TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliationsort descending City State Input File
Anna Rose Benson Vermont citizen Weybridge Vermont
We say Yes to this proposal.

It is a good start and shows good intention.

We must work together, we must be serious and effective.

Good work.
Ben Freeman Vermont citizen and active voter Landgrove Vermont
I am in support of the TCI and urge my elected officials, particularly Governor Scott, to vote in favor of Vermont's participation.
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Cara Robechek Vermont Energy Education Program Montpelier Vermont
Vermont Energy Education Program (VEEP) works with students and teachers from schools around Vermont. Young people around the state (our newest and soon-to-be voters) are worried about climate...
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Matthew Cota Vermont Fuel Dealers Association Montpelier Vermont
The Transportation Climate Initiative sets out a framework that imposes an unfair burden on all vehicle owners and thousands of businesses.

I am opposed to the TCI plan as outlined...
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Grace Gershuny Vermont Healthy Soils Coalition Barnet Vermont
Please consider the value of drawing down carbon by building soil health in the discussion about how to allocate funds to be received from TCI. This also can contribute to improved water quality,...
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Richard Richard Vermont Interfaith Power and Light, Bristol Energy Committee Bristol Vermont
My name is Richard Butz, I’m a member of the Bristol, Vermont, Energy Committee, a Board member of Vermont Interfaith Power and Light (VTIPL), a Board member of Addison County River Watch...
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gus speth Vermont Law School strafford Vermont
Governor Scott, please ignore what those folks across the CT river might do and get Vt solidly behind the REGGI transportation initiative. We need you to get us there! Thank you, Gus Speth
Johanna Miller Vermont Natural Resources Council Montpelier Vermont
Transportation & Climate Initiative Regional Policy Workgroup,

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the “Framework for a Draft Regional Policy Proposal” released on...
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Joint Comments-TCI-Nov. 5.docx
Johanna Miller Vermont Natural Resources Council Montpelier Vermont
Dear Honorable Governors, Mayor Bowser and Transportation & Climate Initiative Workgroup Members,

As organizations representing Vermont’s leading low income, business,...
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TCI MOU-Joint VT Comments-2-28-2020.pdf
Kevin Conti Vermont Resident Williamstown Vermont
The Transportation Climate Initiative sets out a framework that imposes an unfair burden on all vehicle owners and thousands of businesses.

I am opposed to the TCI plan as outlined...
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Kieran Edraney Vermont Resident Burlington Vermont
It's important that the policies we enact on climate change make sure that the big polluters pay the most money, and we need to ensure that we do everything we can to make sure that the...
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steve gagliardone Vermont Resident Sharon Vermont
To TCI Planners- Thank you for taking the time to listen to my input.

Vermont is bound by law to significantly reduce carbon and increase renewable energy sources. Many critics...
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S Mallory Vermont Resident Middlebury Vermont
I think part of your stated goal of capping carbon emissions is a poor goal to focus on. Yes let's move to reduce carbon emissions, but capping them with the TCI plan of authoritarian price...
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Elizabeth Kroll Vermont Resident Brattleboro Vermont
I highly commend the bipartisan TCI and approve of its mission to develop a regional policy for low-carbon public transportation for the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region. Transportation...
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TCI Transpor-Hearing Let 2-13-20.odt
Anne Dean Vermont resident Woodstock Vermont
In Vermont, the transportation sector has the largest contribution to statewide greenhouse gas emissions. Many Vermonters must also drive long distances between their homes and their jobs, making...
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Kieran Edraney Vermont Resident Burlington Vermont
We need to make major moves if we're to act on climate change. Please don't punish my generation by failing to act.
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Cedar Stanistreet Vermont resident Brattleboro Vermont
Please work to create a TCI policy that brings more public transit to the northeast! Reducing climate damaging emissions from transportation should be a number one priority for Vermont. Currently...
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Jack Clay Vermont resident Middletown Springs Vermont
The governor’s appointees from the Public Service Department, the Agency of Transportation and the Agency of Natural Resources have been holding public meetings across the state to introduce the...
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Dee Gish Vermont resident Sharon Vermont
I urge Governor Scott to sign on to the Transportation Climate Initiative. The largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in Vermont is the transportation sector. The increasingly evident...
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Julie A Kraus Vermont resident Bethel Vermont
This question’s answer is a no brainer and pure common sense. Join TCI now!
