TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliation Citysort descending State Input File
Launa Zimmaro League of Women Voters of Massachusetts Boston Massachusetts
With the 3rd largest GDP in the world, this regional plan to reduce emissions from the transportation sector would be transformative.The League has supported clean air as a necessary condition for...
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Ethan Evans U.S. Public Interest Research Group Boston Massachusetts
On behalf of U.S. PIRG, I am submitting comments in support of TCI from 874 of our members across the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic region.

The Transportation and Climate Initiative is an...
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USP TCI Signatures.pdf
LAURA SPARK Clean Water Action Boston Massachusetts
Attached is an updated version of a letter/comments from the Massachusetts Campaign for Clean Energy Future, with additional signatories added.
TCI Sign on letter_0.pdf
Hannah Gibson Ms. Boston Massachusetts
We should do this! Climate Change is an existential threat to humanity and this is a once in a generation opportunity to address it!
Eleanor Fort Green For All Boston Massachusetts
Please see the petition below and attached 196 signatures from across the TCI region. These can be added to the previous 298 signatures we submitted in November which had signed onto the same...
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TCI Petition Delivery_2020-02-27 - Sheet1 (1).pdf
Staci Rubin Conservation Law Foundation Boston Massachusetts
Please see the attached joint comments of 44 signatories throughout the TCI region regarding equity and equitable investments, including our recommendations for the final memorandum of...
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Equity & Investments Joint TCI Letter 3.20.20.pdf
Scout Perry Citizen Boston Massachusetts
I'm writing in support of this carbon capping policy. I think it's a good step forward not only for the health of local communities, but for the planet as a whole in the fight against...
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Peter Cipparone The Croft School Boston Massachusetts
For the sake of our planet's sustainability and particularly the low-income communities most affected by climate concerns, I absolutely support a cap on emissions. Please participate!
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Jordan Stutt Acadia Center Boston Massachusetts
Comments on behalf of 28 members of Our Transportation Future in response to the September 16th webinar on TCI modeling and program design.
Joint Comments on Modeling and Program Design 10_8_2020.pdf
Kasia Hart Metropolitan Area Planning Council Boston Massachusetts
Attached, please find a letter from the Metropolitan Area Planning Council regarding the proposed equity provisions for TCI.
2020-10-09_TCI Equity Letter_Final.pdf
John Carlson Ceres Boston Massachusetts
Please see attached sign-on letter
2020 Master TCI Employer Support Letter 10.8 .pdf
John Carlson Ceres Boston Massachusetts
Please see attached CT-specific sign-on letter
CT_2020 TCI Employer Support Letter.pdf
John Carlson Ceres Boston Massachusetts
Please see attached DC-specific sign-on letter.
DC_2020 TCI Employer Support Letter.pdf
John Carlson Ceres Boston Massachusetts
Please see DE-specific sign-on letter.
DE_2020 TCI Employer Support Letter.pdf
John Carlson Ceres Boston Massachusetts
Please see MA-specific sign-on letter
MA_2020 TCI Employer Support Letter (2).pdf
John Carlson Ceres Boston Massachusetts
Please see MD-specific sign-on.
MD_2020 TCI Employer Support Letter.pdf
John Carlson Ceres Boston Massachusetts
Please see attached ME-specific sign-on letter.
ME_2020 TCI Employer Support Letter (1).pdf
John Carlson Ceres Boston Massachusetts
Please see attached NC-specific sign-on letter.
NC_2020 TCI Employer Support Letter.pdf
John Carlson Ceres Boston Massachusetts
Please see attached NJ-specific sign-on letter.
NJ_2020 TCI Employer Support Letter (1).pdf
John Carlson Ceres Boston Massachusetts
Please see attached NY-specific sign-on letter.
NY_2020 TCI Employer Support Letter.pdf
