TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliation City State Input Filesort ascending
Allison Molinaro NRDC Mt. Tabor New Jersey
I fully support New Jersey's participation in the Transportation and Climate Initiative. I am hoping the initiative will provide more frequent, faster, and cheaper trains, expand bus lanes...
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David Rice Citizen, Maryland Master Naturalist (hobby) Port Republic Maryland
Greetings, as a citizen who is concerned with the local and global environment, I am writing to support the Transportation Climate Initiative. Just in the last week, I've seen news articles...
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Keith Mcclure Electrician who works and drives distances for a living Buxton Maine
If gas is taxes more or increased, then Maine economy will collapse. Most people drive from very rural areas to make the living they need to survive. This would largely impact everyone. Including...
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David and Kathy Hooke Landowner - Building contractor - town leader Vershire Vermont
Dear Governor Scott -

I strongly urge you to add Vermont to the TCI.

You have seen the analysis that monetarily Vermont stands to gain more than it will lose. These are compelling...
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Bobbie Wells Concerned citizen, Sierra club, CCAN Easton Maryland
Transportation and Climate Initiative -Less pollution, healthier lives

Reducing Pollution and Transforming Our Transportation System

Transportation is now the largest source of...
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Alex Peterson Rutgers Highland Park New Jersey
Reducing pollution from transportation is a key component to reducing New Jersey's emissions. Public transit investments that could be made with TCI proceeds would be valuable. Leaders need...
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Thaddeus Cline Retired Westminster West Vermont
I have problems with my property here Vt. Ticks, poison ivy, 7 invasive species of plants, 4 invasive species of bugs. And my state is going to loose much more now this coming spring to more...
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Karen Matheson Sierra Berlin Maryland
I'm in support of the Transportation and Climate Initiative to provide cleaner transportation that I believe is necessary to address the issue of climate change.
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Liz Feighner HoCo Climate Action Laurel Maryland
Transportation is now the largest source of climate disrupting carbon pollution in Maryland and across the country and we need to act quickly to reduce emissions. As a owner of an EV and hybrid...
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Raymond Hinchcliffe n/a East Berlin Connecticut
Governor Lamont,

Thank you for boldly asking CT to focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Because transportation is our states' single largest source of these emissions, I hope...
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Marc Knapp Sierra Club Annapolis Maryland
Climate change is an existential threat to our country, our civilization, our world. The carbon dioxide that we, collectively, pump into the atmosphere year after year is a major cause of climate...
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John Kester USA citizen, resident on this one earth. Silver Spring Maryland
Maryland should make a make a firm commitment to adopt a regional transportation policy that achieves a minimum 40 percent reduction in transportation sector climate pollution by 2030, to keep us...
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Marcia Hart 350MA/Elders Climate Action Gloucester Massachusetts
I am for a regional transportation initiative but with reservations, as the devil is always in the details. Since 40% of emissions come from this sector, it is critically important to develop...
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Marcy Murray South Burlington Energy Committee South Burlington Vermont
As a city energy committee volunteer and concerned citizen, I urge Vermont leaders to join the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) instead of falling victim to short-term thinking....
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I feel that further taxing fossil fuels is very counter productive. I think the US and the world would be much better served if we simply eliminated incentives and tax cuts for the production and...
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Gabriel Desmond Middlebury College Middlebury Vermont
I’m a young person. I’m afraid of climate change. It’s time to do something.

The Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI) is Vermont’s chance to do just that: take a meaningful...
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Scott Bates Fuel Company Owner Stacyville Maine
I own and operate a small business in Maine. To service our customers we travel many miles per year on our fleet of vehicles. Maine is already at a competitive disadvantage due to our...
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Sam Swanson Ascension Lutheran Church, Vermont Interfaith Power & Light, volunteer for So.Burlington Energy Committee South Burlington Vermont
I recommend that Vermont join the Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI) that is being developed for states in this northeast region of our country.

We now know that climate...
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Olga Kostreski Nursing student Silver Spring Maryland
The global warming has become a big change that is noticed all over the world! My family in Europe, completely agrees that each year it just keeps getting warmer and warmer. Random storms appear...
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Mary Swedlund Franklin County Climate Crisis Committee Deerfield Massachusetts
Good Afternoon, I take my responsibility to reduce the damage we are doing to this planet very seriously. And so I support transportation remediation since inefficient means of transportation...
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