TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliation City Statesort descending Input File
Tim Benson The Heartland Institute Arlington Heights Illinois
File Attached
(02-10-20) Heartland TCI comment.pdf
Meredith West Self Chicago Illinois
I am doing everything I can as an individual to reduce my carbon emissions. I bought an electric-only car. I would like my state to make the same commitment and minimize mass transportation...
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Peter Gunther None Chicago Illinois
Kevin nonyourbusiness Mr. Rockford Illinois
We need clean air.
Gloria Picchetti Illinois resident Chicago Illinois
illinois please join the plan to reduce transportation emissions.

If we don't begin to work on climate change it will be too late.

Please create a strong program that invests...
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Tarik Shahzad Middlebury College Chicago Illinois
The time for action on climate change was yesterday. Despite the scientists sounding the alarms on rising temperatures, elected officials have routinely failed to act. Greenhouse gas emissions...
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Kevin Donnelli TO WHOM? Rockford Illinois
We NEED clean air!!!
J. Beverly concerned citizen Urbana Illinois
I am writing to support a strong Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) program, the purpose of which is to design a program that will reduce carbon emissions from the transportation sector....
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Stephen Gliva none Evanston Illinois
A cap on carbon emissions of at least 25% by 2032

An increase in the minimum investment in overburdened and underserved communities (>35%)

Request that investments be put towards...
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Kevin Candela NONE Godfrey Illinois
Underground transportation systems built beneath interstate highways to ship goods without any advertise environmental surface impact whatsoever would not only create a WPA-type jobs program but...
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Mary Shaughnessy TCI (via this email) Indianapolis Indiana
What we need are alternatives made easy for regular people to employ -- such as biking more with safer and better bike lanes, walking more with sidewalks in every neighborhood, and sensible,...
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Daviann McClurg Concerned resident/parent/grandparent Larned Kansas
Since the federal government under Trump and McConnell refuse to do anything, the responsibility falls to governors, mayors and conscientious industries to take the lead. Please making Kansas a...
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Mike Vanlandingham citizen Shawnee Kansas
I ask for:

A cap on carbon emissions of at least 25% by 2032

An increase in the minimum investment in overburdened and underserved communities (>35%)
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Brydon Ross Consumer Energy Alliance Louisville Kentucky
Attached, please find CEA's comments on the Draft Framework of the TCI. read more
CEA TCI Draft Framework Comments.pdf
Brydon Ross Consumer Energy Alliance Louisville Kentucky
To whom it may concern,

Attached are comments on behalf of Consumer Energy Alliance concerning the Draft MOU of the Transportation Climate Initiative. We appreciate the opportunity to...
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CEA TCI Draft MOU Comments 2.28.20.pdf
Stephen Dutschke none Louisville Kentucky
A cap on carbon emissions of at least 25% by 2032

An increase in the minimum investment in overburdened and underserved communities (>35%)

Request that investments be put towards...
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Travis Wojcik citizen Peabody Massachusetts
MA should invest revenue towards electrifying the commuter rail. Diesel locomotives are loud, polluting, slow, and a relic of the past. Obviously, not all lines could be electrified at once....
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Stacey Beuttell WalkBoston Boston Massachusetts
This comment is in response to the second panel discussion at today's Technical Workshop in Boston that discussed investments that could be made to the transportation system with revenue...
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Staci Rubin Conservation Law Foundation Boston Massachusetts
I plan to attend the upcoming stakeholder event on May 15 in Newark, New Jersey. I recommend that the states and Georgetown Climate Center invite Ironbound Community Corporation and the New...
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Marc Breslow Climate XChange Boston Massachusetts
see same attached as a PDF, with graphics



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Climate XChange TCI Comment Letter 5.15.19.pdf
