TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliation City State Input Filesort ascending
Barbara Kiss General Motors Detroit Michigan
TCI_GMComment_FINAL 1.pdf
Jenifer Bosco National Consumer Law Center Boston Massachusetts
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the TCI Framework for a Draft Regional Policy Proposal. The National Consumer Law Center (NCLC) is a non-profit organization that works for economic...
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TCI Comments 11 05 2019 NCLC.pdf
Anne Germain National Waste & Recycling Association Arlington Virginia
NWRA comments TCI.pdf
Ellen Valentino Mid-Atlantic Petroleum Distributors Assn. Annapolis Maryland

From: Ellen Valentino

Subject: Proposed Draft Regional Policy

Date: November 5, 2019

The members of the Mid-Atlantic Petroleum Distributors...
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MAPDA TCI comment letter.pdf
Lisa McNeilly Baltimore Office of Sustainability Baltimore Maryland
The Baltimore Office of Sustainability appreciates the opportunity to provide input and feedback on the framework for a draft regional policy proposal prepared by the Transportation Climate...
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TCI Draft Framework comments Baltimore Office of Sustainability November 2019.pdf
Brian Moran New England Convenience Store & Energy Marketers Association Stoughton Massachusetts
TCI Framework Comments 11-5-19 FNL.pdf
Paulina Muratore Union of Concerned Scientists Cambridge Massachusetts
On behalf of the undersigned 357 scientists, researchers, health professionals and doctors from across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region, attached is a letter in support of a strong regional...
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Letter from 357 Scientists.pdf
Eleanor Fort Green for All Boston Massachusetts
On behalf of nearly 300 supporters in the TCI region, we submit the following petition with signatures attached.

Dear Decision makers:

We applaud your efforts to...
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11.05.2019_GFA petition signatures.pdf
George Gross private citizen, as an energy policy public advocate Shoreham Vermont
Please refer to the uploaded comments document, entitled "The Transportation Climate Initiative Consortium Must Achieve Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2050". Supporting technical and...
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Jennifer Williams Cornell Ithaca (work) & Horseheads (home) New York
To Whom It May Concern:

I am a Horseheads to Ithaca commuter and something needs to be done about the congestion during rush hour at the southern end of Ithaca on NYS Route 13, specifically...
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NYS Rte 13 Rush Hour South End of Ithaca.pdf
Neda Hazen Amp Americas Chicago Illinois
AMP NGVA TCI Framework Letter.pdf
Hilary Young Etsy, Inc. Brooklyn New York
Please see attached file for Etsy's comments. read more
Daniel Collins New England Power Generators Association Boston Massachusetts
Please find attached comments from the New England Power Generators Association on the Transportation and Climate Initiative's Framework for a Draft Policy Proposal.
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NEPGA_Comments_TCI Framework.pdf
Alex Kragie Coalition for Green Capital Washington District of Columbia
Please see attached letter
Eric McCarthy Proterra Inc Greenville South Carolina
Please see attachment.
Proterra TCI Comments.pdf
Douglas Stewart Virginia Sierra Club Fairfax Virginia
Comments are in attached file.
VA Sierra Club comments Framework transportation cap-and-invest.docx
Connor Dolan Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association Washington, D.C. District of Columbia
Statement of Support for TCI Framework.pdf
Marc Korman Maryland General Assembly Annapolis Maryland
Please see the attached letter submitted on behalf of the undersigned members of the Maryland General Assembly
MGA TCI Support Letter.pdf
Dan Bowerson Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers Southfield Michigan
Please see attached Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers' comments on TCI's Draft Regional Policy Framework.
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Comments_Auto Alliance_TCI Cap-and-Invest Program_191105.pdf
Roger Caiazza Retired Liverpool New York
My attached comments address multiple concerns. I believe that costs must be addressed before any jurisdiction can decide whether to join the TCI. Contrary to the statements saying that there...
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Transportation Climate Initiative Draft Framework Caiazza Comments.pdf
