2/28/2020 |
Stephen |
Soule |
Washington |
District of Columbia |
Washington Gas, which has about 765 vehicles in its fleet, supports the growth and development of − and transition to − low-carbon transportation fuels, including geologic and renewable natural... read more Washington Gas, which has about 765 vehicles in its fleet, supports the growth and development of − and transition to − low-carbon transportation fuels, including geologic and renewable natural gas (RNG).
There are several factors that motivate the company’s support. For one, medium and heavy-duty vehicles contribute a disproportionate amount of pollution in urban areas throughout the country, and in many cases are the most significant contributors to ozone pollution and smog. (footnote 1) This is not because cleaner technology does not exist, but rather because cleaner technology is not being deployed in effective numbers.
Converting medium and heavy-duty vehicles to natural gas can bend the emissions curve immediately, providing a ready-now, proven and highly cost-effective solution for a low-carbon transportation future. Compared to diesel, for example, natural gas engines fueled with geologic natural gas reduce CO2 and GHG emissions by at least 12%. (footnote 2)
When fueled by RNG, CO2 and GHG emissions can be reduced by up to 331%. (footnote 2)
Cap-and-invest program resources invested in natural gas technologies would significantly and immediately benefit all communities by maximizing the displacement of older, higher emitting medium and heavy-duty vehicles.
Washington Gas knows firsthand the value of NGV in its ongoing commitment to implementing sustainable business practices in how it manages its own operations, and that includes adopting NGV for its fleet.
In fact, in 2011, four years prior to the Paris Agreement, Washington Gas set 2020 targets for GHG reductions for its fleet and facilities, and to lower the carbon intensity of the gas it delivers. The company exceeded those goals in 2016. Washington Gas then announced new, updated targets for 2025, including carbon neutrality for its fleet and facilities by 2025.
Currently, the company has 289 NGVs, which equates to 38% of its current fleet. By adding dedicated Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and bi-fuel CNG vehicles to the fleet, and by taking active measures to manage fleet emissions, Washington Gas has significantly reduced the annual per vehicle emissions intensity for its fleet.
Washington Gas also monitors liquid fuel usage in bi-fuel vehicles to ensure drivers are utilizing CNG as their primary fuel source, and it monitors the liquid fuel gallons that are displaced by CNG usage each year. The company has seen an increase in this displacement as its CNG fleet has grown and CNG fuel usage awareness has gained traction throughout the company.
1 https://www.ngvamerica.org/environment.
2 Dependent upon RNG source. Reductions of 45% up to 331% compared to diesel; values based on CARB LCFS program data under CA-GREET 3.0.
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3/6/2020 |
Adam |
Winer |
Consumer Reports |
Washington |
District of Columbia |
Apologies for the late submission. The comments from Consumer Reports are provided at a file attachment. Thank you for the opportunity to comment, and for considering our input.
- Adam... read more Apologies for the late submission. The comments from Consumer Reports are provided at a file attachment. Thank you for the opportunity to comment, and for considering our input.
- Adam Winer, Consumer Reports |
Consumer Reports Comments on Draft TCI MOU.pdf |
3/19/2020 |
Daniela |
Ochoa |
DC Sierra Club, Ecomadres Maryland |
Washington |
District of Columbia |
We desperately need a Climate Regional Policy. Now more than ever we need to LIVE, Live our values, take a LEAP and boost ASAP our smarth growht initiatives with clean energy transportation... read more We desperately need a Climate Regional Policy. Now more than ever we need to LIVE, Live our values, take a LEAP and boost ASAP our smarth growht initiatives with clean energy transportation systems, investing in electric vehicles and charging infrastructure, clean public, transportation, walking and biking mobility. Please let me know if you still receive this comment, thanks you! |
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9/30/2020 |
Drew |
Stilson |
Environmental Defense Fund |
Washington |
District of Columbia |
EDF respectfully offers the attached comments and recommendations to the Transportation and Climate Initiative in response to the information presented on the September 16 webinar. Thank you for... read more EDF respectfully offers the attached comments and recommendations to the Transportation and Climate Initiative in response to the information presented on the September 16 webinar. Thank you for your consideration of these comments. |
EDF Comments on September 16 TCI Webinar.pdf |
9/30/2020 |
Patrick |
Kelly |
Washington |
District of Columbia |
See attached. See attached. |
API Comment to TCI 9.20.pdf |
10/15/2020 |
Tom |
Quinn |
na |
Washington |
District of Columbia |
Please show leadership by taking the following measures:
1. A cap on carbon emissions of at least 25% by 2032
2. An increase in the minimum investment in... read more Hi:
Please show leadership by taking the following measures:
1. A cap on carbon emissions of at least 25% by 2032
2. An increase in the minimum investment in overburdened and underserved communities (>35%)
3. Request that investments be put towards active transportation like better sidewalks, bicycle infrastructure, and high quality public transit
Thank You,
Tom Quinn
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11/12/2020 |
Patrick |
Kelly |
Washington |
District of Columbia |
See attached. See attached. |
API Comment to TCI 11.20.pdf |
11/20/2020 |
Peter |
La Fountain |
BlueGreen Alliance |
Washington |
District of Columbia |
Please find attached comments from the BlueGreen Alliance, the Labor Network for Sustainability, and the New Jersey Work Environment Council, regarding proposed TCI equity commitments. Please find attached comments from the BlueGreen Alliance, the Labor Network for Sustainability, and the New Jersey Work Environment Council, regarding proposed TCI equity commitments. |
BGA LNS NJWEC TCI Comments.pdf |
10/27/2019 |
Rodney |
Corey |
Mr |
Washburn |
Maine |
Pushing for electric vehicles only transfers emissions from tailpipes to smoke stacks of power plants and battery factories that have other pollution issues is no solution. Mills is blind to the... read more Pushing for electric vehicles only transfers emissions from tailpipes to smoke stacks of power plants and battery factories that have other pollution issues is no solution. Mills is blind to the real issues facing Mainers. We are a large rural state in a cold climate and T.C.I. is a ridiculouse idea that can only have a negative impact on the People of Maine. |
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1/18/2020 |
Rodney |
Corey |
Mr |
Washburn |
Maine |
I am 100% against the TCI proposal. It will impose an undue burden on Maines lower and middle wage earners in rural areas for the benifit of the large urban areas of southern Me. I am 100% against the TCI proposal. It will impose an undue burden on Maines lower and middle wage earners in rural areas for the benifit of the large urban areas of southern Me. |
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12/20/2019 |
chris |
zangari |
Unaffiliated |
Warwick |
Rhode Island |
This is a classic regressive tax. I oppose the TCI. This appears an attempt to supplement the budget shortfalls of Rhode Island which are significant. This significant gas tax will... read more This is a classic regressive tax. I oppose the TCI. This appears an attempt to supplement the budget shortfalls of Rhode Island which are significant. This significant gas tax will disproportionally hurt lower income citizens who have limited budgets and can not afford to purchase a new hybrid or electric vehicle. I will support both financially and with my vote, candidates that openly and firmly oppose the TCI. |
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12/22/2019 |
none |
Rhode Island |
No to any new or expanded gas tax. No to any new or expanded gas tax. |
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12/22/2019 |
Bradford |
Patten |
Independant |
Warwick |
Rhode Island |
Taxes on climate is a farce, a way to steal money from the taxpayer. If its carbon that you have an issue with plant more trees! Seriously this climate debate is a lie, it was global cooling then... read more Taxes on climate is a farce, a way to steal money from the taxpayer. If its carbon that you have an issue with plant more trees! Seriously this climate debate is a lie, it was global cooling then global warming make up you minds and stop lying about what this tax really is. We don't need government to regulate gas, once the people have spoken listen or face being voted out. |
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12/23/2019 |
Jon |
Howland |
Voting Citizen and Taxpayer |
Warwick |
Rhode Island |
Being in the Technologies allows me to be in direct contact with many in the Science Community. As far as I have learned, there is no climate issue presently, except for evidence leaning toward a... read more Being in the Technologies allows me to be in direct contact with many in the Science Community. As far as I have learned, there is no climate issue presently, except for evidence leaning toward a cooling climate due to an present and oncoming solar minimum. Your carbon concerns are your own and not validated by evidence. I refuse to have my hard-earned money be wasted by such blatantly political and frivolous projects. Most of the People I know are also not fooled by your un-scientific claims. Do not even try to tax We the People for any more of your unproven hypotheses. There is a growing intolerance for such foolishness. If you want to waste your time and money on your pet projects, feel free to solicit voluntary donations to your cause. forget about trying to tax us for them. If you do, you do at your own peril. We are looking at such behavior as extortion, and robbery. Keep that in mind . . . |
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12/23/2019 |
CAPT Donald P |
Galamaga USN Ret |
Retired US Navy Ship Command Qualified Officer |
Warwick |
Rhode Island |
Weather and its relationship to long term Climate Change dynamics have always been a subject of professional interest and application for me during my active service with the United States Navy... read more Weather and its relationship to long term Climate Change dynamics have always been a subject of professional interest and application for me during my active service with the United States Navy and in retirement in matters of communication with similarly interested colleagues and community members, including members of the Rhode Island House of Representative and Senate and local City Council members as it related to shoreline degradation and change and changes in the characteristics of our waterways. I am seriously concerned that much of the advocacy of persons with public administrative and political policy responsibilities have, too often identified with activities more focused on "consensus" rather than knowledge acquisition both directly and indirectly to the causes and effects of weather and long term climate results and trends and cycles. Unfortunately, for Rhode Island, the TCI Regional Policy design finds itself as completely unsatisfactory for the people of this state and needs to be rejected outright. Our Governor may have good intentions but she has been misled by the politicization of a topic which recommends a directions which may well rebound negatively to the economic and well being environment of RHode Island residents and visitors. Recent former NASA scientists and climate professionals have, in an macro set of analyses, that actions and directions as indicated by the TCI policy design begin to have a deleterious effect when about one third of the actions undertaken begin to have a negative macro effect on various carbon creation remediation activities, increasing rather than decreasing the overall carbon footprint based on the realistic need for reliable energy generation to support expansion of alternative energy activity. Additionally, this effect then expands to log kinds of trend proportions, meaning that attempts to reduce this effect until alternative energy balance is achieved costs even more than replacement benefit intended. The cost to taxpayers and ratepayers and mobile replacement remediation replacement would be enormous, again, even if only one third of the TCI policies were implemented. Recall, that tax benefit already exists to support commercial viability of alternative mobile and energy operations. The windmill experiment is supported by an infinite cost of operation escalator to keep viable. At the same time, climate claims about the albedo of the earth are being placed into doubt as the sun seems to have moved into its cooling posture and plate tectonic movements now are causing some scientists to indicated that waters are not rising in some costal venues. Rather subsidence of large portions of plates may be the cause of "deeper" waters. These conclusions need long term analysis and warn that consensus oriented policies regarding climate need much further studies before the first penny of added taxation or fees are dedicated to what in reality is consensus exaggeration. This is critical, in that, in Rhode Island, long term neglect of the infrastructure of the state has resulted in poor bridges, dams, public buildings and schools, not to mention health care facilities and the need for alternative rail and road access to places like Hartford, CT, which is going thru an economic renewal. The current TCI policy supporters have been luuled to sleep by some who claim that energy production needs from oil and natural gas are on their way out. tell that to the citizens of Middletown and Newport and some of Portsmouth. In 2019, we have a the smallest state in the union which does not have 100% residential access to natural gas lines or water lines that have been renewed or electric transmission lines that leak badly. Much need to be done now before RI decides to go on a radical "consensus" exploration. Very bad, Governor. Time to examine what benefit we get from regional committees who have done nothing for the state to have full flowing access to traditional energy, some of which leaks from Boston ports that get very cold or hot weather LNG from Russia. Time to stop this foolishness. The governor is on her way out and appears to be seeking camaraderie with public political endeavors that her party presidential candidates are highlighting to the public, it seems with not much success. Stop this endeavor. It is wrong. |
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1/5/2020 |
Dennis |
Allen |
Independant |
Warwick |
Rhode Island |
This is an assault on American freedom.
RI government is out of control.
We have the freedom to move out of this state,
RI state of delusion. STOP...STOP....STOP
This is an assault on American freedom.
RI government is out of control.
We have the freedom to move out of this state,
RI state of delusion. |
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1/5/2020 |
Donald P |
Galamaga |
Retired |
Warwick |
Rhode Island |
With a state that has deliberately placed itself in the current position as the most costly energy rates and related state taxes (as the state and cities and towns are high energy consumers) this... read more With a state that has deliberately placed itself in the current position as the most costly energy rates and related state taxes (as the state and cities and towns are high energy consumers) this proposal is both absurd but another step to further repress the economy of Rhode Island and its citizens and retirees. Our population decline demonstrates that clearly. Mismanagement of the state pension fund has precipitated an ill conceived freeze of paid for COLA's to those already retired precipitating a decline a normal sources of modest income to the state economy while union cronies of the governor got consecutive pay raises for four years from the General fund that was not financed. What is going on in this poorly managed state? Political ambition and throwing the most vulnerable under the bus. Tell the General Assembly that the Point Judith fund purchase by the state pension fund should be cancelled immediately on the grounds that such commitments can be cancelled fro a "reasonable public purposes" and mandate the state sports betting contract be rebid competitively to stop financing crony jobs while the state fails its fiduciary obligation to balance its budget and finance its pension fund to long term retirees, all from the proceeds of this sports betting venture. The TCI nonsense must be eliminated now as membership in the regional group that came up with this foolishness has never redounded to the benefit of RI. We need a new pipeline of natural gas to get cheap Marcellus Shale gas and tell Governor Cuomo that NY is restraining trade to access the shale gas, costing RI billions of annual dollars every year, preventing the state from becoming a port to export this gas also overseas. This proposal feed the anachronistic and radical environmental thinking the Governor and some members of the General Assembly are advancing. Stop this travesty now. Revive the state economy by rejecting the TCI and adopting the policies suggest herein now. |
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1/6/2020 |
Ned |
Murtha |
independant |
Warwick |
Rhode Island |
I oppose the TCI gas tax plan to make gasoline prices so high that I will be forced to drive less, and so that gasoline will “go away.”
I oppose the new TCI policy. I am not... read more I oppose the TCI gas tax plan to make gasoline prices so high that I will be forced to drive less, and so that gasoline will “go away.”
I oppose the new TCI policy. I am not willing to pay major new taxes at the pump, I find that economically unsound and a detriment to all RI residents. I do not think there will be a significant environmental benefit, possibly no benefit at all.
I want to be free to choose the transportation mode that is best for my family and my community. Government should not try to control my behavior with mandates like the TCI Gas Tax. It is a extremely regressive tax, hurts the poor has no effect on the rich, and is huge mistake!
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1/7/2020 |
Mary |
Forcino |
Citizen |
Warwick |
Rhode Island |
This tax is a ridiculous fraud, fueled by money grubbing grifters like Gina Fraudmondo an TCI. This tax is a ridiculous fraud, fueled by money grubbing grifters like Gina Fraudmondo an TCI. |
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1/8/2020 |
Joe |
Rachiele |
Tax Payer |
Warwick |
Rhode Island |
This tax is yet another unlawful burden on taxpayers. RI does not have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem and instituting a penalty for driving won’t solve that, or your supposed “... read more This tax is yet another unlawful burden on taxpayers. RI does not have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem and instituting a penalty for driving won’t solve that, or your supposed “Climate Change” |
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