TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
Firstsort ascending Last Affiliation City State Input File
Valerie Snyder Private citizen Forest Grove Oregon
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and other northeast states are considering a program that would transform the transportation sector in that part of the country through the Transportation and...
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Valerie Webster Republican Hampden Maine
Stop Maine involvement in TCI. Maine is a rural state and electric cars do not work for us. We are retired and can not afford a gas increase. We drive a pickup as our life style here in Maine...
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Valerie Zandoli NYC citizen Staten Island New York
Please be sure to address emissions of all municipal vehicles especially to include school buses and emergency services’ vehicles.
Val Graffa Maine citizen Hebron Maine
As has been previously stated, this will amount to little more than an additional tax for fuel that the residents of Maine cannot afford. As a predominantly rural state, we do not have the public...
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V.L. Brandt n/a Durham North Carolina
We need dramatic action on climate, and transportation is one area where change can help. Unfortunately, carbon caps are not nearly enough, in part because they are not (or have not been)...
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Ulysses Lateiner concerned resident and commuter Somerville Massachusetts
Transportation pollution is the region and the nation's single largest source of carbon pollution, which threatens the long-term security of every community from the neighborhood scale all...
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Uli Nagel Living the Change Berkshires Lee Massachusetts
The Governor is to be applauded for this approach. We do not have much time left to cut emissions and the price and 'inconvenience' of the consequences are exorbitant. REGGI has shown...
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Tyler Tungate ? Rockville Maryland
I commute a long distance and carpool with my wife who needs a car for her job. While we would love more transit options, and those should definitely be expanded into more suburban and rural areas...
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Tristan Taber University of Southern Maine Hallowell Maine
I live in Hallowell, ME. I care about this because air quality is vital to our health. I support Governor Mills for participating in the regional design process. I hope that the policy design...
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Trina Novak Ms. Needham Massachusetts
I am extremely concerned about the quality of the air we breathe especially with the current administration in Washington, DC rolling back protections and ignoring the science that is available to...
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Trevor Livingston Middlebury Middlebury Vermont
The TCI appears to be a reasonable way to hold states, local governments, and companies who work in fuel industries, accountable for the damage they are doing to the environment. The plan has...
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Travis Wojcik citizen Peabody Massachusetts
MA should invest revenue towards electrifying the commuter rail. Diesel locomotives are loud, polluting, slow, and a relic of the past. Obviously, not all lines could be electrified at once....
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Travis Petersen Citizen Medford Massachusetts

I am environmental scientist in Massachusetts. Thank you for your bipartisan efforts. Climate change is the most pressing issue of our era, one that impacts all aspects of...
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Tracy Dorgan Citizen of the region Kittery Maine
I am completely uncomfortable with the use of the TCI to make political, social, economic decisions and changes without allowing the public to vote either directly via ballot or even via elected...
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Tracy Stein 1999 Mount Kisco New York
I support a strong transportation initiative that helps reduce the carbon emissions that come from the transportation sector (the largest sector). We need bold actions to transition to electric...
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Tracy Feldman Dr. (Mr.) Durham North Carolina
I am an ecologist, educator, father, and concerned citizen of Durham. I would like to make sure that NC is in a strong position to mitigate damages of climate change to the environment and the...
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Tracilee Sullivan Maine resident Wade Maine
This is bull***t on a cracker disguised as a feel good policy to lower carbon emissions. The only thing this does is increase the price of gasoline at the pump for the consumer and it’s not going...
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Traci Pitt-Lavoie Local Government Rangeley Maine
Mainers cannot afford more fuel taxes. I see people on a daily basis struggling to provide basic needs to their families. These sorts of taxes are making survival in this state even harder;...
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Tracey Allen NRCM Scarborough Maine
Northeastern states worked successfully together to tackle power plant pollution through the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), which is supporting energy efficiency and weatherization...
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Tracey Perkins-Bergstrom Republican Monmouth Maine
We are approaching winter in Maine. Any price increase in fuel impacts our economy. We need heating fuel to keep warm and many in the state do not have extra money for this. In addition to heat,...
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