1/16/2020 |
john |
Chard |
none |
brattleboro |
Vermont |
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1/16/2020 |
Vanda |
Jaggard |
sentara |
Chesapeake |
Vermont |
Millions of fossil fuel burning sources are polluting our planet and making us ill. We have an must act. Millions of fossil fuel burning sources are polluting our planet and making us ill. We have an must act. |
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1/18/2020 |
Chris |
Ayers |
Tax Payer |
Saint Albans |
Vermont |
So is the bill going to increase gas, electric and heating oil based monthly bills for Americans? What is this new technology that will cap certain vehicles emissions? What about my 2010 Dodge... read more So is the bill going to increase gas, electric and heating oil based monthly bills for Americans? What is this new technology that will cap certain vehicles emissions? What about my 2010 Dodge Cummins and will I have to pay a seperate tax for having a bigger truck? Just how much is this program going to cost everyday tax paying New Englanders and please respond without political banter, I've had enough of that. Vermont is already one of the most expensive states to live in and it's only going up. It's very hard for a hard working father of 3 to pay all these taxes without a truthful relevant explanation. I give half my paycheck for taxes now so you can see why someone like me is hesistant.
Thanks for your time, |
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1/18/2020 |
Amy |
Moore |
Private Citizen of Pownal, Vermont |
Pownal |
Vermont |
The TCI is a bad deal for Vermont. Our state would have no control of distribution of funds. Most of rural Vermont, where I live and work, will be the hardest impacted with zero to no benefit from... read more The TCI is a bad deal for Vermont. Our state would have no control of distribution of funds. Most of rural Vermont, where I live and work, will be the hardest impacted with zero to no benefit from this program. We live in the shade of mountains where electric vehicles are not only not possible to use for our commutes, charging them is very expensive and still uses electricity that comes from sources generating carbon, and damming rivers which also affect our planet. Also, part of my living is derived from towing trailers - which I can't do with electric vehicles.
I live on the border of Massachusetts and New York. My husband works in Massachusetts. Part of my work has me travel to New York (to teach prisoners). Without a plan that treats every payer of this TAX with a return equally and directly, this is just another cash grab from urban areas from rural areas. This would damage my property values, hurt interstate commerce, and drive down tourism.
There is absolutely no good reason for Vermont to participate in this only to line the pockets of bigger states with higher populations and less demanding terrain. |
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1/20/2020 |
retired |
Vermont |
THIS IS LONG OVERDUE! It's essential.
This is long overdue! Essential! THIS IS LONG OVERDUE! It's essential.
This is long overdue! Essential! |
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1/21/2020 |
Roy |
Lauridsen |
retired |
Pownal |
Vermont |
That the Federal Government pollution standards from vehicles is too high for proper pollution reduction, that gasoline engines will antiquate within a couple of decades due to projected shortages... read more That the Federal Government pollution standards from vehicles is too high for proper pollution reduction, that gasoline engines will antiquate within a couple of decades due to projected shortages and that the science now understands the effects of this type pollution on the most vulnerable, it is time to remove ourselves from inefficient and poorly designed transportation systems. |
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1/22/2020 |
Sylvie |
Desautels |
Randolph Area Climate Action Group |
Tunbridge |
Vermont |
Why oh why does central Vermont get left out of the hearings again. A hearing could very easily be held at VTC in Randolph or any number of places in Montpelier. All of the locations are an hour... read more Why oh why does central Vermont get left out of the hearings again. A hearing could very easily be held at VTC in Randolph or any number of places in Montpelier. All of the locations are an hour or more from where I live in Tunbridge. On school nights this makes it nigh on to impossible to attend. I would be happy to help you find a location. |
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1/22/2020 |
Ralph |
Palmer |
retired from Keene State College |
Brattleboro |
Vermont |
I am strongly in favor of a regional low-carbon transportation proposal and/or system that would help reduce transportation related carbon emissions. I believe climate change is a serious and... read more I am strongly in favor of a regional low-carbon transportation proposal and/or system that would help reduce transportation related carbon emissions. I believe climate change is a serious and major issue, and that a variety of solutions and adaptations to climate change will be required. |
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1/22/2020 |
Warner |
Shedd |
East Calais |
Vermont |
I think this climate change initiative is an important first step, and urge Governor Scott to make Vermont a participating state.
Warner Shedd I think this climate change initiative is an important first step, and urge Governor Scott to make Vermont a participating state.
Warner Shedd |
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1/23/2020 |
Brian |
Forrest |
Williston |
Vermont |
While in another time, many years ago, this would have been a good idea, but we have squandered our time neglecting the climate problem and now the TCI is too little too late. We need a massive... read more While in another time, many years ago, this would have been a good idea, but we have squandered our time neglecting the climate problem and now the TCI is too little too late. We need a massive plan to transform our society similar to the war effort in the Forties and TCI is a feel good bandaid on a massive wound and will just distract us from focusing on a plan that will comprehensively address this crisis. This plan among other things, must address the neglected parts of our society, for to work, it must have the support of all citizens. It must also address the main cause of the climate problem: the capitalist system where the wealthy prosper and the poor are left to their own devices to survive; making things for commerce's sake, not because we need these things; increasingly extracting material from the earth as if it is inexhaustible leaving behind a polluted earth and air now so degraded that we are on the brink of extinction - all in the pursuit of market projections that our businesses must not fail to meet not what is the best we can do for mankind. This is time for the boldest thinking we can muster if we are to survive - not this weak answer to the most dire issue mankind has created or faced.
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1/24/2020 |
Matthew |
LeFluer |
Person. With. A. Learning Disability. ( Autism,ADHD,) |
Alburgh |
Vermont |
The science of climate change is real. Scientists agree, and it's bad. After procrastinating for decades we have a short period of time to start turning off the greenhouse gas faucet. We can... read more The science of climate change is real. Scientists agree, and it's bad. After procrastinating for decades we have a short period of time to start turning off the greenhouse gas faucet. We can leverage market forces to start reducing transportation emissions through TCI.
I request that the Commonwealth of Vermont. take our common climate wealth seriously and formally join the TCI to reduce emissions. I further ask that the policy prioritizes clean investments in areas overburdened by pollution and is financially affordable for poor families and individuals as possible.
Thank you.
1/24/2020 |
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1/24/2020 |
Donna |
Smyers |
Vermont, New England, the US, and the planet Earth |
Adamant |
Vermont |
I am a very concerned citizen who believes that the governor's and legislators' resistance to increasing the cost of carbon is very short sighted. The only thing that reliably changes... read more I am a very concerned citizen who believes that the governor's and legislators' resistance to increasing the cost of carbon is very short sighted. The only thing that reliably changes people's behavior in this country is financial incentive. It is actually a very capitalistic and Republican manner of achieving results without the government deciding how it gets done.
TCI does not go far enough to cut carbon quickly, but it is a very important step that can be taken without major economic upheaval. We have endured gas price increases much more drastic than TCI would cause during prior gas shortages or panics. We paid up to $4/gallon not that long ago. When we did, people bought smaller cars and carpooled and used public transit or stayed home more. They had to. That is a price that we should pay now, and use the funds generated to help people who can least afford the price increases to change their mode of transportation and decrease their heating fuel needs. Upgrading vehicles and weatherization for those least able to pay will give them long term economic benefits from the price increases and help VT and the world achieve the needed decrease in fossil fuel use.
If we do not pay the small price now, the cost in disaster mitigation will dwarf the cost of TCI. Even though we are a small portion of worldwide CO2 emissions, Vermont must do its part. Every single portion counts. If we do not do it, everyone may not do it. We all must pay a price for the excesses of the last century or pay a much bigger price later. Delaying aggressive action is like obtaining an extremely high interest loan--it will come due and we will pay for it.
Please approve joining into the Transportation Climate Initiative now.
Thank you,
Donna Smyers |
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1/25/2020 |
Bill |
Christian |
Vermont citizen |
North Bennington |
Vermont |
Cutting gasoline will become a matter of life or death. We will keep using it as long as it's cheap and convenient. That's human nature. We MUST make it more expensive, so people will... read more Cutting gasoline will become a matter of life or death. We will keep using it as long as it's cheap and convenient. That's human nature. We MUST make it more expensive, so people will choose ways to NOT use it. This is life or death for our children's children. Implement this or a simpler carbon tax, and use the revenue progressively to help those hurt most by it, by returning the money straight back to them. Do not use the money for pet climate projects. Because the most effective and fairest measures are chosen by each of us individually. |
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1/25/2020 |
Hillary |
Twining |
Vermont citizen |
Brattleboro |
Vermont |
To Whom It May Concern:
I want to express my enthusiastic support for this multi-state initiative. It is past time to be taking concrete steps - aggressive steps - to address climate change... read more To Whom It May Concern:
I want to express my enthusiastic support for this multi-state initiative. It is past time to be taking concrete steps - aggressive steps - to address climate change. I hope those involved will move ahead quickly and a clear sense of the narrowing window we have to prevent the worst effects of global warming.
Hillary Twining |
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1/27/2020 |
Steven |
Stone |
Vermont resident and voter |
Brattleboro |
Vermont |
This is a bipartisan (multi-partisan) multi state push to reduce fossil fuels in the region (and as a result, reduce greenhouse gas pollution).
This is the way to do it, en mass and in... read more This is a bipartisan (multi-partisan) multi state push to reduce fossil fuels in the region (and as a result, reduce greenhouse gas pollution).
This is the way to do it, en mass and in collaboration with our neighbors.
Of course it's sometimes hard to do the right thing, but I believe this region wide approach to drastically reduce the fossil fuels used in our transportation system is the way to do it.
I won't be able to attend the public hearing on TCI coming up in Manchester Center on January 30th but it is important that my voice is heard.
Now is the time to make commitments.
Thank you
Steven Stone |
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1/28/2020 |
Judith |
Raven |
--None-- |
Shelburne |
Vermont |
I support the TCI. Reducing emissions in the transportation sector is critical to achieving climate goals previously established in Vermont. Revenues raised from the cap and invest program can be... read more I support the TCI. Reducing emissions in the transportation sector is critical to achieving climate goals previously established in Vermont. Revenues raised from the cap and invest program can be used to help residents access more efficient forms of transportation.TCI is modeled on the very successful RGGI cap and invest program. Regional solutions to transportation pollution will be more effective. The TCI will help to create energy jobs in Vermont. |
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1/28/2020 |
Melody |
Stone |
Vermonter |
Dummerston |
Vermont |
Governor Phil Scott please do all you can to support Vermont through this climate crisis we are in by backing your fellow Vermonters by signing off on TCI. Think of our child and our children’s... read more Governor Phil Scott please do all you can to support Vermont through this climate crisis we are in by backing your fellow Vermonters by signing off on TCI. Think of our child and our children’s children. Be the man to make a difference. |
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1/29/2020 |
Michael |
Deering |
Vermont citizen |
Barre |
Vermont |
Vermont, having one of the lowest carbon footprint in the United States, does not need to participate in this program in anyway. This will only increase the cost of living for Vermonters. We can... read more Vermont, having one of the lowest carbon footprint in the United States, does not need to participate in this program in anyway. This will only increase the cost of living for Vermonters. We can no longer afford any more increased taxation in any method. This will only seriously increase the cost of living and negatively impact low and moderate income Vermonters. We cannot afford this. And there is no need. I respectfully request that Vermont not participate in this initiative whatsoever! |
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1/29/2020 |
Thomas A |
Bartlett III |
#NoCarbonTaxVermont |
Jericho, |
Vermont |
There is no "Climate Crisis" or "Climate Emergency"! Stop the fear mongering. Vermont has an "Affordability Crisis" that needs attention. It's time to address... read more There is no "Climate Crisis" or "Climate Emergency"! Stop the fear mongering. Vermont has an "Affordability Crisis" that needs attention. It's time to address what matters most to Vermonters such as lowering the cost of living by eliminating the state pension shortfall and lowering high property taxes and healthcare premiums.
Your TCI is intended to make purchasing transportation fuels so painfully expensive that the astronomically high price discourages people from buying it. In short, consumers will have to pay more at the pump to fund increased government spending. Make no mistake, this is a tax. More precisely, it is a carbon dioxide tax being implemented through a gas tax.
But, unlike motor fuel taxes levied to pay for roads, bridges, and transportation infrastructure (a reasonable fee for use), the TCI would be the equivalent of a “sin tax” – a penalty for engaging in bad behavior. I do not believe that driving to and for work, transporting children to school, transporting goods, going to the grocery store, and all the other necessary activities that generally require a vehicle should be treated by governments as a sin. These are not activities people can, or should be forced to, avoid. |
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1/30/2020 |
John |
McClaughry |
Ethan Allen Institute |
Concord |
Vermont |
Energy TCI Q&A 123119.docx |