TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliation City State Input Filesort descending
Sarah Brown Mrs. Kittery Maine
Maine people deserve safe, clean, modern transportation solutions that are affordable, reliable, and reduce air pollution.

We need transportation solutions that deliver real economic,...
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Cynthia Dechenes MaineHealth Brunswick Maine
I support climate and transports initiatives!
Jeramie thomas 1987 GLENBURN Maine
Patrick Kelliher Propane Gas Industry Gordonsville Virginia
Oppose Initiative to Ration and Eventually Ban Fossil Fuels in Virginia

Blossman Gas Inc of Gordonsville VA which employs 14 people is strongly opposed to the "framework for a draft...
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Rob Hoffman Resident Edgecomb Maine
I’m asking you to work for bold changes to the outdated infrastructure in New England. Utilizing existing rail infrastructure and supplementing it with public owned light rail and electric busses...
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Gerhild Paris Citizen Falmouth Maine
Jack Widness none Wilmington Vermont
I am strongly supportive of what the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) states are developing as a regional policy for low-carbon transportation. With accelerating climate change/warming...
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Kathleen Small Blossman Gas Gordonsville Virginia
• As the number of electric vehicles grows, petroleum marketers will likely have to battle for a share of the electric vehicle charging market with utility companies that see EV charging as a new...
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Richard Phelps Carroll Fuel and High's Stores Towson Maryland
My company operates in Maryland as well as parts of Delaware, Virginia and Pennsylvania. I am Not in favor of the Transportation Climate Initiative as it sets out a framework that imposes an...
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James Burde Teiki Design Studio Jericho Vermont
I support TCI as a way toward a stronger economy, equity for low-income and rural Vermonters, and a reduction in carbon pollution.
Anne Novosel mileski Ms. Belchertown Massachusetts
I look forward to better public and side walks and road conditions for public transportation, the ability to walk or bike to the belchertown court house, library, senior center, grocery store and...
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Melanie Ceresna Blossman Gas Inc Gordonsville Virginia
Colby Gahagan Resident Biddeford Maine
I find it completely irrational that the govenor would even entertain the idea of raising prices on gas when the cost of living in most of maine is getting preposterous. I'm a 24 year old...
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Nancy Hamor Select your title South Burlington Vermont
Get serious. The climate Crisis and our infrastructure crisis are not going to fix themselves. It is time to do something that will provide a means to a proactive, positive change for my...
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kevin leveret unaligned white river jct Vermont
Stop d**king around with carbon pricing & cap-and-investment, and push for a comprehensive Green New Deal (we are too deep in the 6th mass extinction to settle for band-aids).
Tim Quinn Boston Environmental Bel Air Maryland
The proposal outlines a program that will cap the sale of gasoline, tax it, and then require the revenue generated to be spent on new government programs and projects that will further reduce the...
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Don Cummings Citizen South Burlington Vermont
This is an excellent proposal. I urge Vermont’s Governor Scott to support an aggressive program to fight the Climate Crisis
Matthew Cota Vermont Fuel Dealers Association Montpelier Vermont
The Transportation Climate Initiative sets out a framework that imposes an unfair burden on all vehicle owners and thousands of businesses.

I am opposed to the TCI plan as outlined...
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Dianna McKeage Concerned Citizen Trenton Maine
Please keep working towards greener transportation and climate controls for Maine's citizens. We need to be the change we wish to see in the world. Creating carbon emission caps on...
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Greta Warren Maine Conservation Voters Augusta Maine
Our outdated transportation system is Maine’s largest source of climate pollution—and it doesn’t even meet the needs of Maine people.
