TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliation Citysort descending State Input File
Carolyn Barker self ALDIE Virginia
We must do everything we can to stop impacting our climate. Please do all you can to create and enact a strong Transportation and Climate Initiative to protect our planet for the future. All forms...
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Lynwood Toole Downeast Alexander Maine
I work out on the road to the extent of 90,000mi per year! Why do I have to do this it isn't by choice! I live in the most depressed county in the United States! Where u cant make a decent...
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Michael Lombardo Gas user Alexander Maine
This is an absolute asinine proposal! The people in rural areas will be decimated by this tax increase due to the remoteness of their towns. This will impact every tax bracket of people and hurt...
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Jessica Lahr Retired Educator, Continuing Donor to Union of Scientists Alexandria Virginia
We all need to get on the ball and do everything recommended by the Union of Concerned Scientists. NOW!!!
Michael Pan Year Alexandria Virginia
Dante O’Hara US Naval Research Laboratory Alexandria Virginia
I support this effort wholeheartedly.
DeeDee Tostanoski Citizen Alexandria Virginia
As a lifelong resident of the Northeast Corridor (Maine-DC), I cannot state more strongly the need for improved public transportation options. Driving from Charlottesville (when I was in college...
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Michael Pan Year Alexandria Virginia
No comments right now.
Sarah S Voter Alexandria Virginia
We can cut poverty and pollution at the same time. We urge you to move forward with a regional program that prioritizes the needs of communities overburdened with pollution and underserved in...
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Laura Foy Ms Alexandria Virginia
We need to reduce our carbon output ASAP because we experiencing the impact of climate change in Norfolk and other areas in Virginia. The time to act is NOW!
Mary van Son retired Alexandria Virginia
I have better things to do with my life than sit in traffic and breathe fumes. Air pollution causes thousands and thousands of deaths in our country every year. Yet people want to continue to...
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Samantha Ahdoot Virginia Clinicians for Climate Action Alexandria Virginia
Yesterday I saw a two-year old boy with his third asthma attack in three months. After he failed to improve with treatment in my office I sent him to the Emergency Department, where he was...
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Steve Banashek Virginia Resident Alexandria Virginia
The Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) is an opportunity for Virginia and the Washington, DC metro region to reduce fossil fuel emissions and invest in clean transportation options...
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Donald Walsh citizen Alexandria Virginia
A cap on carbon emissions of at least 50% by 2032

An increase in the minimum investment in overburdened and underserved communities (>50%)

Request that investments be...
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William Tremblay Maine Resident Alfred Maine
The one thing Maine does NOT need is another tax and higher gas prices. We are a pretty low income state with a lot of rural areas. People have to drive father to get anywhere for work shopping....
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Jasmine Labbe Mainer Alfred Maine
Gas prices are already up to almost 3$ a gallon, but when you go to any other country it is much cheaper. The cost of living is already up high and by increasing gas prices you're stealing...
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Kari Pohl Pennsylvania resident Aliquippa Pennsylvania
I live in a region that consistently suffers from bad air quality. I see the health effects of this daily--especially among those who grew up in this region (i.e. asthma, cardiovascular disease,...
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Chandra Parasa LVPC (Lehigh Valley Planning Commission) Allentown Pennsylvania
This is a great policy development initiative by TCI (Transportation & Climate Initiative). This policy development initiative for the northeastern states helps in spreading awareness among...
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Tom Keenan Hannabery HVAC Allentown Pennsylvania
I feel that by increasing the cost of fuel would have a negative affect on customers and vendors as the additional cost would have to be passed on to the end user.
Richard Bleam Bioscience, Inc. Allentown Pennsylvania
A reduction in fossil fuel usage and resultant emissions is necessary to preserve the health of residents and reduce climate effects. A regional modern transportation system that enables...
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