TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
Firstsort descending Last Affiliation City State Input File
Bradley Cox Stakeholder High Bridge New Jersey
Clean mass transit is an imperative!!!!
Bradley Kennedy University of Copenhagen Brattleboro Vermont
I recently returned to the US after nearly three years living in Copenhagen. European cities have already solved the problem of bicycling, so let's not try to reinvent the wheel. How do you...
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Brady Fergusson None Rochester New York
Regionally, we need high speed trains like those used for many years in Asia and Europe. We also need to make sure that commuter trains run on schedule so they are convenient for people to use -...
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Brenda Moot NRCM Winterport Maine
I support the TCI, the Transportation Climate Initiative. Why?

Because transportation accounts for 54% of Maine’s climate-changing pollution.

So, let’s clean it up with the...
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Brenda Uhler concerned resident Landisburg Pennsylvania
I am pleased to learn of the Transportation and Climate Initiative for states in the Northeast, the Mid Atlantic and DC to work together to reduce pollution from transportation. Since fuel...
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Brenda Norris concerned citizen Brookhaven Pennsylvania
We need more options in public transportation if we are going to make progress in cutting automobile emissions. This means traditional buses and trains, but also safe walking and biking paths...
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Brenda Murphy Independent North Andover Massachusetts
What we need, and we need it now is a many pronged approach to reverse Climate Collapse.

Gas, Coal, Fracking & Oil, in all their forms, are a deadly addiction, we can no longer afford....
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Brenda Campbell Mrs Rochester New York
We need a much faster and efficient means of getting from one state to another, especially in the Northeast part of our country. In doing so we will also be able to help save our planet by...
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Brenda Bean citizen Montpelier Vermont
Dear Gov. Scott, please join the TCI. It is an important opportunity for Vermont to take responsible, effective action to address our unsustainable use of fossil fuels. Vermonters will end up...
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Brendan Havner N/A Hoboken New Jersey
Reducing pollution from transportation is a key component to reducing New Jersey's emissions. Public transit investments that could be made with TCI proceeds would be valuable in terms of...
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Brendan Williams PBF Energy Washington District of Columbia
Attached are PBF Energy's comments in response to the draft Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) regarding the Transportation & Climate Initiative (“TCI”), as proposed by the Georgetown...
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20200228 PBF TCI Cmts FINAL.pdf
brent crisci ME AUGUSTA Maine
I would rather NOT be taxed an additional .20 a gallon for gasoline by 2022

i have owned maine business for over 30 years

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Brent Abare Vermont Groton Vermont
What is the cost to Vermont to participate? How will the State generate the revenue to pay for it? vr Brent Abare
Bret Polish Teacher Tarzana California
I want a cap on carbon emissions of at least 99% by 2032 and an an increase in the minimum investment in overburdened and underserved communities (>99%). I request that investments be put...
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Bret Polish Teacher Tarzana California
I want a cap on carbon emissions of at least 99% by 2032 and an an increase in the minimum investment in overburdened and underserved communities (>99%). I request that investments be put...
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Brett Barry Clean Energy Charleston South Carolina
CE Comments on TCI Draft Proposal.pdf
Brett Andrews University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
I am wholeheartedly in favor of encouraging the use of Pittsburgh city buses for commuting by reducing travel and wait times. I would also like diesel buses replaced with electric ones (both city...
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Brett Barry Clean Energy Charleston South Carolina
Thank you for the opportunity to provide the attached comments.


Brett Barry
TCI Draft MOU Comments 2-28-20.pdf
bri siepmann citizen saco Maine
Maine is not a big booming state. we work to afford the lives we live, and we can’t afford these ridiculous proposed travel price increases. our governor needs to take her ego down a notch, get...
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Brian Englishman Protect Our Winters Portland Maine
