TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliationsort descending City State Input File
Melanie Aloi ? PITTSBURGH Pennsylvania
Reducing pollution from transportation is a key component to reducing Pennsylvania's emissions. Public transit investments that could be made with TCI proceeds would be valuable. Please...
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C. Miller ? Media Pennsylvania
We can cut poverty and pollution at the same time. We urge you to move forward with a regional program that prioritizes the needs of communities overburdened with pollution and underserved in...
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Tyler Tungate ? Rockville Maryland
I commute a long distance and carpool with my wife who needs a car for her job. While we would love more transit options, and those should definitely be expanded into more suburban and rural areas...
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Paul Flynn ? WARWICK Rhode Island
You are kidding me and the people of this state. This TCI is completely ludicrous. I live and work in RI for the state and I drive an hour each way. I drive a 4x4 vehicle cause of snow I’m an RN...
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Christopher Hastings ??? Richmond Maine
Taxes in fuel hurt poor people. It's already hard for us to get to work,and now we're going to be penalized?

Stop it!
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Dennis Aldrich A life long Mainer and taxpayer Norridgewock Maine
Governor Mills and the others on this TCI committee are you all completely insane to put together this fuel tax increase on your constituents that are already burdened with more taxes than some...
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judy jonas a mother, grandmother and wife, worried about the future of our planet bethesda Maryland
We must reduce pollution from transportation - most especially carbon from cars, buses and trucks, which is our largest source of global warming emissions (regionally and nationally). I beg you...
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Ronald Tanzi A RI citizen North Scituate Rhode Island
As a lifelong Rhode Islander I have witnessed the misappropriation of funds obtained through our high fuel tax. The revenue collected is often diverted to the general fund to offset budget...
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Jeffery Gifford A taxpayer Lincoln Maine
Gas prices and taxes are already high enough
NANCY GROSSO AAAS member, mother and concerned citizen NEWARK Delaware
Our transportation system is stuck in the dark ages. Traffic congestion from millions of cars and trucks are polluting our lungs and planet more than ever before. In fact, transportation is our...
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Brad Fulton AC&T Hagerstown Maryland
Funding this endeavor seems to be very costly .

More time to study the pros and cons and getting voter input would make sense .

Jordan Stutt Acadia Center Boston Massachusetts
The 44 undersigned members of Our Transportation Future and additional partners believe the Framework Policy Proposal offers an encouraging path forward for a modern, low-carbon, equitable...
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Joint Comments on TCI Framework 11_5_2019.pdf
Jordan Stutt Acadia Center Boston Massachusetts
Please find the attached letter from 21 participating organizations of the MA TCI Table. The letter includes recommendations from health, business, environmental, transportation, justice, academic...
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MA TCI Table __ Comment Letter to TCI Portal_2_28_2020.pdf
Jordan Stutt Acadia Center Boston Massachusetts
Comments on behalf of 28 members of Our Transportation Future in response to the September 16th webinar on TCI modeling and program design.
Joint Comments on Modeling and Program Design 10_8_2020.pdf
Jordan Stutt Acadia Center Boston Massachusetts
The attached comments on behalf of 172 organizations from across the 13 TCI jurisdictions state our support for an ambitious and equitable TCI program that includes strong safeguards and...
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Regional TCI MOU Comments_10_30_2020_Signatories.pdf
Jordan Stutt Acadia Center Boston Massachusetts
The attached comments are a re-submission of comments previously submitted on 10/30/2020, now on behalf of 200 organizations from across the 13 TCI jurisdictions, stating our support for an...
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Regional TCI MOU Comments_11_12_2020_Signatories.pdf
Eric Knaak activist rochester New York
It is an urgent necessity that we reduce our impact on climate change, and a greener transportation sector is part of that.
Erma Lewis activist Brooklyn New York
I am requesting that my state formally join the plan to reduce emissions. I am demanding that the policy has a strong component of equity by prioritizing clean investments in areas overburdened...
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jennifer valentine activist massa pk New York
I care about reducing pollution from transportation because it is our largest source of global warming emissions (regionally and nationally).

I am requesting that NY state formally joins...
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Lauren Amick Activist New York City New York
This world is suffocating and humans are 100% to blame. The pollution that comes from transportation alone is killing the earth since it is the largest source of global warming emissions. We...
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