5/7/2021 |
Heather |
Firth |
Self |
Stafford |
Virginia |
This is important to me. We desperately need cleaner transportation in our area, especially in underserved communities and areas. It is vital they states/regions work together to address... read more This is important to me. We desperately need cleaner transportation in our area, especially in underserved communities and areas. It is vital they states/regions work together to address transportation, air quality, and continuing impacts to climate instability.
I support a strong TCI-P Model Rule that (1) ensures meaningful climate action to address Virginia's largest driver of our climate crisis, (2) directs significant investments to correcting historic inequities in overburdened and underserved communities; and (3) affords Virginia the opportunity for a cleaner, healthier transportation system.
I also call for the TCI-P Model Rule to include (1) a minimum investment amount to ensure overburdened and underserved communities in Virginia receive a greater-then-proportional share of investments from the program, (2) integration of air quality commitments across Virginia, and (3) robust empowerment of Virginia's Equity Advisory Body. |
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5/7/2021 |
Greg |
Singleton |
Virginia resident concerned about climate change |
Springfield |
Virginia |
Transportation emissions are a huge driver of climate change, accounting for nearly half of Virginia’s carbon output, while also emitting toxic air pollution that falls disproportionately on low-... read more Transportation emissions are a huge driver of climate change, accounting for nearly half of Virginia’s carbon output, while also emitting toxic air pollution that falls disproportionately on low-income populations and communities of color.
The Transportation and Climate Initiative Program (TCI-P) is a welcome step forward to addressing this major source of pollution, while steering needed investments in a modern, sustainable transportation system.
Funding provided by the TCI-P could help with ongoing efforts to put more electric vehicles on the road in Virginia along with equitably distributed charging infrastructure across the state.
The TCI-P also presents the opportunity to drive investments in a cleaner transportation system in the communities that have suffered the most from vehicle pollution. While the model rule calls for at least 35 percent of TCI proceeds to go toward frontline, impacted communities, here in Virginia I would hope we go above and beyond that benchmark, investing at least half of our TCI revenue in programs and infrastructure that will lower this disproportionate pollution burden.
I hope this important framework moves forward for the good of our climate, our health and our future. |
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6/15/2021 |
bill |
peabody |
fcta.org |
springfield |
Virginia |
Why not complete the Anna and Surrey nuke sites before raising taxes Why not complete the Anna and Surrey nuke sites before raising taxes |
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5/4/2021 |
Rick |
Drom |
Lawyer |
Spotsylvania Courthouse |
Virginia |
I strongly support efforts to address the existential threat posed by greenhouse gases by an "all of the above" strategy. The stakes are too high for Virginians to be worried about 20%... read more I strongly support efforts to address the existential threat posed by greenhouse gases by an "all of the above" strategy. The stakes are too high for Virginians to be worried about 20% increases in the cost of a gallon of gasoline. To fail to take all possible steps to address climate change is to doom future generations to incurring much higher costs than a $0.50/gallon tax. |
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5/4/2021 |
Tammy |
Snellings |
Virginia resident |
Spotsylvania County |
Virginia |
I am against Virginia joining the Regional TCI I am against Virginia joining the Regional TCI |
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5/4/2021 |
Katherine |
Nicholson |
Spotsylvania County Schools |
Spotsylvania |
Virginia |
I do not agree with this carbon emissions control. Raising the gas prices and cutting fixing the roads by 20% is not solving the problem of climate control. There is a toxic battery in the... read more I do not agree with this carbon emissions control. Raising the gas prices and cutting fixing the roads by 20% is not solving the problem of climate control. There is a toxic battery in the electric vehicles that need to find a safe way to dispose of them. It is no win, win situation. |
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5/4/2021 |
Glen |
Swain |
Virginia resident |
Spotsylvania |
Virginia |
No, this is a terrible idea. One former EPA veteran said of this plan, “In sum, TCI has no environmental benefits but would cost Virginians billions of dollars. That is an ‘all pain and no gain’... read more No, this is a terrible idea. One former EPA veteran said of this plan, “In sum, TCI has no environmental benefits but would cost Virginians billions of dollars. That is an ‘all pain and no gain’ program." No thanks! |
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5/5/2021 |
Paul |
Prager |
Citizen of Va |
Spotsylvania |
Virginia |
The environmental cost creating batteries for the electric cars that will be produced with the money raised is worse than the gas powered cars. Since none of the money will go to supporting the... read more The environmental cost creating batteries for the electric cars that will be produced with the money raised is worse than the gas powered cars. Since none of the money will go to supporting the roads the battery powered cars will drive on where are you going to drive them. This tax hurts everyone |
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5/7/2021 |
Dan |
Bowerson |
Alliance for Automotive Innovation |
Southfield |
Michigan |
Please find attached supportive comments for the TCI-P Model Rule from the Alliance for Automotive Innovation. Please find attached supportive comments for the TCI-P Model Rule from the Alliance for Automotive Innovation. |
Auto Innovators Comments_TCI-P Model Rule_200507.pdf |
5/7/2021 |
Steven |
Thai |
N/A |
South Riding |
Virginia |
Transportation is a large emitter of gasses that contribute to climate change. I'm also tired of the terrible traffic due to a underdeveloped and underfunded public transportation system. The... read more Transportation is a large emitter of gasses that contribute to climate change. I'm also tired of the terrible traffic due to a underdeveloped and underfunded public transportation system. The Transportation and Climate Initiative Program (TCI-P) is a welcome step forward to addressing this major source of pollution, while steering needed investments in a modern, sustainable transportation system. I fully support cleaning up our environment and reducing traffic in the area. Please invest at least half of our TCI revenue in programs and infrastructure that will lower this disproportionate pollution burden. Thank you. |
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5/4/2021 |
Edward |
Darling |
retired |
South Burlington |
Vermont |
Support this inititiative. Support this inititiative. |
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5/5/2021 |
Edward |
Darling |
retired |
South Burlington |
Vermont |
Please pass this long-awaited and much-needed initiative! Please pass this long-awaited and much-needed initiative! |
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5/7/2021 |
Sue |
Gier |
None |
Singers Glen |
Virginia |
l would like for the TCI-P Model Rule to include these three items:
* a minimum investment amount to ensure overburdened and underserved communities in Virginia receive
a... read more l would like for the TCI-P Model Rule to include these three items:
* a minimum investment amount to ensure overburdened and underserved communities in Virginia receive
a greater-then-proportional share of investments from the program,
* the integration of air quality commitments across Virginia, and
* a robust empowerment of Virginia's Equity Advisory Body. |
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4/13/2021 |
Scott |
Wilson |
EV Driver |
Silver Spring |
Maryland |
TCI is not a tax on gasoline and diesel. TCI is a more accurate accounting of the true cost of gasoline and diesel. It is an elimination of the free-ride subsidy gasoline and diesel have enjoyed... read more TCI is not a tax on gasoline and diesel. TCI is a more accurate accounting of the true cost of gasoline and diesel. It is an elimination of the free-ride subsidy gasoline and diesel have enjoyed for years. It’s time for us to stop pretending that using gasoline and diesel has no cost to society: it does.
The funds collected don’t just vanish, either. TCI directs them in a productive way to clean up the transportation system, which benefits us all, and will begin paying off immediately.
Gas prices will not skyrocket. Any increases the distributors pass on will be well below the normal fluctuations we all live with. Even setting the highest cap with 25% reduction will be almost unnoticeable at the pump. Distributors will continue to compete with each other on price. Let the free market rule!
Some say this will have a negligible effect on reducing emissions. This argument assumes a baseline that already has a huge uptake of EV’s, which we are no where close to yet. We should think of TCI as insurance against the mischief and backsliding supported by fossil fuel interests.
It’s time to start being responsible for our actions. |
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5/7/2021 |
Mark |
Eakin |
retired |
Silver Spring |
Maryland |
Transportation is the biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the region, as well as dangerous particulates that cause health problems like asthma. Particulate emissions especially impact... read more Transportation is the biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the region, as well as dangerous particulates that cause health problems like asthma. Particulate emissions especially impact those near major roads, which often include lower income and minority communities. To solve these problems we need to move to a clean transportation system, and a clean-energy economy. TCI-P will greatly help the region do this – it will improve air quality, lower health care costs, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and generate revenue for other environmental initiatives to further accelerate our progress.
I support a strong TCI-P Model Rule that (1) ensures meaningful climate action to address the largest driver of our climate crisis, (2) directs significant investments to correcting historic inequities in overburdened and underserved communities; and (3) affords the opportunity for a cleaner, healthier transportation system. I call for the TCI-P Model Rule to include (1) a minimum investment amount to ensure overburdened and underserved communities receive a greater-then-proportional share of investments from the program, (2) integration of air quality commitments across the region, and (3) robust empowerment of state equity advisory bodies |
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5/7/2021 |
Scott |
Wilson |
EV Driver |
Silver Spring |
Maryland |
This is not a tax on gasoline and diesel! This is a more accurate accounting of the true cost of gasoline and diesel. It is an elimination of the free-ride subsidy gasoline and diesel have enjoyed... read more This is not a tax on gasoline and diesel! This is a more accurate accounting of the true cost of gasoline and diesel. It is an elimination of the free-ride subsidy gasoline and diesel have enjoyed for years. It’s time for us to stop pretending that using gasoline and diesel has no cost: it does.
The funds collected don’t just vanish, either. The TCI proposal directs them in a productive way to clean up the transportation system, which benefits us all, and will begin paying off immediately.
Gas prices will not skyrocket! Any increases the distributors pass on will be well below the normal fluctuations we all live with. Even setting the highest cap with 25% reduction will be almost unnoticeable at the pump. Distributors will continue to compete with each other on price. Let the free market rule!
Some say this will have a negligible effect on reducing emissions. This argument assumes a baseline that already has a huge uptake of EV’s, which we are no where close to yet. We should think of TCI as insurance against the mischief and backsliding supported by fossil fuel interests.
It’s time to start being responsible for our actions. |
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4/20/2021 |
Sean |
Flynn |
Flynn's Truck Plaza |
Shrewsbury |
Massachusetts |
Please see the attached for our comments on Massachusetts and the TCIP Please see the attached for our comments on Massachusetts and the TCIP |
TCIPPublicComments.pdf |
5/5/2021 |
Lisa |
Kent |
Democrat |
Shelburne |
Vermont |
Please, let’s see Vermont join the other states in the TCI-P. It makes so much sense for our environment AND our people. Please, let’s see Vermont join the other states in the TCI-P. It makes so much sense for our environment AND our people. |
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5/5/2021 |
Peter |
Bergstrom |
Concerned citizen |
Vermont |
I feel strongly that the percentage of fuel credit revenue dedicated to equity investments must exceed the percentage of underserved communities in the state. Instead of a flat percentage,... read more I feel strongly that the percentage of fuel credit revenue dedicated to equity investments must exceed the percentage of underserved communities in the state. Instead of a flat percentage, currently 35%, this would ensure that there’s enough money to make meaningful investments in our most vulnerable communities. |
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5/8/2021 |
Michelle |
Chong |
Harvard Extension School |
San Francisco |
California |
Please see attached comments letter. Please see attached comments letter. |
TCI Comments Letter.docx |