11/27/2019 |
Bruce |
Marsh |
Washington |
District of Columbia |
please see attached comments please see attached comments |
DHL Comments to TCI.pdf |
1/9/2020 |
David |
Addington |
National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) |
Washington |
District of Columbia |
Please see attached NFIB comment letter dated January 9, 2020, on Transportation & Climate Initiative. Please see attached NFIB comment letter dated January 9, 2020, on Transportation & Climate Initiative. |
NFIBcommentsonTransportation&ClimateInitiativeTCI12statesJanuary9of2020.pdf |
1/16/2020 |
Howard |
White |
none |
Washington |
District of Columbia |
Anything we can do to reduce carbon in the atmosphere is good. Anything we can do to reduce carbon in the atmosphere is good. |
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1/16/2020 |
Ray |
Nuesch |
Csaey Trees |
District of Columbia |
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1/16/2020 |
Evelyn |
Fraser |
Parent |
Washington |
District of Columbia |
Pollution from transportation is our largest source of global warming emissions (regionally and nationally).
I want Washington DC to formally join the plan to reduce emissions.... read more Pollution from transportation is our largest source of global warming emissions (regionally and nationally).
I want Washington DC to formally join the plan to reduce emissions.
We must have a policy with a strong component of equity, prioritizing clean investments in areas overburdened by pollution and/or for those who don't have access to good public transportation.
Thank you for moving us forward while the federal government takes us backward. |
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1/17/2020 |
G. G. |
Johnson |
Concerned citizen |
Washington |
District of Columbia |
it is most important to reduce pollution from transportation. it is the primary source of pollution causing numerous health problems as well as deaths. We need the District of Columbia to formally... read more it is most important to reduce pollution from transportation. it is the primary source of pollution causing numerous health problems as well as deaths. We need the District of Columbia to formally join the plan to reduce emissions.We appreciate having a say in this bipartisan project and hope that we will get a result against the wishes and doing of the federal government which refuses to listen to science and doesn't care about the impact of pollution on the country and its citizens. |
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2/21/2020 |
Matt |
Lincoln |
DC resident |
Washington |
District of Columbia |
We need a plan that holds large transportation polluters accountable for the pollution they create and invests in clean transportation solutions! We need a plan that holds large transportation polluters accountable for the pollution they create and invests in clean transportation solutions! |
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2/21/2020 |
Harry |
Anastopulos |
Native Marylander |
Washington |
District of Columbia |
Seriously this is long overdue! Why hasn’t this happened yet? Seriously this is long overdue! Why hasn’t this happened yet? |
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2/21/2020 |
Richard |
Kite |
None |
Washington |
District of Columbia |
“…design a regional low-carbon transportation policy proposal that would cap and reduce carbon emissions from the combustion of transportation fuels through a cap-and-invest program or other... read more “…design a regional low-carbon transportation policy proposal that would cap and reduce carbon emissions from the combustion of transportation fuels through a cap-and-invest program or other pricing mechanism… [and]… to complete the policy development process within one year, after which each jurisdiction will decide whether to adopt and implement the policy.”
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2/21/2020 |
Sarah |
Fichter |
DC resident |
Washington |
District of Columbia |
I am strongly in favor of transportation ideas that will help reduce carbon emissions and offer all of us better options. We need more public transit and electric vehicle infrastructure in rural... read more I am strongly in favor of transportation ideas that will help reduce carbon emissions and offer all of us better options. We need more public transit and electric vehicle infrastructure in rural areas, as well as expansion of commuter rail, electric vehicles, and streets in the suburbs that are safe, walkable, and bikeable, and especially more sustainable and equitable housing near transit and electric bus fleets in urban communities. In our area, traffic is awful and we need more options for people to commute besides yet more roads with more cars. People won't use public transit unless it is reliable, available, affordable, and gets them where they need to go.
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2/22/2020 |
Kathleen |
Robertson |
N/a |
Washington |
District of Columbia |
I support DC joining TCI as a part of our decarbonization strategy. The regional aspect is important particularly in the DMV and it will raise important funding for our transportation needs. I support DC joining TCI as a part of our decarbonization strategy. The regional aspect is important particularly in the DMV and it will raise important funding for our transportation needs. |
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2/23/2020 |
Jessica |
Hartl |
Ms. |
District of Columbia |
I strongly support having a green economy and the Transportation and Climate initiative. I actually do not own a car myself for environmental reasons, and rely on public transport and car sharing... read more I strongly support having a green economy and the Transportation and Climate initiative. I actually do not own a car myself for environmental reasons, and rely on public transport and car sharing to get me where I need to go. Having other initiatives put in place to make our region greener is a good thing. |
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2/24/2020 |
Kevin |
OHalloran |
Georgetown University |
Washington |
District of Columbia |
The TCI program is exactly what the NE region needs in order to meet climate goals and reduce CO2 emissions from the transport sector, the largest sector for emissions in the US. I fully support... read more The TCI program is exactly what the NE region needs in order to meet climate goals and reduce CO2 emissions from the transport sector, the largest sector for emissions in the US. I fully support every member state signing on to the program and hope the states agree to aggressive emissions reduction targets. |
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2/24/2020 |
Sherrie |
Merrow |
NGVAmerica |
Washington |
District of Columbia |
Please see uploaded NGVAmerica comment letter.
Thank you,
Sherrie Merrow
Director, NGVAmerica State Affairs Please see uploaded NGVAmerica comment letter.
Thank you,
Sherrie Merrow
Director, NGVAmerica State Affairs |
NGVA Comments on TCI MOU - Feb 24 2020.pdf |
2/26/2020 |
Zohal |
Khan |
DC |
Washington |
District of Columbia |
Climate change is the biggest issue of our time. Our current public transportation infrastructure in the US is quite lacking. We must build extensive public transportation networks and upgrade... read more Climate change is the biggest issue of our time. Our current public transportation infrastructure in the US is quite lacking. We must build extensive public transportation networks and upgrade existing networks to be carbon neutral. |
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2/26/2020 |
Jordan |
McGillis |
Institute for Energy Research |
Washington |
District of Columbia |
The Institute for Energy Research opposes the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI).
The justification offered for TCI is that greenhouse gas emissions constitute a threat to... read more The Institute for Energy Research opposes the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI).
The justification offered for TCI is that greenhouse gas emissions constitute a threat to the people of the region, but the Draft Memorandum’s assertions are overstated. The Draft Memorandum claims, “climate change poses a clear, present, and increasingly dangerous threat to the communities and economic security of each Signatory Jurisdiction.” But while some portions of the TCI region may be made worse off by climate change, other portions are likely to be made better off. It is widely accepted that cities at northerly latitudes, such as Buffalo, New York, may benefit from a warming climate. It is reasonable to speculate that Buffalo and other municipalities across the TCI region will become more attractive destinations for in-migration and will reap the rewards of increased human capital and weather more conducive to productivity.
Even taking the Draft Memorandum’s climate claims at face value, we must still ask: Will TCI provide relief to the region’s residents? The answer is a resounding “no.”
The numbers presented in the December 2019 TCI webinar show this failure. The TCI slides claim the proposal will reduce regional transportation-sector emissions by between 20 and 25 percent. The same documents cite a reference case—i.e., a scenario without the TCI emissions cap—in which emissions fall by 19 percent. In the no-cap reference case, emissions tally 206 million tons in 2032; in the scenario with the TCI cap set at a 20-percent reduction level, 2032 emissions are 202 million tons—just 4 million tons lower. In the context of the more than 30 billion tons of greenhouse gases emitted globally each year, the climate impact of TCI’s incremental reduction of 4 million tons is too small for measurement.
Meanwhile, the program will remove over $1 billion annually from the regional economy for allowance purchases. This will harm every resident of the region through increased transportation expenses. These costs will not only be seen by motorists in the form of higher fuel prices; urban residents who prefer public transit will also face higher prices, such as for goods transported to the region’s cities by truck. TCI will not confer measurable climate benefits, but it will result in immediate cost-of-living increases for millions of people.
Lastly, with its vague spending mandates, TCI will be fertile ground for corruption and waste. TCI jurisdictions will tax the general population only to dole out the proceeds to politically-favored firms that stand to benefit from TCI investments.
TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Input.pdf |
2/27/2020 |
Connor |
Dolan |
Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association |
Washington |
District of Columbia |
Please see the attached document. Please see the attached document. |
TCI MOU Response FCHEA 2020-2-28.pdf |
2/27/2020 |
Mark |
Kresowik |
Sierra Club |
Washington |
District of Columbia |
The Sierra Club is sharing the attached 38 comments from our members and supporters in the District of Columbia supporting finalizing the Draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) of the... read more The Sierra Club is sharing the attached 38 comments from our members and supporters in the District of Columbia supporting finalizing the Draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) of the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI). Thank you for helping to design a regional policy to limit climate pollution from motor fuels and invest in a modern, clean, transportation future. The evidence is clear: the more we limit pollution from motor fuels, the more jobs are created, the more the economy grows, and the more lives we save. Please sign on to the agreement to implement a strong, equitable regional climate protection policy through TCI. Invest in the communities that have suffered the most from burning gasoline and have the least access to clean transportation options. Stop sending our hard-earned dollars out of the state to oil companies, and choose to create jobs, grow the economy, and save lives for families and businesses. Thank you. |
DC TCI 38 signers 27 Feb 2020.pdf |
2/28/2020 |
Mark |
Borowski |
BP America |
Washington |
District of Columbia |
BP America is happy to provide the attached letter as our input to the TCI draft memorandum of understanding. BP America is happy to provide the attached letter as our input to the TCI draft memorandum of understanding. |
BP Letter on TCI Draft MOU.pdf |
2/28/2020 |
Paul |
Allen |
M.J. Bradley & Associates |
Washington |
District of Columbia |
Please see the attached comments from Exelon Corporation and Public Service Enterprise Group. Please see the attached comments from Exelon Corporation and Public Service Enterprise Group. |
Utility Comment Letter on TCI MOU FINAL.pdf |