now that includes but is not limited to improved transportation options, as well as for polluters to pay for their share and responsibility for the climate crisis. To this end I strongly recommend the initiative review, consider and incorporate these documents into its transportation initiative program: 1) 2018 Fourth National Climate Assessment Chapter 12: Transportation (.pdf attached), and 2) the 2019 International Monetary Fund approach to pricing carbon that holds fossil fuel producers economically accountable while directly compensating the citizen's via a carbon rebate. The IMF approach is summarized and the full pdf file can be downloaded can be downloaded here: https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/2019/12/the-case-for-carbon-taxation-and-putting-a-price-on-pollution-parry.htm. |
NCA4_Ch12_Transportation_Full.pdf |
2/26/2020 |
Joseph |
Zagrobelny |
Nine-AI |
Boston |
Massachusetts |
We would love to help you deliver the Next Generation of Infrastructure in the middle of our $4 Trillion U.S.-Canada-Africa-Global ecosystem - eliminate traffic congestion, a $43B/year Northeast... read more We would love to help you deliver the Next Generation of Infrastructure in the middle of our $4 Trillion U.S.-Canada-Africa-Global ecosystem - eliminate traffic congestion, a $43B/year Northeast ROI, Radicaally reduce carbon, and delier a 400% ROI in a Next Gen P4 Finance model.
Our Tower-based design can deliver a triple return for Transit, 5G Communications, and Power T&D – tying in all the renewable sources and making the Power Grid MUCH more Resilient. This is the BIG breakthrough needed (as pointed out by Bill Gates and Breakthrough Energy) to allow us to supply the power grid with clean energy even during windless days, cloudy weather, and nighttime.
More than 40% of all carbon emissions come from the transportation sector and our iSAIL Energy-Fin-Transit can do root-cause fixes while making the U.S. a leader in Climate Change Resiliency and Carbon Reduction …….. iSAIL Energy-Fin-Transit is Towers, Guides and Pods that Fly for 80-100mph intracity/250 mph intercity at the cost of asphalt, $2M-3M/mile and 1/100th the cost of even light rail that can $250M/mile, $1B/mile for hyperloop (IF it works) and up to $5B/mile for heavy rail. iSAIL is based on decades of R&D at DARPA, NASA and MIT with AI proven to work where other methods failed. iSAIL Transit will open up a whole new world of urban-rural and land use optimization, turn commutes and freight delivery from hours to minutes, and Radically Reduce GHG emissions.
Our public–private framework enables a New Financial Model with private investors who are patient and risk tolerant, global corporations, and financial institutions with the capital necessary to finance the world’s largest infrastructure projects as we fill the $90 trillion global void and deliver the 400% return.
With humanity in the “race of our lives,” sea level rise accelerating faster than thought (The Guardian, Feb 3, 2020), together, we can deliver the Breakthrough solutions needed at 1/100th the cost of “dinosaur infrastructure” and deliver the URGENT and Bold Solutions to Climate Change the world is looking for, fill voids in the $90 Trillion infrastructure market, minimize the financial burden, especially in developing countries, maximize Revenue to municipalities, and set the Gold Standard for Resilient Transit, Cities, and world infrastructure.
Can you please let me know if we could schedule some time in the next few days to discuss how, together, we can accelerate delivery for ambitious carbon neutral goal? ….. And fix (much of) the brokenness, that will accelerate with the looming global recession?
Thank you very much!
Joseph Zagrobelny
Founder & CEO, Nine-AI | www.nine-ai.com | M: 781.825.3267 | joseph@nine-ai.com
iSAIL TP5.pdf |
2/26/2020 |
David |
Wood |
American |
Norwalk |
Connecticut |
The Transportation Climate Initiative has proposed using a cap-and-invest approach to reduce pollution from the transportation sector.This is a carbon pricing approach. While theoretically... read more The Transportation Climate Initiative has proposed using a cap-and-invest approach to reduce pollution from the transportation sector.This is a carbon pricing approach. While theoretically attractive, there are a number of practical reasons that carbon pricing will not work as theorized: In addition, The Regulatory Analysis Project (RAP) recently completed a relevant study: "Economic Benefits and Energy Savings through Low-Cost Carbon Management for Vermont" that raises additional relevant concerns. Other relevant concerns are discussed in the well-written attachment provided. I implore you to read it thoroughly, incorporating the points raised in your planning process. |
caiazza-tci-comments-february-2020.pdf |
2/25/2020 |
Richard |
McNutt |
tidewaters gateway partnership |
Pipersville |
Pennsylvania |
Hello, we are seventh grade students from Florence M. Gaudineer Middle School in Springfield New Jersey. We have created a policy to help the issue of unsafe drinking water in New Jersey. Please... read more Hello, we are seventh grade students from Florence M. Gaudineer Middle School in Springfield New Jersey. We have created a policy to help the issue of unsafe drinking water in New Jersey. Please support our policy by signing our petition to help protect everyone in the state of New Jersey from dangerous chemicals in their water. Our policy is (YPSWI) The Yearly Public School Water Inspection. This policy insures that all public schools will have clean water, and a water test would be conducted annually. Some disadvantages are that it would cost a lot of money, and this policy is only regulated for public schools and tax-supported charter schools in the state in New Jersey. The advantages are that it would protect students from harmful chemicals at schools, no matter what the town’s financial stance is. The level of government responsible for carrying out this law is State government. State government is responsible because it is supporting all of the tax-funded schools in New Jersey. We would ask Senator Kean to represent New Jersey and propose this policy in the state Senate. If that law gets passed through the General Assembly and gets to Governor Christie and he signs it into law, it would then be up to Kimberly Harrington; Commissioner of Education; and Bob Martin; Commissioner of Natural resources; to enforce this policy in the state. As said in the New Jersey Constitution, “All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for the protection, security, and benefit of the people, and they have the right at all times to alter or reform the same, whenever the public good may require it.” Everyone should be entitled to the benefit of clean drinking water and it is up to our government to protect this natural resource. Clean drinking water is something that the public needs.
A Trump administration aide said in an email that releasing a water contamination report would cause a “public relations nightmare.” So they buried it. |
children water poisoning.txt |
2/24/2020 |
Bruce |
Ho |
Natural Resources Defense Council |
Annapolis |
Maryland |
In support of TCI jurisdictions' efforts to develop a robust and equitable regional clean transportation policy, please find comments attached from 62 organizations, including members of the... read more In support of TCI jurisdictions' efforts to develop a robust and equitable regional clean transportation policy, please find comments attached from 62 organizations, including members of the Our Transportation Future coalition and additional partners, on the draft TCI Memorandum of Understanding. Our organizations strongly support TCI jurisdictions’ continued work to develop a regional clean transportation policy, which we believe is an important component of achieving a 21st-Century regional transportation system that is cleaner; offers more varied, accessible, and affordable transportation options; and serves the needs of everyone. |
Joint Comments on Draft TCI MOU and Modeling 2-24-20.pdf |
2/24/2020 |
Christopher |
Pearson |
VT Legislature |
Burlington |
Vermont |
Please see attached comments Please see attached comments |
TCI comments.pdf |
2/24/2020 |
Ashley |
Duckman |
Maryland Chamber of Commerce |
Annapolis |
Maryland |
Transportation & Climate Initiative (TCI)
The Transportation & Climate Initiative (TCI) is a regional collaboration of 12 states in the Northeast and Mid-... read more POLICY STATEMENT
Transportation & Climate Initiative (TCI)
The Transportation & Climate Initiative (TCI) is a regional collaboration of 12 states in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions that’s intended purpose is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from the transportation sector. Specifically, the goal of TCI is to create a “regional, low-carbon transportation policy proposal that would cap and reduce carbon emissions from the combustion of transportation fuels.” Maryland announced participation in the coalition in December 2018, and since that time there have been a number of regional stakeholder meetings seeking input on overall regional transportation priorities, potential emissions reductions goals, and policy proposals to meet those targets.
As this process continues to move forward, the Maryland Chamber of Commerce (MDCC) urges that the following principles be taken into account as Maryland and policymakers work toward a regional transportation policy proposal:
1) Transparency. An open and public process is critical to the formation of sound public policy. The MDCC urges that any proposals brought forward to achieve the goals laid out by TCI be subject to rigorous analysis that recognizes both the benefits and costs to the public and the business community. As well, proposals should be subject to a thorough and public vetting process while being considered as potential pathways to meeting TCI’s targets.
2) Market-Based. Market-based solutions have proven to be successful in providing the level of flexibility needed to meet environmental goals cost-effectively. The MDCC believes that any proposal put forward should be market-based, as these types of policies are most cost-effective and spur the innovation necessary to achieve positive outcomes.
3) Dedicated Revenue. Many market-based policies have the potential of generating revenue. The MDCC advocates that any revenue generated from TCI be dedicated to programs and initiatives that contribute to cost-effective energy and environmental solutions rather than returned to the General Fund or used for other purposes.
2/24/2020 |
Susan |
Smiley |
Householder |
Vermont |
ACORN CandidatesForum.doc |
2/24/2020 |
Sherrie |
Merrow |
NGVAmerica |
Washington |
District of Columbia |
Please see uploaded NGVAmerica comment letter.
Thank you,
Sherrie Merrow
Director, NGVAmerica State Affairs Please see uploaded NGVAmerica comment letter.
Thank you,
Sherrie Merrow
Director, NGVAmerica State Affairs |
NGVA Comments on TCI MOU - Feb 24 2020.pdf |
2/24/2020 |
Eleanor |
Fort |
Green for All |
Boston |
Massachusetts |
Attached is a slide deck that provides case studies of three cap-and-invest policies that have included equitable guardrails and guarantees, in California, Oregon, and New York, to serve as models... read more Attached is a slide deck that provides case studies of three cap-and-invest policies that have included equitable guardrails and guarantees, in California, Oregon, and New York, to serve as models for equity provisions in a TCI Model Rule. |
Case Studies for Carbon Pricing Equity & Investments (3).pdf |
2/24/2020 |
Eleanor |
Fort |
Green for All |
Boston |
Massachusetts |
Attached is a slide deck to accompany Green For All's "Designing an Equitable Cap-and-Invest Policy for Transportation" toolkit. read more Attached is a slide deck to accompany Green For All's "Designing an Equitable Cap-and-Invest Policy for Transportation" toolkit. |
GFA TCI Toolkit slide deck.pdf |
2/24/2020 |
Eleanor |
Fort |
Green for All |
Boston |
Massachusetts |
On December 11th, 2019, Green for All released "Designing an Equitable Cap-and-Invest Policy for Transportation". This equity toolkit for TCI provides detailed policy recommendations and... read more On December 11th, 2019, Green for All released "Designing an Equitable Cap-and-Invest Policy for Transportation". This equity toolkit for TCI provides detailed policy recommendations and resources for ensuring a regional cap-and-invest policy delivers equitable outcomes. It provides guidance to Governors, state agency officials, legislators, advocates, community members, and other critical stakeholders to design a program that is responsive to the needs of low-income families, disproportionately pollution-impacted neighborhoods, and transit-underserved communities.
Our policy recommendations are aligned with the Policy Design Principles for an Equitable Clean Transportation Program, which were delivered to the Transportation and Climate Initiative via the online portal on July 26, 2019. The principles were co-developed by national environmental equity groups and community-based organizations with input from over a dozen racial justice, economic justice, environmental justice, and transit justice organizations. (https://www.thedreamcorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Regional-Policy-Design-Principles-for-Equity-3-1.pdf) |
Green-For-All-Policy-Toolkit-1 (1).pdf |
2/21/2020 |
Andrew |
O'Donnell |
Citizen |
Newark |
Delaware |
Electrification Greenprint
1. Hearts and Minds. Run a campaign to motivate and educate the public about climate change and actions they can take right now (like supporting this... read more Electrification Greenprint
1. Hearts and Minds. Run a campaign to motivate and educate the public about climate change and actions they can take right now (like supporting this list).
2. Commitment. Every city needs to join the Climate Mayors (climatemayors.org) and abide by the Paris Climate Agreement.
3. Community Choice Aggregation (CCA). Default to renewable energy, with an “opt-out” for cheapest energy on electric utility websites. Gradually increase the cheapest rates to subsidize the renewable option until they are equal, then consolidate to 100% green only (epa.gov/greenpower/community-choice-aggregation).
4. Rate Transparency. Impose variable Time-of-Use rates to unmask the higher cost of generation during peak usage. Aware customers will alter behavior to avoid peak rates, shaving peak demand off high generation rates.
5. Community Solar and Wind. Remove restrictions on investing in Municipal Solar and Wind Parks. If someone wants to fund $1,000, let them. Once fully funded, build more on any other undeveloped public spaces.
6. Energy Storage. It’s just as important as other renewable sources, so add it to the Green Energy Program. Homes not suitable for solar panels (like mine) can contribute to grid services and gain emergency backup power by co-funding distributed energy storage in their homes.
7. City Fleet Vehicles. Gradually replace government vehicles with EVs as they age out (driveevfleets.org). Please see the attached presentation that convinced the City of Newark, DE to start transitioning with the purchase 3 EVs in 2020. Update needed for Tesla Cyber Trucks wherever legacy pickup trucks are used now.
8. EV Charging Stations. Install Level 2 car chargers at all city parking facilities, starting with the busiest. One discounted fee for parking and charging. Proceeds to the city’s Green Energy Program after the chargers pay for themselves.
9. Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G). EVs sell power back to the grid during high demand. Nuvve (founded at the University of Delaware) is already installing and operating V2G systems worldwide.
10. Use the VW Diesel Scandal Lawsuit funds to purchase electric city and school buses as the current fleets age out and/or break down.
This bonus item is pretty extreme, but would have a huge impact once the momentum gets going.
11. Carbon Rebates. Expand RGGI to cap GHG emissions from gasoline, diesel, heating oil, and natural gas by applying a state tax. Use it to fund GHG reduction rebates and diversify revenue. Since the federal government is unwilling to stop subsidizing fossil fuels, this is using state power to get it back. |
New Sparks for Newark's Cars.pptx |
2/21/2020 |
Bill |
Ravanesi |
Health Care Without Harm |
Boston |
Massachusetts |
Our transportation status is on a crash course with the climate, the public's health (tailpipe pollution, asthma, respiratory ailments and cardiac disease, and more). Our health systems are... read more Our transportation status is on a crash course with the climate, the public's health (tailpipe pollution, asthma, respiratory ailments and cardiac disease, and more). Our health systems are working to reduce their carbon footprints of our hospitals, fleet vehicles,
and employee commutes, but we need the support of strong policies to drive systematic progress. We appreciate the work being done by participating states to create a regional policy to rapidly reduce transportation emissions to protect the health of the communities we serve.
Funds raised by the program should be invested in ways that protect health, advance health
equity, and support health care climate resilience. As our hospitals advance clean
transportation goals, our patients and communities would greatly benefit from TCI being implemented regionally.
It is critical that as states consider how to invest the proceeds from this program, frontline and low-income
communities should be prioritized to benefit from those investments given the historical health
burden they have experienced from pollution. We urgently need a bold regional vision, TCI Now. |
TCI Portal submission.docx |
2/21/2020 |
Roger |
Caiazza |
Retired |
Liverpool |
New York |
Comments attached Comments attached |
Caiazza TCI comments February 2020.pdf |
2/20/2020 |
Dan |
Dinale |
Maine Resident |
Glenburn |
Maine |
I own enough forested land to offset my carbon creation. I suggest you f**k off and tax the people living in large dense cities who contribute to this problem. I own enough forested land to offset my carbon creation. I suggest you f**k off and tax the people living in large dense cities who contribute to this problem. |
Proposal.pdf |
2/13/2020 |
Ryan |
O’Malley |
City of Malden |
Malden |
Massachusetts |
My name is Ryan O’Malley and I represent Ward 4 on the Malden City Council. I believe it is important to reduce pollution from transportation because it greatly impacts the health outcomes of... read more My name is Ryan O’Malley and I represent Ward 4 on the Malden City Council. I believe it is important to reduce pollution from transportation because it greatly impacts the health outcomes of residents who live near transportation corridors like highways. Malden is entirely an Environmental Justice community and we are also surrounded by highways which produce greenhouse gases and particulates which make our air quality poor. These negative health outcomes disproportionally impacts communities of color, the working class, and the poor.
I would like to thank Governor Baker and his administration for the leadership and drive to join the program. Massachusetts always has and must continue to be a leader for environmental advocacy. I urge the Governor and his dedicated team to select the most aggressive greenhouse gas reduction target because bold and decisive action now will pay off dividends in the future.
The Commonwealth should prioritize investments in Environmental Justice communities like Malden and areas that are not currently served by public transit. Bus trap is transit is also a great and cost effective way to bring public transit to underserved areas. A local example of a low hanging fruit would be to extend the bus rapid transit program on Broadway in Everett up the rest of Broadway to Malden, Melrose, and Saugus. This project would completely transform commuting on the North Shore by providing a direct connection to North Station. The opportunity to utilize Encore casino mitigation funds should make this a top priority for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Ryan O’Malley
City Councillor
City of Malden
Blank 12.pdf |
2/12/2020 |
George |
Oleyer |
Cape & Islands Climate Emergency Initiative, 350 Cape Cod etc |
South Yarmouth |
Massachusetts |
Fantastic initiative but kindly bear in mind the timeline be efficient well within 10 years as much as possible given the cascade effect most scientists anticipate at that point. Fantastic initiative but kindly bear in mind the timeline be efficient well within 10 years as much as possible given the cascade effect most scientists anticipate at that point. |
Climate Emergency Declaration Resolution.pdf |
2/10/2020 |
Elizabeth |
Kroll |
Vermont Resident |
Brattleboro |
Vermont |
I highly commend the bipartisan TCI and approve of its mission to develop a regional policy for low-carbon public transportation for the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region. Transportation... read more I highly commend the bipartisan TCI and approve of its mission to develop a regional policy for low-carbon public transportation for the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region. Transportation emissions account for 45% of Vermont’s total greenhouse gas pollution. To meet our carbon-reduction goals, we MUST reduce pollution from our cars and trucks. Expanding public, shared transportation is crucial and will cut down on pollution and offer opportunities to develop clean-energy-fueled transportation. And it will ALSO help address the social isolation of Vermonters (and residents of all TCI states) who do not own or drive their own vehicles -- giving them affordable public options to get to jobs, appointments, errands, and even other towns and states. Now is the time to create the future of transportation, not cling to the insufficient status quo. |
TCI Transpor-Hearing Let 2-13-20.odt |
2/10/2020 |
Tim |
Benson |
The Heartland Institute |
Arlington Heights |
Illinois |
File Attached File Attached |
(02-10-20) Heartland TCI comment.pdf |