TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
Firstsort descending Last Affiliation City State Input File
Anca Vlasopolos retired Centerville Massachusetts
I'm gratified that a regional approach to reducing carbon emissions is finally on the table. I hope we continue to move forward at a greater speed on solving issues of carbon emission and...
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Anca Vlasopolos Professor Emerita, retired Centerville Massachusetts
TCI Regional Policy Design is our best hope for countering climate change in our very vulnerable state.
Andi Bennett N/A Portland Maine
This is a TERRIBLE IDEA. We moved back to Maine from California because of things just like this. You cannot put your foot on someone's head and expect them not to drown while you hold them...
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andre beausoleil american sanford Maine
no on any increase gas tax you are just making Mainers poorer there is no solid evidence that global warming is man made please do some serious homework and stop funding bias research
andre thebeau concerned citizen fitchburg Massachusetts
TCI is unwanted, un-needed and if it is to be considered must go thru proper legislative channels. These commie back door no vote tactics are an attempt to kill the economic and political fabric...
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Andre Konstant taxpayer Addison County Vermont
Here we go again. A "TAX" on the "rich" that will end up being passed down to the poor via higher costs of everything that requires transportation to get it to your home: not...
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andre beausoleil none sanford Maine
I oppose the gas tax plan to make gasoline prices so high I will be forced to drive less and so that gasoline will “go away”. I oppose the new y. I’m not willing to pay new taxes at the pump. I...
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Andre Mirabelli Old Caucasian Male New York New York
My children are very anxious that we are selling them and their children’s lives down the river for our own current very temporary convenience. What personal responsibility do you yourself have...
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Andrea Lubawy Toyota Motor North America Washington District of Columbia
Alternative fuel vehicles, including hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles, will play an important role in decreasing transportation CO2 emissions in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. Ensuring access...
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andrea kimmich Resident Kennebunk Maine
What makes HUGE sense throughout the state of Maine is investing in the reduction of Tailpipe pollution. First, through no-idling ordinances being imposed (idling uses 2x the amount of fuel as...
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Andrea Grant Independent Fuel Terminal Operators Association Washington District of Columbia
Please find the attached comments.
Comments of IFTOA on Proposed Transportation and Climate Initiative.pdf
Andrea Strout U.S. voter Doylestown Pennsylvania
Our young people are showing us the way--increasingly rejecting cars and driving in favor of public transportation--but the state of our transportation infrastructure is a scandal and a ticking...
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Andrea Pennisi 1959 NYC New York
Andrea Kerin Personal conviction Fairfield Connecticut
I support this initiative. If we are to save our planet from the worst effects of climate change, we need organized efforts like these across many carbon producing sectors. A few important...
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Andrea Cimino private citizen Kensington Maryland
Please help make the Transportation and Climate Initiative have the most impact on the climate and the environment as possible. As a bike commuter and frequent user of mass transit, I want see...
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Andrea Ferguson None Granby Massachusetts
I am concerned about reducing pollution from transportation. I am grateful to Governor Baker for his leadership and request that Massachusetts formally join the program. I ask that leadership...
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Andrei Harabadji Citizen New York New York
It is known that transportation sector is a great contributor to global warming via CO2 emissions. I urge you to invest and promote alternative transportation vehicles like electric and hybrid...
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Andrew Allen Libertarian Unio Maine
This is a raw deal for over 3/4ths of the state of maine i strongly oppose increasing our already astronomical tax burden. I fail to see how raising taxes will accomplish anything but put more...
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Andrew Losiewicz Constatutionalist Westmanland Maine
What is this going to do to offset the other countries who do nothing. What is this going to do to offset on erupting volcano? Maine is a lush green state with more trees than people, someone...
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Andrew Hill Self Augusta Maine
The TCI policy is designed to create a high cost bureaucracy that will fail to impact regional emissions of carbon. This effort in wealth redistribution is a ploy without determining any...
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