TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
Firstsort descending Last Affiliation City State Input File
Andrew Kambour The Nature Conservancy Arlington Virginia
Please see the attached comments from The Nature Conservancy on the framework for a draft regional policy proposal.
TNC Comments - TCI Draft Framework 11-5-19.pdf
Andrew Palange U.S. Citizen Lewiston Maine
NO carbon taxes! NO carbon fees!
Andrew Baumler None Kennebunk Maine
This is nothing more than a regressive tax on the working class without elected officials having any accountability.

This is a sham.
Andrew Macdonald Independent North Kingstown Rhode Island
Andrew Chalnick South Burlington Resident South Burlington Vermont
Scientists are screaming at the top of their lungs that we are in a crisis.

A sample of recent headlines:

“Climate change: Oceans running out of oxygen as temperatures...
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ANDREW LAROCQUE citizen Swanton Vermont
Please understand; I understand what the TCI wants to do and why. What I don't understand is why it has to be on the backs of rural people, like here in Vermont. We need our cars and pickup...
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Andrew Lenton Local 375, District Council 47, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, New York City New York New York
I support the transportation climate initiative. During my 33-year career as a city planner specializing in transportation, i witnessed passage of the Clean Air Act , ISTEA, TEA-21 and other hard...
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Andrew Twaddle Summer resident of coastal Maine Columbia Missouri
My wife and I live almost half the year in East Bootbay, ME. We have been witnesses to the environmental degradation of that region for over 45 years. Much of that has been from dense automobile...
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Andrew Pudzianowski retired - physical/theoretical chemistry Yardley Pennsylvania
As a physical chemist with decades of research experience, I'm very familiar with the molecular basis of greenhouse warming, and with the thermodynamics and fluid dynamics of masses of vapor...
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Andrew Phillips Resident Brooklyn New York
For someone who has lived in Europe, the differences in terms of availability of public transport, especially in rural areas, is very apparent. I'm very pleased to learn about initiatives...
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Andrew Graves USAF Ret Portland Maine
We don't not need Transportation Climate Imitative, it is just one more TAX on or backs bad for Maine and Mainers and companies. Lets put it in the trash where it needs to go
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Andrew Lopez Connecticut College New London Connecticut
Connecticut’s transportation sector is the biggest single emitter of greenhouse gas emissions in the state at 38% of the total. This is a climate crisis, and we must immediately work to reduce...
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Andrew McLaughlin Retired Woodstock Vermont
I believe it is essential thank Vermont adopt the TCI. The time is already past for us to avoid bad effects of our changing climate. Transportation is the hardest part of achieving carbon...
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Andrew O'Donnell Citizen Newark Delaware
Electrification Greenprint

1. Hearts and Minds. Run a campaign to motivate and educate the public about climate change and actions they can take right now (like supporting this...
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New Sparks for Newark's Cars.pptx
Andrew Pearson retired Kittery Point Maine
This is a vital initiative for Maine and other places. Lets get going. It's late!
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Andrew Shapiro Energy Balance Montpelier Vermont
Please sign on to the TCI! Transportation is huge in VTs GHG contributions!!!
Andrew Dick Electrify America, LLC Reston Virginia
Please find attached Electrify America's comments to TCI on the draft MOU and proposed program framework.


Andrew Dick

State Government Affairs Manager...
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2020-02-28 Electrify America Comments to TCI.pdf
Andrew Kambour The Nature Conservancy Arlington Virginia
Please see the attached comments from The Nature Conservancy on the TCI Draft MOU.
TNC Comments - TCI Draft MOU 2-28-20.pdf
Andrew Kambour The Nature Conservancy Arlington Virginia
Please see the attached file for The Nature Conservancy's comments on equity provisions in the TCI program.
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TNC TCI equity comments 12-21-20.pdf
Andrianna Stuart Democrat Clinton Maryland
I am proud that my state, where I was born and raised, is part of this initiative. Maryland, known as miniature America, is one of the most beautiful states. This initiative will allow us to...
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