TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliation City Statesort descending Input File
Sherrie Merrow NGVAmerica Washington District of Columbia
Please see uploaded NGVAmerica comment letter.

Thank you,

Sherrie Merrow

Director, NGVAmerica State Affairs
NGVA Comments on TCI MOU - Feb 24 2020.pdf
Zohal Khan DC Washington District of Columbia
Climate change is the biggest issue of our time. Our current public transportation infrastructure in the US is quite lacking. We must build extensive public transportation networks and upgrade...
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Jordan McGillis Institute for Energy Research Washington District of Columbia
The Institute for Energy Research opposes the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI).

The justification offered for TCI is that greenhouse gas emissions constitute a threat to...
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TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Input.pdf
Connor Dolan Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association Washington District of Columbia
Please see the attached document.
TCI MOU Response FCHEA 2020-2-28.pdf
Mark Kresowik Sierra Club Washington District of Columbia
The Sierra Club is sharing the attached 38 comments from our members and supporters in the District of Columbia supporting finalizing the Draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) of the...
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DC TCI 38 signers 27 Feb 2020.pdf
Mark Borowski BP America Washington District of Columbia
BP America is happy to provide the attached letter as our input to the TCI draft memorandum of understanding.
BP Letter on TCI Draft MOU.pdf
Paul Allen M.J. Bradley & Associates Washington District of Columbia
Please see the attached comments from Exelon Corporation and Public Service Enterprise Group.
Utility Comment Letter on TCI MOU FINAL.pdf
Don Thoren AFPM Washington District of Columbia
AFPM is a trade association representing high-tech American manufacturers of nearly 90% of U.S. supply of gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, other fuels and home heating oil, as well as nearly all the...
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AFPM Comments to Georgetown Climate Center.pdf
Shai Sahay POET, LLC Washington District of Columbia
On behalf of POET, LLC, I am submitting the attached comments on the TCI Draft Memorandum of Understanding and Prospective Model Rule. Please let us know if you have any questions or need...
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POET February 2020 Comments on TCI MOU and Prospective Model Rule.pdf
Stewart Schwartz Coalition for Smarter Growth Washington District of Columbia
See attached file
2020.02.28 CSG Comments on TCI MOU.pdf
Paul Wierenga IFTOA Washington District of Columbia
Please see enclosed comments.
IFTOA Comments on the Proposed Transportation and Climate Initiative (Feb. 28, 2020).pdf
Drew Stilson Environmental Defense Fund Washington District of Columbia
Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) appreciates the opportunity to provide the attached comments on the Draft MOU for the Transportation and Climate Initiative.

Thank you,

EDF Comments on Draft TCI MOU.pdf
Doulas Kantor NACS/NATSO/SIGMA Washington District of Columbia
Please see the attached file.
Association Comments on TCI Draft MOU.pdf
Brendan Williams PBF Energy Washington District of Columbia
Attached are PBF Energy's comments in response to the draft Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) regarding the Transportation & Climate Initiative (“TCI”), as proposed by the Georgetown...
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20200228 PBF TCI Cmts FINAL.pdf
Patrick Kelly API Washington District of Columbia
See attachment
TCI Draft MOU and Modeling API Comments.pdf
Allen Greenberg Self Washington District of Columbia
As detailed in the attached comments, the primary objective that TCI should strive to achieve is to reduce transportation emissions as much as possible (meaning a 25% reduction from the Reference...
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Dallas Burtraw Resources for the Future Washington DC District of Columbia
See attached file
Comment - TCI and Electricity - RFF.pdf
Stephen Soule WGL Washington District of Columbia
Washington Gas, which has about 765 vehicles in its fleet, supports the growth and development of − and transition to − low-carbon transportation fuels, including geologic and renewable natural...
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Adam Winer Consumer Reports Washington District of Columbia
Apologies for the late submission. The comments from Consumer Reports are provided at a file attachment. Thank you for the opportunity to comment, and for considering our input.

- Adam...
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Consumer Reports Comments on Draft TCI MOU.pdf
Daniela Ochoa DC Sierra Club, Ecomadres Maryland Washington District of Columbia
We desperately need a Climate Regional Policy. Now more than ever we need to LIVE, Live our values, take a LEAP and boost ASAP our smarth growht initiatives with clean energy transportation...
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