TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliation City State Input File
Ezra Finkin Diesel Technology Forum Frederick Maryland
We encourage the Transportation and Climate Initiative to consider advanced diesel technologies and biofuels as a partner to achieve greenhouse gas emission reductions throughout the region....
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Travis Wojcik citizen Peabody Massachusetts
MA should invest revenue towards electrifying the commuter rail. Diesel locomotives are loud, polluting, slow, and a relic of the past. Obviously, not all lines could be electrified at once....
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Stacey Beuttell WalkBoston Boston Massachusetts
This comment is in response to the second panel discussion at today's Technical Workshop in Boston that discussed investments that could be made to the transportation system with revenue...
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Sunyoung Yang Trenton resident Trenton New Jersey
The cap and investment and other carbon market trading and offset measures are extremely concerning in these proposals. Net zero emissions framework is also problematic. Low income communities...
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Staci Rubin Conservation Law Foundation Boston Massachusetts
I plan to attend the upcoming stakeholder event on May 15 in Newark, New Jersey. I recommend that the states and Georgetown Climate Center invite Ironbound Community Corporation and the New...
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Donald M. Goldberg Climate Law & Policy Project Chevy Chase Maryland
CLPP comments on TCI.pdf
Mark Kresowik Sierra Club Washington District of Columbia
Thank you, please find attached comments from 39 environmental, health, scientific, transportation, social service, and business organizations committed to advancing modern, clean, accessible, and...
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Advocate Group Comments on 4_30 TCI Workshop.pdf
Marc Breslow Climate XChange Boston Massachusetts
see same attached as a PDF, with graphics



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Climate XChange TCI Comment Letter 5.15.19.pdf
Daniel Gage NGVAmerica Washington District of Columbia
NGVAmerica is the national trade organization dedicated to the development of a growing, profitable, and sustainable market for vehicles and carriers powered by clean, affordable and abundant...
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NGVA TCI comments FINAL 5 20 19.pdf
Alex DePillis Vermont Agency of Agriculture Montpelier Vermont

I'm listening to the 5/23 webinar, and mostly watching the TCI process somewhat from the periphery. Here are my comments and my interest.

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Chandra Parasa LVPC (Lehigh Valley Planning Commission) Allentown Pennsylvania
This is a great policy development initiative by TCI (Transportation & Climate Initiative). This policy development initiative for the northeastern states helps in spreading awareness among...
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Connor Dolan Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Assoc Washington District of Columbia
Attached are some references and studies related to fuel cell vehicles and hydrogen that I believe would be valuable as this initiative continues.

I also wanted to direct you to the...
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TCI Research 2019-2-27.docx
Valerie Blais Citizen Portland Maine
As a citizen of coastal Maine, one the ocean's fastest warming seas,

(already affecting our lobstering industry), and at the "tailpipe" of the nation's carbon emitters...
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Jennifer Kleindienst Citizens' Climate Lobby Middletown Connecticut
My name is Jennifer Kleindienst, a resident of Middletown, CT, a community activist, and volunteer with Citizens' Climate Lobby. I believe that climate change is the most important issue of...
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Hillary Twining private citizen Wilmington Vermont
My name is Hillary Twining and I live in southern Vermont. I work at a local college and have a 12-year-old daughter. I am very worried about climate change. I see the effects all around me, and...
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William Woodward University of New Hampshire Durham New Hampshire
I am Professor of Psychology and I teach Psychology for Sustainability. I have been a member of Citizens Climate Lobby in Durham, NH. Last night I attended a 5-person panel on The Green New Deal....
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Sarah Weck Citizens' Climate Lobby West Chesterfield New Hampshire
My name is Sarah and I am a volunteer with Citizens' Climate Lobby. I live in West Chesterfield, New Hampshire and support a price on carbon. Climate change is the biggest threat humankind...
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James Whalen Citizens Climate Lobby Hudson Massachusetts
My name is Jim Whalen and I live in Hudson, MA. I am an avid cross country skier so I KNOW that climate change is real. I also see violent weather all over the place and I read the science. We...
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Richard Payne Woods Hole Oceanographic Omstitution Falmouth Massachusetts
I am aretired physical oceanographer who has been following the science of climate change for nearly 40 years. I live on Cape cod and, in addition to concern about what sea level rise will do to...
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Blake Cady Climate Action Brookline (CAB) Brookline Massachusetts
Eventually, all transportation must be electrified. A carbon fee and dividend is the most useful method, at

present, to drive this process. Electric cars and busses can be subsidized in by...
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