TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliation Citysort ascending State Input File
Joe Gallarelli Stakeholder Wilmington Massachusetts
Taxation without representation is unlawful. A "fee" is just a tax in disguise and We the People already voted against another gas tax. STOP the insanity
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Robert Hall The United Methodist Church Wilmington Delaware
Our senior US Senator and former Governor has already called us the "tailpipe of the nation," referring to the noxious emissions that come our way. We have high rates of asthma in our...
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Elaine Schmerling Village of Ardentown Wilmington Delaware
We need more and better public transportation, to reduce pollution and mitigate climate change. Also, our roads are too crowded already, as population is growing, we need more people to take...
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Fred Garvin Private citizen Wilmington Massachusetts
This initiative is such a stupendously bad idea, it's hard to know where to start... Aside from the fact that it will not make any measurable improvement in global CO2 levels and/or the...
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Phyllis Schmidt Ms. Wilmington Delaware
Smaller, local buses into large neighborhoods such as Fairfax. Fairfax people have to walk long distances to the Concord Pike and/or Foulk Road to get a bus to downtown. We could have small...
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Lorie Tudor Unemployed Wilmington Delaware
We need to do everything we can to save our beloved earth from what we are doing to it. Free bus transit is a good idea for my city. We have a lot of walkable streets but probably should assess...
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Blair Ferguson Self Wilmington Delaware
We need a plan that holds large transportation polluters accountable for the pollution they create and invests in clean transportation solutions including:

More public transit and...
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John Irwin Delaware Concerned Residents 4 Environmental Justice Wilmington Delaware
We can cut poverty and pollution at the same time. We urge you to design a regional program that prioritizes the needs of communities overburdened with pollution and underserved in mobility...
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Linda Barnett Interested citizen Wilmington Delaware
As someone highly concerned about climate change and its impact on our planet, I feel we do need to support this. The concept has a lot of flexibility, as I understand it, so that the poor are...
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Kevin Downey Retired Wilmington Vermont
If the States in this Initiative are serious about our commitments to reduce our CO2 emissions, the TCI must include incentives or tax rebates for the oldest of all the Greens, geothermal. It has...
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Clem Dinsmore Climate & Energy Committee, Sierra Club DE chapter Wilmington Delaware
My initial thoughts/questions are attached in the file upload. I welcome discussion of them.
Alan McKnight Resident Willow New York
It is impossible to cut down on vehicle pollution if the community doesn't have mass transit opportunities that are regularly available. Our governments need to encourage development of mass...
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Brian Forrest DSA Williston Vermont
While in another time, many years ago, this would have been a good idea, but we have squandered our time neglecting the climate problem and now the TCI is too little too late. We need a massive...
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Chapin Kaynor Self Williston Vermont
I'm ambivalent... While I believe we must do what it takes to reduce our carbon footprint and a regional (or national) solution is needed, I read the MOU and don't understand how this...
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Kate Lapp VPIRG Member Williston Vermont
Governor Scott,

Please support TCI in Vermont. We will likely already be paying in, because a lot of our fuel retailers are out of state, so we may as well take funds as well....
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Elizabeth Ezerman citizen Williston Vermont
I am retired and this would be a hardship, but I think it is absolutely critical that we start to get a handle on what we pump into the atmosphere.

To borrow from another responder, "...
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WARREN TUCKER DLF Group LLC Willingboro New Jersey
Our team is sharing an emission-free technology with France, Germany, Great Britian, Costa Rica and many more countries seeking to reduce the pollution and particle matter in their environment....
Linda Quinet self Willimantic Connecticut
This is to urge the design of a regional low-carbon transportation policy proposal that would cap and reduce carbon emissions from the combustion of transportation fuels through a cap-and-invest...
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winn wilson CT Resident willimantic Connecticut
As transportation is our largest source of global warming emissions (regionally and nationally), I request that Connecticut formally join the plan to reduce emissions. This policy must have a...
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Linda Quinet none Willimantic Connecticut
The Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) is needed to reduce transportation's heavy impact on pollution.
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