TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliation City Statesort ascending Input File
Deborah Crosset Ms Granby Connecticut
I think it is very important to join regionally to make an effective, low-carbon, diverse policy. All of the areas involved are connected so any transportation planning should be done jointly to...
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Susan Eastwood Ashford Clean Energy Task Force Ashford Connecticut
I strongly support the Transportation and Climate Initiative TCI) because we have an urgent need to reduce our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in order to slow the devastating impacts of climate...
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SUSANNAH WOOD citizen of CT NORFOLK Connecticut
First of all, I want to thank Governor Lamont for his part in this initiative. His leadership is so important to achieving a significant reduction in greenhouse gases in our region. With...
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Christian Herb Connecticut Energy Marketers Association Naugatuck Connecticut
February 28, 2020

The Connecticut Energy Marketers Association’s (CEMA) motor fuels members own, operate and distribute gasoline to approximately 1,000 convenience stores in the...
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TCI Final Comments 2_28_20.pdf
Raymond Hinchcliffe n/a East Berlin Connecticut
Governor Lamont,

Thank you for boldly asking CT to focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Because transportation is our states' single largest source of these emissions, I hope...
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Matt Macunas Connecticut Green Bank Statewide Connecticut
Please see the attached program design input, resubmitted from 2/27 with updated signatories.
TCI Comment - CGB, CNBN, UGO, VC.pdf
Sarah Ganga Ms. Norwalk Connecticut
TCI is a once in a generation opportunity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and re-invest funds to much needed transit improvements, including safe and reliable public transportation, electric...
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John Harmon Mr. Danbury Connecticut
I've spent over 50 yrs in the Environmental Safety & Health services and back in 1968 the leading causes of air pollution were fossil fueled electrical generating plants, cars &...
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Micah Zane Baxter Independent Glastonbury Connecticut
If we all went vegan it would be like taking all the suvs cars trains and planes out of the air for a year! No more animal ag, thanks!:)mike
Joey Cifelli Student at Trinity College Hartford Connecticut
As a young person, I know that the climate crisis threatens my future. Adjustment to climate change is no longer a choice, it's a necessity , and we must act immediately to avoid further...
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Kevin Walsh Mr. Madison Connecticut
The enviornment is the most important issue in the whole world.
Kevin Walsh Mr Madison Connecticut
The enviornment is the most important issue in the world right now.
Eliza Caldwell CT resident Hamden Connecticut
Please help us develop our local bus system and long distance train systems. I use the New Haven bus system, and while I appreciate it, more frequent buses and more routes would make buses...
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Ron Nelson Sell solar panels, clean batteries and EV charging stations Fairfield Connecticut
My colonial in Fairfield, CT went solar in 2012. I produce most of the power that I need each year........7,000 kWh per year. I was able to re-finance my mortgage to get the $12,000 to pay for the...
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Tawnie Olson None New Haven Connecticut
I am very interested in seeing:

1 - safer bicycle lanes, preferably with concrete separating the lane from the road. Unfortunately, Northeast drivers are so aggressive that painting a line...
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Orin Robinson Retired Mystic Connecticut
Yes for electric school buses
don mcgregor retired concerned citizen madison Connecticut
I am concerned we have a viable world for our children, their children and all that follow us. We need to take steps to reduce the amount of chemicals we create, put in the air, dump in the...
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Brian Quillia us citizen Southbury Connecticut
While the TCI's work is commendable, I dispute that the proposed regional initiative is the proper path to follow regarding sustainable GHG emissions reductions across vehicle fleets. The...
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Jennifer Kleindienst Self Middletown Connecticut


October 12, 2020

Dear Transportation Climate Initiative Regional Policy...
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2020 10 TCI Feedback.docx
Elizabeth Kiernan Climate concern Ridgefield Connecticut
The collaboration’s purpose is to design a program that will reduce carbon emissions from the transportation sector. This is an important step in the right direction.
