TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
Firstsort descending Last Affiliation City State Input File
Thomas Edmonds Mr. Christiansburg Virginia
Dear TCI,

Thank you for the opportunity to comment.

I would like to see incentives for going electric on all transportation vehicles. Electric cars and trucks (18 wheelers included...
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Thomas Scahill MA Resident Somerville Massachusetts
I support the Transportation and Climate Initiative, and I applaud the governments of the affiliated states and DC for working together to make a meaningful reduction in greenhouse gas emissions....
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Thomas Grant WCSU Bridgewater Connecticut
It just makes sense to convert as much transportation to electric as possible. Not only environmentally but financially in the long run.
Thomas Burtnett None Stirling New Jersey
We must take every opportunity to improve public transportation and reduce our contamination of the atmosphere. I support this plan and urge you to do so too.
Thomas Miller Mr. Dillsburg Pennsylvania
public transportation thruout the state is desperately needed!
Thomas LeCrone Interested Citizen who was a stakeholder in a ground level ozone stakeholder group Lancaster Pennsylvania
I learned from serving on a ground level ozone stakeholder group that our weather patterns REQUIRE regional initiatives in order to be effective. Such regional efforts are the only way that we...
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Thomas McCartney McCartney & Associates Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
I'd like to express support for the Transportation and Climate Initiative. Reducing pollution from transportation is a key component to reducing Pennsylvania's emissions. Public transit...
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Thomas Mead SGPA NEW HAVEN Connecticut
The Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) is a once in a generation opportunity to bring a critical mass of people, their elected representatives and public and private institutions together...
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Thomas Hughes Energy Independent Vermont Montpelier Vermont
Where TCI came from and where it can take us

This spring, Governor Phil Scott will have the opportunity to strengthen the economy, promote equity, and protect the environment by...
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Thomas O'Brien Sierra Club Potomac Maryland
I strongly support the Transportation and Climate Initiative. Consideration should be given to a 'fee and dividend' program that would return at least some of the money generated to...
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Thomas White Mr Silver Spring Maryland
Clean air is beyond politics. Act now to ensure the future of a healthy environment.
Thomas Matuszko Berkshire Regional Planning Commission Pittsfield Massachusetts
See attached letter
BRPC TCI Comments - 11.27.20 -Final.pdf
Thomas A Bartlett III #NoCarbonTaxVermont Jericho, Vermont
There is no "Climate Crisis" or "Climate Emergency"! Stop the fear mongering. Vermont has an "Affordability Crisis" that needs attention. It's time to address...
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Thomasin Kellermann none/concerned private citizen Cumberland Rhode Island
Please make sure that the Initiative is robust and includes plans that can be implemented immediately, so that communities can see the benefit of the Initiative in a timely manner. Please make...
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Tia Simon Mrs. Gorham Maine
100% of everyone's efforts is necessary to divert the remaining climate crises. This isn't something we should think about. This isn't something we should consider or deliberate on...
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Tiana Prezas REPUBLICAN Malden Massachusetts
This is unconstitutional taxation without representation. I oppose this and hate my state and its corrupt leaders more every day.
Tiana Prezas Teladoc Health Malden Massachusetts
A tax by another steal from Shakespeare, like Mass Government steals from its people. It appears I’ve been elevated to “stakeholder” status when you want to pass this tax in disguise....
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Tierney Lyons Self Honesdale Pennsylvania
Reducing pollution from transportation is a key component to reducing Pennsylvania's emissions

Public transit investments that could be made with TCI proceeds would be valuable...
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Tiffany Haverfield N/A Boston Massachusetts
TCI is a once in a generation opportunity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and raise much needed revenue to modernize our transportation system on a regional scale. Unreliable transit is taking...
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Tiffany Haverfield N/A Boston Massachusetts
We can cut poverty and pollution at the same time. We urge you to move forward with a regional program that prioritizes the needs of communities overburdened with pollution and underserved in...
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