TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
Firstsort descending Last Affiliation City State Input File
Chris Imbriglio Mr. Dartmouth Massachusetts
Everyone thought Columbus was nuts when he claimed the world was round. They told him he would fall off the edge of the earth. The world is flat. Co2 does not cause global warming. Proof? Watch...
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Chris Tremblay Independent North Adams Massachusetts
Could someone please explain how giving the Government more money is going to stop Climate Change.

Id ask the dinosaurs but they don’t seem to be talking anymore.
Chris Hazynski Environmental Burlington New Jersey
chris ness none new york New York
please do your best to reduce emissions and invest in the newest, most environmental technology as possible
Chris Ayers Tax Payer Saint Albans Vermont
So is the bill going to increase gas, electric and heating oil based monthly bills for Americans? What is this new technology that will cap certain vehicles emissions? What about my 2010 Dodge...
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Chris Jones Voter Abington Massachusetts
I feel if the government funded the scientists that disagree with the "carbon caused climate change" we would have a true explanation of what is going on with the climate, but that will...
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Chris Sims none Jericho Vermont
As transportation is a primary emitter of fossil fuels, a focus on reducing that is imperative. Localizing economies is a start. Food is a good start to the start. Everyone needs to eat two or...
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Chris Hall Greater Portland Council of Governments Portland Maine
The Greater Portland Council of Governments (GPCOG) represents 25 municipalities in southern Maine from Sebago Lake to Casco Bay. GPCOG also staffs and supports the Portland Area Comprehensive...
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Chris McGhee N/A Scarborough Maine
Do whatever you can to lower emissions. Pennies today aren’t worth destroying our planet tomorrow.
Chris Gassman Resident Loveland Colorado
Transportation is the largest source of air pollution in the region, and we need to build a modern, clean, safe, and accessible transportation system for the 21st century. The more we limit...
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Chris Lomaka Voter Portland Maine
We should update our transportation availability to include electric vehicles everywhere including rail transportation that goes to smaller towns which is then linked with electric vehicles to get...
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chris ness none new york New York
we need to do everything in our power to lower carbon emissions. please do the right thing for our future
Chris Stanton Human being Rutledge Pennsylvania
Money we invest should be in reducing use of carbon fuels, not in producing carbon fuels. Transportation is one of the biggest sources of greenhouse gasses. Give people ways to get themselves and...
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Chris Yoder self Baltimore Maryland
I write asking you to take action so that the people of Maryland and the Mid-Atlantic states can gain the benefits of a free-market economy. Greenhouse gas pollution is an economic externality....
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Chris & Dorothy Beeuwkes None Mercer Maine
Just another family extremely concerned about global warming and the necessity of adapting to a less fossil fueled based and a more efficient lifestyle...

Your efforts to develop clean...
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chrissy adamowicz NRCM Brunswick Maine
I support making our communities far safer for bicyclists and pedestrians. Walkability and bikeability should be high priorities.
Christiaan Beeuwkes Citizens Climare Lobby Mercer Maine
Electric vehicles offer many advantages:

*No polluting emissions of CO2 (and CO!), no oxides of Nitrogen, carbon soot or oily “blow-by.”

*Less maintenance: fewer moving parts...
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Christian Herb Connecticut Energy Marketers Association Cromwell Connecticut
I am submitting comments for you to consider as a resident and taxpayer in Connecticut to express my concern about the potential that a cap and trade program will have on our customers, employees...
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Christian Herb Connecticut Energy Marketers Association Naugatuck Connecticut
February 28, 2020

The Connecticut Energy Marketers Association’s (CEMA) motor fuels members own, operate and distribute gasoline to approximately 1,000 convenience stores in the...
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TCI Final Comments 2_28_20.pdf
Christiane Graham Member, Environmental Justice Ministry, Cedar Lane Unitarian UniversalistChurch Kensington Maryland
As a person of faith, I believe that we have to support life on Earth and stop the 6th Extinction.

To that end we have to reduce our deadly carbon emissions. Transportation is responsible...
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