TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliation City State Input Filesort descending
Elizabeth Henry Environmental League of MA Boston Massachusetts
Dear Governor Baker, Secretary Theoharides, and Secretary Pollack,

An uncommon alliance has emerged between five diverse Massachusetts organizations with business constituencies....
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Letter to Gov. Baker from Business & Environmental Leaders (June 20, 2019).pdf
Eleanor Fort Green for All Boston Massachusetts
On behalf of eight racial, economic, environmental, and transit justice organizations, we submit the attached letter "Policy Design Principles for an Equitable Clean Transportation Program...
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Regional Policy Design Principles for Equity.pdf
Phillip Ludvigsen First Environmnet, Inc. Boonton New Jersey
Financing Green Infrastructure moving toward a low-carbon economy is key. Green Bonds and loans are becoming a major market. Unfortunately many municipalities and corporations know very little...
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Green Bonds De-Risking Deals NYLJ Oct 2016.pdf
Laureen Boles New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance Trenton New Jersey
Transportation Electrification: Developing High Impact Policies for NJ's Most Environmentally Burdened Communities
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Final Draft of NJEJA Transportation Electrification (4).pdf
Chris Dempsey Our Transportation Future Many Massachusetts
Our Transportation Future (OTF) is a coalition of local, state, regional, and national environmental, health, scientific, transportation, and business organizations committed to modernizing...
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Our Transportation Future _ Letter to TCI Governors_7.29.2019.pdf
Mark Kresowik Sierra Club Washington District of Columbia
August 7, 2019

To: Governor Baker, Mayor Bowser, Governor Carney, Governor Hogan, Governor Lamont, Governor Murphy, Governor Northam, Governor Raimondo, Governor Scott, and Governor...
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Sierra Club Member and Supporter Comments 8-7-19.pdf
Ramon Palencia-Calvo Maryland League of Conservation Voters - Chispa Maryland Annapolis Maryland
The signatories of the attached letter respectfully request that the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) and the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) designs and fosters a public...
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Joanne Ivancic Advanced Biofuels USA Frederick Maryland
Advanced Biofuels USA has two items to share. One is suggestions for fleet operators (city, county, state, region, businesses, organizations, universities, etc.) to defossilize fuel use as soon...
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Fleets article v3 AdvancedBiofuelsUSA comments to TCI 2019.pdf
Joanne Ivancic Advanced Biofuels USA Frederick Maryland
Continuing Advanced Biofuels USA comments: our proposal for a Disappearing Carbon Tax on the non-renewable portions of transportation fuel with proceeds prioritized to increasing the availability...
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Connor Dolan FCHEA Washington District of Columbia
Please see the attached comment sent on behalf of the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association (FCHEA).
TCI Comments August 2019.docx
Bruce Ho Natural Resources Defense Council Annapolis Maryland
Please find attached joint comments from 13 organizations on the reference case modeling results presented on the August 8th TCI webinar and on the TCI states' next steps in modeling. Thank...
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Joint Comments on 8_8 TCI Webinar.pdf
Lindsey Mendelson Maryland Sierra Club College Park Maryland
The letter attached signed by 27 organizations articulates key principles Maryland should incorporate in process and design of the Transportation & Climate Initiative with other states.
Maryland TCI Principles Letter 8.29.2019.pdf
Patrick Kelly American Petroleum Institute Washington District of Columbia
Please see attached.
TCI Comment API.pdf
Marc Breslow Climate XChange Boston Massachusetts
Please find attached joint comments from Climate XChange and Health Care Without Harm concerning the planned modeling scenarios for TCI, directed to the Technical Analysis Workgroup.
CXC-HCWH Modeling Comment Letter 8.30.19.pdf
Paul Allen M. J. Bradley & Associates Washington District of Columbia
On behalf of the signatory companies, please find the attached statement of support for, and expression of perspectives on the Transportation Climate Initiative’s efforts to develop a cap-and-...
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james celenza ricosh providence Rhode Island
TCI Reference Case Assumptions Webinar.doc
Richard Sprock NJT Daily commuter Morristown New Jersey
I have been commuting via NJT to NY Penn daily for 15 years. There are an infinite number of improvements that should be prioritized over GHG emissions reductions. At the top of that list are new...
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Thomas Murphy Citizen of New Hampshire Nashua New Hampshire
See attached PDF.
Julius Sanks Engineer with long experience involving system design, weather forecasting systems, environmental satellites, and climate Ashburn Virginia
John Carlson Ceres Boston Massachusetts
Attached, please find a letter congratulating Gov. Lamont and his administration on their contributions to the TCI policy framework and the development process.
2019 TCI Framework - BICEP-Second Nature letter.pdf
