11/4/2019 |
Kate |
Childs |
Transporter |
Meriden |
Connecticut |
I am submitting comments for you to consider as a resident and taxpayer in Connecticut to express my concern about the potential that a cap and trade program will have on our customers, employees... read more I am submitting comments for you to consider as a resident and taxpayer in Connecticut to express my concern about the potential that a cap and trade program will have on our customers, employees, business and the environment.
The plan seems to be geared toward converting millions of gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles to electric vehicles (EVs).
While EVs may be an apparently attractive way to lower emissions, we urge that greater consideration needs to be given to a number of factors that will have an impact on jobs, the economy, property values, electric reliability, emissions and family-owned businesses.
Please consider the following points and recommendations so that they can be incorporated into the final draft of the TCI:
• TCI needs to be very cautious about advantaging regulated electric monopolies that already benefit from antitrust protection and a guaranteed rate of return. According to the website Utility Dive (https://www.utilitydive.com/news/california-new-england-will-significantly-miss-2050-carbon-targets-at-curr/564726/), "Just to meet this load that comes from electrifying transportation and buildings, you have to add an electricity sector that's equal to the current electricity sector" – which is a huge gift to utility investors. Are utilities doing such a great job that they deserve these government handouts (Eversource is rated below California’s PG&E in 2019 by the American Customer Satisfaction Index)? Our business cannot compete with utilities coddled and protected by government unless, we get equivalent protection and subsidies to create a level, competitive playing field.
• With the goal of putting million’s EVs on the road, TCI should have ISO New England and the other grid operators fully evaluate the impact that this would have on the electric grid. An article published by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) indicates that one EV can consume as much electricity as a home does. And as noted, we need to double power generation to meet the state’s carbon goals, an unlikely feat that will result only in supply shortages. The unintended consequence of the government heedlessly jumping onto the EV bandwagon will be rolling blackouts, with power loss to critical infrastructure such as schools, businesses, emergency responders, hospitals and nursing homes.
• The ISO’s should add to their evaluation the impact of state policies promoting electric heat pumps on the electric grid, which could require an additional 17 million MWH of power annually. TCI must understand the impact that their program has on other initiatives also looking to utilize more electricity. TCI is not operating in isolation and has the responsibility not to operate in the dark either, and ensure that electric reliability is not compromised.
• Although EVs are considered a low- or zero-emission vehicles, they are only as clean as the electricity that charges them. Connecticut is heavily reliant on natural gas to generate electricity and becoming more dependent on it as nuclear generation in the region is retired. Natural gas (methane) is more than seventy times as potent a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, and combusting natural gas also emits carbon dioxide. According to the Department of Energy, an EV produces 4,362 lbs of CO2e per year (https://afdc.energy.gov/vehicles/electric_emissions.html)– that’s almost two tons – hardly emissions-free, and that doesn’t even consider the CO2 resulting from their manufacture. TCI needs to fully understand the lifecycle impact of EVs and the source of the fuel that electricity is being generated from before EVs are designated as “clean”. It is intellectually and environmentally dishonest to claim that electricity is clean when ISO New England today (10/29/19) reports that just 8% of electric generation is renewable and 53% is generated with natural gas. Methane’s impact on climate change is an inconvenient truth. A recent study commissioned by the Connecticut Chapter of the Sierra Club (https://issuu.com/ctsierraclub/docs/hartford__ct_mobile_methane_leak_su) found that in Hartford, CT alone, gas pipelines leak approximately 43,000 cubic feet per day, or 313 metric tons per year. That is equivalent spilling and not cleaning up 320 gallons of diesel per day (or 117,000 gallons per year). Just because you can’t see natural gas leaks, it doesn’t mean that they are not there and that they are not doing environmental damage. According to Gale Ridge, PhD, a scientist and researcher on the Sierra Club study, “In a one month period, we found about 700 leaks in Hartford. Over a one-year period covering the same area, PURA reported 139 leaks. Even recognizing that some of the leaks we found are known to PURA, that’s about a 5-fold difference. We believe that CNG may be missing a large percentage of its leaks.”
• Connecticut motorists are already paying the highest gasoline taxes in New England and the 11th highest tax in America. Connecticut also has the highest diesel tax in New England and the 9th highest tax in America. Any proposal that increases the cost of fuel in our state will disproportionally harm low-income motorists and businesses when compared to states that do not participate in TCI. According to the Natural Resources Defense Council "Low-income, households of color, multifamily and renting households spend a much larger percentage of their income on energy bills than the average family." An across-the-board energy tax is therefore "regressive," i.e. "African-American and Latino households and renters in multifamily buildings who pay a disproportionate amount of their income for energy" will be greater impacted by such a tax than average- or high-income earners. Moreover, low-income families will have less means to change their energy use to lower-taxed fuels, which are prohibitively expensive to convert to. TCI needs to consider the impact of their program on low- and fixed-income families who will not be able convert to EV’s.
• Presumably, the purpose of TCI is to change consumption behavior in Connecticut and the region. But we’ve seen huge variations in energy commodity prices that haven’t affected consumption. EIA, for example, shows that gasoline consumption in Connecticut in 2015 was the same as in 2011, despite prices being more than $1/gallon less. Energy consumption is inelastic. Even if TCI is successful in increasing cost of fuel, the data clearly demonstrate that people will be paying higher prices for fuel and not curb consumption. Further inflation will result as the price of every product sold in Connecticut increases as merchants and manufacturers increase prices to account for TCI. Either that, or people will vote with their feet and leave the state or region.
Finally, even if TCI resulted in changes in consumption behavior in Connecticut, such changes will have no impact on climate change. As reported in U.S. News & World Report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessment Report claims that even if the U.S. as a whole stopped emitting all carbon dioxide emissions immediately, the ultimate impact on projected global temperature rise would be a reduction of only about 0.08°C by the year 2050. China and India will dominate global carbon emissions for the next century, and there’s little the U.S., let alone Connecticut can do, to affect this. A Princeton University study likewise predicted that even if all countries stopped emitting CO2 entirely, the Earth would continue to gradually warm, before cooling off.
I ask that TCI take all of these issues into consideration before they decide to move forward.
Please don't make a long term decision on the SHORT TERM view that EV's are the best option for the climate. HUGE investments may prove to have been foolish down the road. There are always new technologies developing especially those in the renewable world that do NOT rely on fossil fuels AT ALL! To convert to EV's which rely mainly on Natural Gas is a short term view!! Think of future generations not just a short term feel good plan.
Thank you.
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5/3/2019 |
Sunyoung |
Yang |
Trenton resident |
Trenton |
New Jersey |
The cap and investment and other carbon market trading and offset measures are extremely concerning in these proposals. Net zero emissions framework is also problematic. Low income communities... read more The cap and investment and other carbon market trading and offset measures are extremely concerning in these proposals. Net zero emissions framework is also problematic. Low income communities and people of color are living in some of the highly trafficked routes where freight and manufacturing storage processing industries have been emitting high levels of toxins for years in the region. Any offset scheme would further concentrate the actual amount of air pollution for environmental justice communities and be detrimental to our lives. Environmental justice groups in CA have attested to this reality after going through their own climate initiatives--the offset market abroad has led to devastating consequences for Indigenous folks in the Amazon getting kicked out of their land for carbon forestry REDD+ credit market while EJ communities in CA living next to major freight corridors, Chevron/Texaco oil refineries, and other polluting industries have seen co-pollutants concentrated while also carbon emissions have gone up. No community benefit from any EJ or equity funds generated through market trading of carbon credits will alleviate the increased health risks from further pollution by these trading schemes. Please take this provisions out and concentrate on real policy strategies that will reduce in every part of this region carbon and other toxic co-pollutants. The emissions cuts have to be absolute and not a switch and bait tactic. Offsets and trading are false solutions with tremendous consequences for human rights violations and endangering our community health while giving us a false sense that we are actually reducing emissions when we're not. Electrifying freight and transport has been done in other regions and along with other initiatives in RGGI to convert our grid into real renewables (not nuclear or clean coal) we can make the emissions targets. Carbon trading will never get us to the emissions reductions while creating more disaster in the process. |
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11/8/2019 |
Lauren |
Bailey |
Tri-State Transportation Campaign |
New York |
New York |
The Tri-State Transportation Campaign's comments on the TCI draft framework are attached. read more The Tri-State Transportation Campaign's comments on the TCI draft framework are attached. |
TCI TSTC Comments 11.5.19.pdf |
10/16/2020 |
Lauren |
Bailey |
Tri-State Transportation Campaign |
Trenton |
New Jersey |
Please find attached a group of New Jersey-based organizations' comments regarding the proposed equity commitments and other considerations for TCI. read more Please find attached a group of New Jersey-based organizations' comments regarding the proposed equity commitments and other considerations for TCI. |
Comments on TCI roundtable equity comments (1).pdf |
10/25/2019 |
Truro Climate Action Committee, a town board, but I speak on my own behalf |
Massachusetts |
How about a gas tax or road toll set up in such a way that it doesn't hurt low income people? People could be required to furnish income information, and businesses required to furnish... read more How about a gas tax or road toll set up in such a way that it doesn't hurt low income people? People could be required to furnish income information, and businesses required to furnish information about their size, when applying for a transponder. And everyone who currently has a transponder could be required to furnish that information. Then, people over a certain income and businesses over a certain size could be tolled at a higher rate. The transponders could even be required to buy gas. Or a simpler method would be to apply a flat gas tax, and then return dividends to everyone who report low incomes on their taxes. |
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12/21/2019 |
Vermont |
Transportation is the big unaddressed source of carbon. let's go get it! read more Transportation is the big unaddressed source of carbon. let's go get it! |
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12/2/2019 |
John |
Mudrock |
Tufts Medical Center Community Care |
Lynnfield |
Massachusetts |
I am strongly opposed to this hidden gas tax that is AGAINST THE PEOPLE'S WILL AND VOTE. This tax bill is a work around
as it should have originated in the State House of... read more I am strongly opposed to this hidden gas tax that is AGAINST THE PEOPLE'S WILL AND VOTE. This tax bill is a work around
as it should have originated in the State House of Representatives and is being considered with ZERO INPUT from the voters or stakeholders.
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2/23/2020 |
Cheryl |
Alison |
Tufts University |
Worcester |
Massachusetts |
Travel within Massachusetts, particularly commuting into Boston, has become something of a regular nightmare. We travel several times a week between Worcester, MA, where we live, and Boston or... read more Travel within Massachusetts, particularly commuting into Boston, has become something of a regular nightmare. We travel several times a week between Worcester, MA, where we live, and Boston or Medford, MA where we teach at Tufts University's different campuses.
My partner takes the train; I drive due to disability issues that make it hard to walk to the train and walk from the train to work. The train is quite expensive, and he has a few times been caught very late getting home (sometimes more than an hour) because of issues with the trains or tracks. Driving sometimes takes a considerable amount of time due to congestion; we worry about the possibility of traffic accidents, given the high rate in the area.
Both of us would prefer if there were faster, more reliable, cheaper transportation. It would be amazing if there were a higher-speed train that did not cost around 25 dollars to take it to Boston and back.
I'm not sure what the exact right answer is, but I know that Massachusetts must lean hard into investing in its infrastructure if we are to sustain increased population growth and a thriving economy. Otherwise, our roads will become more jammed and our air worse. Tempers will continue to flair (Masshole should not be a term!). Why not plan for the future with a state-of-the-art railway? If there were better park-and-ride options here in Worcester, I might be able to partake.
Lots to consider. The only wrong thing to do is nothing.
Thank you for your time! |
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2/26/2020 |
Melinda |
Fields |
Turtle Ledge Farm |
Hampton |
Connecticut |
Time is running out - climate change is upon us. To lessen the extreme effects we need to do all we can at the state and regional levels to change the business as usual mindset and lower... read more Time is running out - climate change is upon us. To lessen the extreme effects we need to do all we can at the state and regional levels to change the business as usual mindset and lower emissions. High speed rail and commuter lots, charging stations, tax credits for EV's and electric buses all would help with the transition. |
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2/28/2020 |
Gail |
Watson |
U of Maine |
Cambridge |
Maine |
I can't afford an increase of 17 cents in the gas tax. I can't drive 30% less than I already do. My husband and I have not taken any vacation trips, not even in local... read more Governor,
I can't afford an increase of 17 cents in the gas tax. I can't drive 30% less than I already do. My husband and I have not taken any vacation trips, not even in local Maine for fiive years. I can't drive 30% less to work. I already only shop on days I go to work. We can't now afford gas to go to the Fryeburg Fair or go to movies in Bangor or take a leisurely drive for fun. We bought a car that was smaller to save on gas. Electric vehicles, besides being untenable in cold winter months, are not better for our environment. Not in their manufacture nor in the disposal, something the car manufacturers don't care about and green non conservatives have not even thoroughly considered.
Your plan will sink the Maine economy. Our vacationland will become a wasteland of unemployed people.
Make your budget balance by spending less, just as we rural Mainers must, or you will be spending less time as Governor. |
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2/21/2020 |
William |
Forrest |
U. of Rochester |
Rochester |
New York |
Transportation using fossil fuels is poisoning our atmosphere with CO2 and methane. There is already too much of those gasses in our atmosphere, and it's leading to very damaging Climate... read more Transportation using fossil fuels is poisoning our atmosphere with CO2 and methane. There is already too much of those gasses in our atmosphere, and it's leading to very damaging Climate Change. We must combat this by developing cleaner ways to achieve facile transportation for all. Gas powered automobiles are a leading cause of this atmospheric pollution, and they must be phased out rapidly. We need to replace them soon. Using airplanes within the USA for transportation is also becoming unsustainable. We need fast electric powered trains to minimize their use. Look to Europe for answers to these questions. |
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2/21/2020 |
Dacy |
Boyd |
U. S. Citizen |
Wyncote |
Pennsylvania |
I am interested in having more public transportation and the north-east could benefit by having cleaner air and safer ways to travel. The Transportation and Climate Initiative can also support our... read more I am interested in having more public transportation and the north-east could benefit by having cleaner air and safer ways to travel. The Transportation and Climate Initiative can also support our response to the dangers and risks posed by climate change. Please support this initiative. |
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11/12/2019 |
Andrew |
Palange |
U.S. Citizen |
Lewiston |
Maine |
NO carbon taxes! NO carbon fees! NO carbon taxes! NO carbon fees! |
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1/9/2020 |
Peter and |
Hewett |
U.S. Navy |
bristol |
Rhode Island |
I strongly oppose implementation of the TCI. It is legislation thru regulation. I have no interest or desire to have my taxes or cost of operating my automobile determine or controlled by regional... read more I strongly oppose implementation of the TCI. It is legislation thru regulation. I have no interest or desire to have my taxes or cost of operating my automobile determine or controlled by regional bureaucrats. Any initiative that will result in increasing fuel costs to taxpayers ought to be undertaken directly by local and state elected officials who are ultimately accountable to the voters. Legislators who delegate to regulators or agency bureaucrats do so only to duck personal accountability and assure themselves (in their minds) of plausible deniability when it comes to assessing blame. |
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2/27/2020 |
Ethan |
Evans |
U.S. Public Interest Research Group |
Boston |
Massachusetts |
I have attached joint comments on the Transportation and Climate Initiative Draft MOU from U.S. PIRG, Environment America, and their state affiliates in the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic region. I have attached joint comments on the Transportation and Climate Initiative Draft MOU from U.S. PIRG, Environment America, and their state affiliates in the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic region. |
USP_EA Joint TCI Comments.pdf |
2/29/2020 |
Ethan |
Evans |
U.S. Public Interest Research Group |
Boston |
Massachusetts |
On behalf of U.S. PIRG, I am submitting comments in support of TCI from 874 of our members across the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic region.
The Transportation and Climate Initiative is an... read more On behalf of U.S. PIRG, I am submitting comments in support of TCI from 874 of our members across the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic region.
The Transportation and Climate Initiative is an opportunity for our state to reduce fossil fuel emissions and invest in clean transportation, like electric cars and buses, charging infrastructure, sidewalks/bike lanes, and regional rail.
We urge you to move forward with TCI, and require that the revenue generated by the program is used to expand clean transportation. There are simply too many cars on the road -- leading to increased asthma rates, traffic congestion problems, and a warming climate.
In particular, we'd like TCI funds to go towards zero-emission electric buses, EV charging infrastructure, expanded and improved bike lanes and regional rail, as well as tax rebates toward private EV ownership.
USP TCI Signatures.pdf |
1/16/2020 |
Andrea |
Strout |
U.S. voter |
Doylestown |
Pennsylvania |
Our young people are showing us the way--increasingly rejecting cars and driving in favor of public transportation--but the state of our transportation infrastructure is a scandal and a ticking... read more Our young people are showing us the way--increasingly rejecting cars and driving in favor of public transportation--but the state of our transportation infrastructure is a scandal and a ticking carbon bomb. Enough. It is past time to invest in clean transportation, and 100% clean energy overall. |
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11/18/2019 |
Colin |
Murphy |
UC Davis Policy Institute for Energy, Environment & the Economy |
Davis |
California |
Please find attached the ITS-Davis comment on the preliminary design framework. Our apologies for the late submission. Please let us know if we can clarify or add to any part of this submission.... Please find attached the ITS-Davis comment on the preliminary design framework. Our apologies for the late submission. Please let us know if we can clarify or add to any part of this submission. |
ITS Davis - TCI Preliminary Design Comment.pdf |
2/17/2020 |
Susan |
Brinckerhoff |
UCB Green Sanctuary Committee |
Yarmouth Port |
Massachusetts |
As a believer that we can do something to help alleviate this climate crisis that we have unleashed, I strongly support the TCI. The time is NOW. Let's get this done. read more As a believer that we can do something to help alleviate this climate crisis that we have unleashed, I strongly support the TCI. The time is NOW. Let's get this done. |
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1/16/2020 |
Mary L. |
Johnson |
Winchester |
New Hampshire |
Emissions from busses and trains are an important source of air pollution in the Northeast and Middle Atlantic states, and also contribute to the warming of the planet. We badly need to... read more Emissions from busses and trains are an important source of air pollution in the Northeast and Middle Atlantic states, and also contribute to the warming of the planet. We badly need to eliminate as much of this as possible as soon as possible. I strongly support all efforts to reduce the use of fossil fuels and replace them with clean, renewable energy sources. |
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