1/16/2020 |
Julie |
Bernstein |
The Justice Collaborative |
Dover |
Massachusetts |
We have just had the warmest decade since the collection of weather data began. The frequency and extent of fires across the globe has risen dramatically and storms and floods are also more severe... read more We have just had the warmest decade since the collection of weather data began. The frequency and extent of fires across the globe has risen dramatically and storms and floods are also more severe. This is causing a refugee crisis as people are displaced from their homes or are no longer able to farm. Transportation is a major contributor to the carbon emissions that have caused this disaster. If we do not convert to low carbon emission modes of transportation, we will create a climate that does not support human life and will extinguish many of the species on earth. This reformation of transportation must occur immediately as we have yet to experience full the impact of the carbon emissions that are already present in the atmosphere, additional warming from the levels currently present will continue for many years hence. Our per capita consumption rate is 23 fold that of China. They are the highest carbon emitter and we are next. We must lead the way and dramatically reduce our per capita emissions and transportation is one of several areas that can achieve a substantial reduction. |
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2/17/2020 |
John |
Hall |
The Jonah Center for Earth and Art |
Connecticut |
I won't repeat what others have said. The climate crisis urgently demands that we find ways to live on this planet that reduce carbon emissions and increase carbon absorption. Plus there are... read more I won't repeat what others have said. The climate crisis urgently demands that we find ways to live on this planet that reduce carbon emissions and increase carbon absorption. Plus there are the facts that many people don't drive, can't afford to drive their own cars, suffer from chronic illnesses due in part to lack of exercise, and we are all more or less alienated from the "natural" environment and other forms of life. |
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2/24/2020 |
John |
Hall |
The Jonah Center for Earth and Art |
Connecticut |
On behalf of the Jonah Center for Earth and Art in Middletown and Portland, Connecticut, I am writing in support of the Transportation & Climate Initiative since a significant percentage of... read more On behalf of the Jonah Center for Earth and Art in Middletown and Portland, Connecticut, I am writing in support of the Transportation & Climate Initiative since a significant percentage of greenhouse gas emissions stem from the transportation sector. Furthermore, because our highways are congested by our society’s heavy reliance on single passenger vehicles, we need to help our transportation system evolve to rely more on public transit, active transportation such a bicycles, and reduce the carbon footprint of those vehicles that will be on the roads. Climate change remains a severe threat to human society, but it is no longer just a threat. It is a looming reality. Technical solutions will not save us. Rather, technology and informed public policy and regulations are urgently needed to help us avoid the most severe and sudden effects of climate change. |
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2/10/2020 |
Tim |
Benson |
The Heartland Institute |
Arlington Heights |
Illinois |
File Attached File Attached |
(02-10-20) Heartland TCI comment.pdf |
1/16/2020 |
Paul |
Wilcox |
The Hatchit Marketplace LLC |
Boston |
Massachusetts |
This is much needed. Please make it a priority to also think of ways to reduce congestion on our roads that also contributes to unnecessary emissions. This is much needed. Please make it a priority to also think of ways to reduce congestion on our roads that also contributes to unnecessary emissions. |
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1/5/2021 |
Joel |
LaChance |
The Goatville Cyclesmith llc, New Haven Public Schools (retired) |
New Haven |
Connecticut |
I applaud all the efforts to promoted alternative transportation methods. So much so that I believe education and training in these methods must become part of the curriculum in public schools... read more I applaud all the efforts to promoted alternative transportation methods. So much so that I believe education and training in these methods must become part of the curriculum in public schools, as they are in schools in many other countries in Europe and Asia, as well as Washington D.C.
Cycling specifically, if we hope to see more diverse participation, must be recognized as an essential skill, and included in the physical education curriculum, beginning in kindergarten. There seems to be a serious effort to grow the active transportation culture, that's what schools are for, training the next generation for the challenges they will face. For a healthier more self-reliant republic teach the children to ride bikes and incentivize the practice. |
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4/1/2020 |
Peter |
Cipparone |
The Croft School |
Boston |
Massachusetts |
For the sake of our planet's sustainability and particularly the low-income communities most affected by climate concerns, I absolutely support a cap on emissions. Please participate! read more For the sake of our planet's sustainability and particularly the low-income communities most affected by climate concerns, I absolutely support a cap on emissions. Please participate! |
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2/27/2020 |
Kevin |
O'Neill |
The Conference Exchange |
Cumberland |
Rhode Island |
We should all I favor TCI for many reasons.
We know that the combustion of diesel fuel and gasoline in cars, trucks, and trains is increasing the prevalence of asthma and heart... read more We should all I favor TCI for many reasons.
We know that the combustion of diesel fuel and gasoline in cars, trucks, and trains is increasing the prevalence of asthma and heart disease and is costing millions of dollars in extra healthcare costs. We know that gasoline- and diesel-fueled vehicles are currently the major source of greenhouse gas emissions in Rhode Island. We know they have greatly contributed to our historic emissions of those long-lived pollutants. When products cause public harm, it is sensible public policy to charge the suppliers of those products or to tax the consumers of those products. I favor TCI because it imposes a fee on the suppliers of products that cause public harm.
None of us like sitting in traffic. None of us like hunting for a parking spot. None of us like paying to park our cars in Providence or at the beach. Most of us would prefer fast, frequent, convenient, clean, and affordable public transit to those destinations. We who enjoy bicycling and running do not like riding and running on streets where we are at risk from motor vehicles; we would prefer more, safer, better paths for bikes and runners. A lack of money is keeping us from having the things we would prefer. I favor TCI because it will provide money for better public transit and safer streets and paths.
I favor TCI because it will provide the incentives needed to build the new electric infrastructure we will need and want.
Electric cars are cheaper to operate and maintain, quieter, more convenient, and more fun to drive. Electric trucks and buses will be better neighbors. EVs will soon cost no more than conventional vehicles. And yet, many people have no place they could charge an EV -- not where they work, and not where they sleep. There is a lot of work to be done building that charging infrastructure, and lots of workers will be needed. TCI will help local businesses and local workers.
As an engineer and the founder of a Rhode Island company that employs over 50 people, I know that transitions from one era to another create opportunities for new business growth and new careers. We are clearly in the early stage of a rapid transition in how we generate and use energy. We can continue to bleed billions of dollars a year away to fossil fuel providers outside our state, or we can take sensible steps to wean ourselves off those polluting fuels and facilitate the transition to a cleaner, cheaper, better, more beautiful future. TCI is a sensible step.
Putting a big battery in every garage and driveway will be a good way to soak up low cost energy from solar panels and wind turbines when those generators peak. Increasing electricity consumption will help to lower the cost per kWh. TCI will cause both things to occur faster.
I applaud the public servants and private sector experts who have worked so hard on TCI thus far, and I hope that our legislators and fellow citizens will strongly support the adoption of this new policy.
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6/23/2019 |
Adeline |
Louie |
The Climate Mobilization |
Kensington |
Maryland |
Can we look into instituting similar programs on federal, state, or local levels similar to what California is doing?
http://www.baaqmd.gov/~/media/files/communications-and-outreach/... read more Can we look into instituting similar programs on federal, state, or local levels similar to what California is doing?
a sort of cash for clunkers type program for lower income citizens to encourage trading in ICE cars for plug ins. |
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2/25/2020 |
Anne |
Sturm |
The Barnesville Green Team |
Barnesville |
Maryland |
I live in a rural area with limited pubic transportation therefore I think that TCI is extremely important. I would like to drive less and take public transportation more. When states join TCI,... read more I live in a rural area with limited pubic transportation therefore I think that TCI is extremely important. I would like to drive less and take public transportation more. When states join TCI, they have the opportunity to invest in rural communities where transportation options are limited. Joining TCI would allow Maryland to ensure that rural communities aren’t left behind in the green transition and stuck behind the wheel of costly, inefficient vehicle that are the main source of pollution and green house gasses.. Governor Hogan should push for an ambitious TCI program so that rural communities like mine get the solutions they need. Specifically, we need more Marc train service not just the limited offering of 2020. We need more busses run by clean energy to offer connections to public transportation. We need something like a Monorail service from Shady Grove Metro to Frederick. This is just the area I know about. I know there are lots more.
Since transportation is the largest source of air pollution in our metropolitan regions, we need to build a modern, clean, safe, and accessible and affordable transportation system for the 21st century. Fighting climate change and air pollution requires that we limit pollution from motor fuels. This "fight" will create more jobs , stimulate the economy, and by providing cleaner air save lives. Maryland should join TCI to fund better transportation infrastructure, reduce traffic, and make our state a cleaner, safer place to live.
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11/2/2019 |
Michael |
Chaplin |
Texas Instruments |
Standish |
Maine |
We should not add a tax to gas because it is regressive and hurts low income people the most We should not add a tax to gas because it is regressive and hurts low income people the most |
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11/13/2019 |
test |
test |
test |
test |
Maine |
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11/4/2019 |
Albert |
Gore |
Tesla |
Washington |
District of Columbia |
Tesla TCI Comment 11.4.2019.pdf |
1/17/2020 |
Lynn |
Capuano |
Terrapin Environmental Solutions Inc. |
Port Washington |
New York |
Not only is transportation a major contributor to climate change but it also threatens every individual's health. The young, elderly and those afflicted with lung conditions are at even... read more Not only is transportation a major contributor to climate change but it also threatens every individual's health. The young, elderly and those afflicted with lung conditions are at even greater risk from transportation related pollution. The United State is woefully behind in this arena and needs to move forward with this initiative to bring our transportation systems into the 21st century. |
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1/20/2020 |
Raven |
Gatto |
Terran Life |
Southold |
New York |
Continue to increase momentum and awareness. Every choice we as a species make now is vitally important. Continue to increase momentum and awareness. Every choice we as a species make now is vitally important. |
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2/24/2020 |
Christopher |
Kayes |
Terran Associates |
East Dover |
Vermont |
There are several problems with this initiative as proposed:
1. Overall there is no mention made of how these initiatives this will affect global warming.
2. Because there is no Cost... read more There are several problems with this initiative as proposed:
1. Overall there is no mention made of how these initiatives this will affect global warming.
2. Because there is no Cost Benefit Analysis, there is no way to measure whether any of the policies will have any affect on the goals.
3. For example, how does the TCI proposal impact global temperatures as discussed by Dr. Bjorn Lomborg, who found implementing the Paris accord would reduce global temperatures by 0.05°C in 2100? See https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1758-5899.12295
It is not even possible to measure a change this small, given current technology.
Wouldn't it be prudent to wait and see what is actually happening? Is there any reason at all to formalize something which will certainly have no affect whatsoever on the climate, yet incur great costs on the low and middle income population?
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2/24/2020 |
Stan |
Horwitz |
Temple University |
Philadelphia |
Pennsylvania |
We need to get as many people as possible out of automobiles. One way to do that is by developing a comprehensive bike trail network that allows commuters to get to and from where they need to go... read more We need to get as many people as possible out of automobiles. One way to do that is by developing a comprehensive bike trail network that allows commuters to get to and from where they need to go safely. |
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2/25/2020 |
Meredith |
Hegg |
Temple University |
Clifton Heights |
Pennsylvania |
We need aggressive emissions reductions both to stop the warming of our planet, and to improve public health. Our air quality in Pennsylvania is horrible, and children suffer from high rates of... read more We need aggressive emissions reductions both to stop the warming of our planet, and to improve public health. Our air quality in Pennsylvania is horrible, and children suffer from high rates of asthma and other disorders as a result. Transit also reduces congestion and travel time. Please invest in this tremendous public good. |
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2/12/2020 |
Shoshana |
Brown |
Temple Beth El, Fall River, MA |
Fall River |
Massachusetts |
TCI is a great idea, and a great start towards getting us to carbon neutrality in the next 20 years. This is so important. Be courageous, and unstintingly generous in your thinking about the... read more TCI is a great idea, and a great start towards getting us to carbon neutrality in the next 20 years. This is so important. Be courageous, and unstintingly generous in your thinking about the generations to come - give them a chance! Help the TCI get put into law! |
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12/1/2019 |
Tiana |
Prezas |
Teladoc Health |
Malden |
Massachusetts |
A tax by another name...to steal from Shakespeare, like Mass Government steals from its people. It appears I’ve been elevated to “stakeholder” status when you want to pass this tax in disguise.... read more A tax by another name...to steal from Shakespeare, like Mass Government steals from its people. It appears I’ve been elevated to “stakeholder” status when you want to pass this tax in disguise. Otherwise, I’m unimportant. However, I do have a law degree and passed constitutional law classes. This is a tax imposed on the people without benefit of debate or vote, i.e., taxation without representation. Y’all should be ashamed of yourselves, but I get it, the “woke” climate of today is something you can capitalize on and use it to grab some more money supposedly because you care about the environment. HA! I OPPOSE THE TCI TAX. |
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