Lessons from Early Deployments of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations


The goals of this study are to document real cases of electric vehicle charging infrastructure installations in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions and uncover some of the related challenges and opportunities.  Unlike earlier electric vehicle documents produced by the Transportation and Climate Initiative, the focus of this study is not on how installations should be done but rather on how they have been done.

Menu of Plug-In Electric Vehicle Incentives

The Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) has compiled this menu of incentives for states to use as a tool when researching ways to reduce barriers and promote electric vehicle use. Most states offer one or more incentives for consumers, businesses, or government entities to purchase and use plug‐in electric vehicles (PEV) or electric vehicle charging stations (also known as electric vehicle supply equipment, or EVSE).

Assessment of Current EVSE and EV Deployment

The deployment assessment provides a region-wide look at EV and electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) deployment in the Northeast. The report highlights trends in EV ownership and EVSE locations, offers recommendations to maximize the impact of EVSE installations, and offers recommendations for further areas of study.

Creating EV-Ready Towns and Cities: A Guide to Planning and Policy Tools

This report provides guidance to practitioners at all levels of state and local governments wishing to take action to implement EVSE deployment in their jurisdictions. It provides discussion and guidance regarding the steps to create, administer, and amend planning processes, rules, and regulations, and explores the potential for jurisdictions to encourage EV charging station installation and use.

Electric Vehicle Information for Utilities

This document was released by the Northeast Electric Vehicle Network as one of a series of educational materials about electric vehicles and their use in the northeastern United States.  It is intended to provide information about electric vehicles to utilities in the region.

Electric Vehicle Information for Multi-Unit Housing

This document was released by the Northeast Electric Vehicle Network as one of a series of educational materials about electric vehicles and their use in the northeastern United States.  It is intended to provide information about electric vehicles to owners and residents of multi-unit housing in the region.

Electric Vehicle Information for Local Governments

This document was released by the Northeast Electric Vehicle Network as one of a series of educational materials about electric vehicles and their use in the northeastern United States.  It is intended to provide information about electric vehicles to local governments in the region.

Electric Vehicle Information for Employers

This document was released by the Northeast Electric Vehicle Network as one of a series of educational materials about electric vehicles and their use in the northeastern United States.  It is intended to provide information about electric vehicles to employers in the region.

EV Ready Codes for the Built Environment

This document provides an overview of building and electrical codes and their relation to EVs, highlights best practices from around the country, and makes recommendations for jurisdictions in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. The report draws several conclusions:


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