TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
Firstsort descending Last Affiliation City State Input File
Carole Maclure None Olney Maryland
Transportation and climate change will both benefit from the Transportation & Climate Initiative.Please support this necessary action.
Carole Smudin none Bridgewater Massachusetts
we need clean air, please
Carole Plumb citizen Wayland Massachusetts
I support the TCI both to attempt to brake humanities collision course with climate upheaval and to reduce congestion with sensible transportation options.
Carolin Schellhorn Saint Joseph's University Ardmore Pennsylvania
We must reduce greenhouse gas emissions as quickly and as much as possible. This should have happened a long time ago. At this point in time, we are facing a climate emergency.
Caroline Carver n/a New York New York
The climate crisis is the most urgent issue of out time. We need to drastically cut greenhouse emissions, with a large part coming from transpiration. I support the Transportation and Climate...
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Caroline Carney None Philadelphia Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania should join this initiative. It is mandatory that we reduce carbon emissions and pollution from cars and trucks. It is imperative that policies are made to reduce greenhouse gas...
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Caroline Whyte Feasta: the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability Cluny Other-International
For the public record

February 28, 2020

Please accept these comments on the Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI) Framework for a Draft Regional Policy Proposal. We are...
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Caroline Herritt Citizen CUMBERLAND Maryland
Maryland should make a make a firm commitment to adopt a regional transportation policy that achieves a minimum 40 percent reduction in transportation sector climate pollution by 2030, to keep us...
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Carolyn Weaver Mothers Out Front Bedford Massachusetts
I live in Bedford, MA and am a member of Mothers Out Front, actively working to fight climate change for the future of our children. This measure must set a price high enough to effectively...
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Carolyn Bryant Concerned citizen Brunswick Maine
I urge Maine to support the multi-state Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI). TCI could bring significant economic, environmental, and health benefits to Maine communities. By redirecting some...
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Carolyn Steglich Slippery Rock University Harrisville Pennsylvania
It is vital that our transportation policies reflect the reality of our world. The transportation sector is a major contributor to climate change and to air pollution. There have been many days...
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Carolyn Barker Concerned citizen ALDIE Virginia
I am concerned about our climate and we need to take immediate action to reduce pollution from transportation, which is our largest source of global warming emissions (regionally and nationally)....
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Carolyn Letvin Letvin Design Plainville Massachusetts
Please Reject the Senate Climate Change Package!

I'm asking you to reject the Senate Climate Change Package consisting of bills S 2477 , S 2478 , and S 2476. This type of...
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Carolyn Britt Ipswich Planning Board Member Ipswich Massachusetts
Transportation is such a large part of the use of fossil fuels. The TCI is a way to start on addressing the problem. PLEASE, start on this. We must.
Carolyn Barker self ALDIE Virginia
We must do everything we can to stop impacting our climate. Please do all you can to create and enact a strong Transportation and Climate Initiative to protect our planet for the future. All forms...
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Carolyn Rhoads Private Citizen Denmark Maine
I am a citizen of Maine who supports the transition to green energy and I want Maine to belong to the Transportation and Climate Initiative. The most important issue facing all of us is climate...
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Carolyn Clark Pierson SUNY Delhi Treadwell New York
I wonder how this could affect rural communities like my own. Perhaps by developing a ride share program that would actually function? (We have had many discussions and a few failures over the...
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Carrie Harvey Ms. Hermon Maine
Do you have what it takes to inspire and initiate change, to save the sole capsule that has kept our ecosystem balanced, providing the one thing to ALL that realy matters? Life.

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Carrie Richards Socialist Manchester Connecticut
Please do not include road widening projects in the transportation bill. The focus should be on public transit and making towns more walkable and bike-able. We need to take real and meaningful...
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Carrie Swank Mrs Sinking Spring Pennsylvania
Reducing pollution from transportation is a key component to reducing Pennsylvania's emissions. Public transit investments that could be made with TCI proceeds would be valuable. Please...
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