2/21/2020 |
Jean Marie |
VanWinkle |
Concerned Citizen |
Bedford |
Virginia |
Transportation is the number one source of climate pollution in the United States. That means it's time to totally reimagine the way that we transport people and goods.
The... read more Transportation is the number one source of climate pollution in the United States. That means it's time to totally reimagine the way that we transport people and goods.
The states of Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and the city of Washington, D.C., are working on a groundbreaking policy to modernize the transportation sector under the Transportation and Climate Initiative.
In order for this regional plan to work, governors of these states and the mayor of Washington, D.C., must ensure that this transportation plan is bold enough to cut harmful transportation pollution at the scale needed to avert the climate crisis. We need a plan that holds large transportation polluters accountable for the pollution they create and invests in clean transportation solutions including:
More public transit and electric vehicle infrastructure in rural areas
Expansion of commuter rail, electric vehicles, and streets in the suburbs that are safe, walkable, and bikeable
Sustainable and equitable housing near transit and electric bus fleets in urban communities
I live in Bedford, VA, that does not currently provide options for public transportation. I am a senior citizen with a medical condition that may not allow me the privilege of driving a personal vehicle for the rest of my life even though I may be able to continue to live reasonably independently with some occasional assistance. Having access to public transportation would enable me to continue to do what I need to do as well as improve the quality of life for the planet and all of its inhabitants. I totally support the effort to provide an Amtrak train station here in Bedford as well as providing public transportation in some other form that will permit individuals of all physical capabilities to travel throughout the Town / County of Bedford as well as the surrounding region including Lynchburg and Roanoke.
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2/23/2020 |
Matthew |
Agen |
None |
Bedford |
Massachusetts |
I want to see a Transportation and Climate Initiative that makes bold changes to improve the usage of all modes of public transportation. Individual transportation is a climate & time-wasting... read more I want to see a Transportation and Climate Initiative that makes bold changes to improve the usage of all modes of public transportation. Individual transportation is a climate & time-wasting disaster. Public transportation should be incentivized while individual transportation should be disincentivized. Housing development should have incentives that support improved access to public transportation. Denser housing focused around public transportation nodes will reduce the problems caused by the last mile of travel. |
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2/21/2020 |
Brian |
Cochilla |
Citizen |
Bedminster, |
New Jersey |
The Transportation Climate Initiative's (TCI's) time has come. We the people of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states not only need to reduce our carbon emissions to combat climate... read more The Transportation Climate Initiative's (TCI's) time has come. We the people of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states not only need to reduce our carbon emissions to combat climate change; but also address the more specific problem of commuter congestion which has a negative impact upon our time, finances, and health. |
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11/4/2019 |
Tim |
Quinn |
Boston Environmental |
Bel Air |
Maryland |
The proposal outlines a program that will cap the sale of gasoline, tax it, and then require the revenue generated to be spent on new government programs and projects that will further reduce the... read more The proposal outlines a program that will cap the sale of gasoline, tax it, and then require the revenue generated to be spent on new government programs and projects that will further reduce the sale of gasoline. Some of the projects envisioned have ramifications that have not been verified or well thought out. For instance, pushing consumers to electric vehicles has not been shown to lessen environmental impact due to the environmental costs of EV batteries and manufacture of new vehicles. Further, programs such as incentives to EV purchase often favor wealthier individuals while the new taxes on gasoline will disproportionate affect poor and rural communities.
The northeast compact has a greater impact on Maryland and Delaware than the other Northeast states. Geographically, Maryland and Delaware retailers will suffer the most because consumers may more easily choose to go elsewhere for fuel.
Although this proposal has been pitched as a consensus document, in fact, it is not. There have been only three work sessions and less than a handful of webinars to solicit public feedback and comment. The framework is not ready for adoption by the states as too many points have not been clarified and fleshed out. No one really knows the full detail of the proposal. More outreach and public input needs to happen to shift this to a consensus. At the present, the framework appears to be a predisposed outcome.
I reject this framework – and I urge that the participating Governors be required personally to attend and hold public hearings throughout their states. This proposal will not achieve its goals. California enacted a similar program recently, and, by most accounts, their gasoline costs have skyrocketed while the environmental impact has had no true measurable benefit.
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11/4/2019 |
Anne |
Novosel mileski |
Ms. |
Belchertown |
Massachusetts |
I look forward to better public and side walks and road conditions for public transportation, the ability to walk or bike to the belchertown court house, library, senior center, grocery store and... read more I look forward to better public and side walks and road conditions for public transportation, the ability to walk or bike to the belchertown court house, library, senior center, grocery store and. Town buildings. I look forward to incentives and education of preventing clear cutting and innovative controlled new building renovation laws with solar panel or new technologies for all government town and state building, new construction and renovations, protect all conservation areas and field and forests. Solor and new technology use over parking lots private and public and buildings. Protection of all wetlands and vernal pools. Dprotction of underground water. |
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11/13/2019 |
Massachusetts |
I oppose the TCI. Taxpayers deserve to vote on this. I oppose the TCI. Taxpayers deserve to vote on this. |
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11/21/2019 |
Robert |
Johnson |
Taxpayer |
Belchertown |
Massachusetts |
I completely oppose the TCI. The waste and fraud in government needs to be addressed before any further money is stolen from the taxpayers. I completely oppose the TCI. The waste and fraud in government needs to be addressed before any further money is stolen from the taxpayers. |
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12/1/2019 |
Bob |
Hodgen |
Undeclared |
Massachusetts |
This Transportation and Climate Initiative is nothing more than a veiled attempt to apply a TAX on gasoline. We VOTED DOWN THE GAS TAX five years ago!!! So, instead of going through proper... read more This Transportation and Climate Initiative is nothing more than a veiled attempt to apply a TAX on gasoline. We VOTED DOWN THE GAS TAX five years ago!!! So, instead of going through proper legislative procedures and put this tax in front of taxpayers, who would overwhelmingly defeat it AGAIN, the TCI is being promoted with little fanfare so as to not draw attention of the masses. Why do I pay Excise Taxes on my vehicles again?? That tax was supposed to go away once the Turnpike was paid off. Taxpayers BE AWARE!! Ask anyone from California how the TCI is working for them?? |
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1/16/2020 |
Ellen |
Hopman |
Union of Concerned Scientists |
Belchertown |
Massachusetts |
I am now on the verge of chronic bronchitis due to living in the Connecticut river valley in Massachusetts. We get air pollution from New York and states west like Ohio. I am also developing... read more I am now on the verge of chronic bronchitis due to living in the Connecticut river valley in Massachusetts. We get air pollution from New York and states west like Ohio. I am also developing asthma and my doctor says he is seeing more and more of this. Our lungs can't take it. We need clean transportation NOW! |
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5/28/2019 |
Julia |
Plumb |
Citizens' Climate Lobby |
Belfast |
Maine |
As a supporter of Citizens' Climate Lobby, I am thrilled to hear about this bipartisan effort to limit emissions by way of a carbon pricing scheme. As a woman in my... read more Hello,
As a supporter of Citizens' Climate Lobby, I am thrilled to hear about this bipartisan effort to limit emissions by way of a carbon pricing scheme. As a woman in my thirties, the climate crisis has a huge impact on my life. We are already feeling the effects of climate change in my coastal town, effects that are nothing in comparison with the effects of the sea-level rise we are already locked into thanks to current and past emissions. Climate change's impact on my local environment, on global food production, and world conflict and security issues, among other areas, stand to profoundly effect the rest of my life.
I encourage you to set carbon prices in line with what current science shows would effectively reduce emissions: setting initial rates high enough, increasing the rate over time, and building in a clause to increase prices at a faster rate if emissions reduction targets are not met.
The environmental and economic impacts of climate change already affect lower-income people disproportionately, particularly considering lower-income people consume at a lessor rate, generating fewer emissions. Please build in protections that will enable poorer households to stay afloat and themselves transition to lower-carbon ways of living.
Thank you for your work.
Julia Plumb |
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10/29/2019 |
Richard A |
Berry Jr |
Tax payer |
Belfast |
Maine |
Queen of Maine mills has found perhaps another way of scamming the good people of Maine of hard earned money. Turning this great State into another California is not what the people here want.... Queen of Maine mills has found perhaps another way of scamming the good people of Maine of hard earned money. Turning this great State into another California is not what the people here want. |
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10/29/2019 |
Richard A |
Berry Jr |
Tax payer |
Belfast |
Maine |
Queen of Maine mills has found perhaps another way of scamming the good people of Maine of hard earned money. Turning this great State into another California is not what the people here want.... Queen of Maine mills has found perhaps another way of scamming the good people of Maine of hard earned money. Turning this great State into another California is not what the people here want. |
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10/29/2019 |
Thomas |
Roberts |
None |
Belfast |
Maine |
Hardworking Mainers can not afford the fuel hike that Governor Mills wants to impose. Outside of Cumberland County, the majority of Mainers are rural. That means driving distances just to get to... read more Hardworking Mainers can not afford the fuel hike that Governor Mills wants to impose. Outside of Cumberland County, the majority of Mainers are rural. That means driving distances just to get to work. Myself, I live in Belfast and used to have to commute to Bangor every days, a 40-mile 1 way trip. When Bush was in office and gas hit over $4 per gallon, I was forced to change to working 4 10+ hour days instead of 5 8-hour days just to save on the gas costs.
Governor Mills wants to send us back to those days, when people have to choose between paying for the gas to keep getting to work or paying other bills. It's unreasonable, and unwarranted. This is not California. The Democrats in the Portland area are NOT representative of Maine itself. This must NOT be permitted. |
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10/31/2019 |
David |
Berry |
Maine Resident |
Belfast |
Maine |
Not good for Maine and not good for Maine people. Not good for Maine and not good for Maine people. |
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11/2/2019 |
David |
Boyer |
Mr. |
Belfast |
Maine |
TCI is needed to both improve the transportation infrastructure in Maine and to aid in the necessary transition away from carbon-fueled private transportation. We will need much more low or no... read more TCI is needed to both improve the transportation infrastructure in Maine and to aid in the necessary transition away from carbon-fueled private transportation. We will need much more low or no carbon mass or public transit to enable Mainers to adapt to a changing ecology. It is tempting for older adults (I am 80) to have only a short term view of the future, but our imagination must take us to fully consider the world our grandchildren and their families will inhabit. An adequate adaptation to climate change must begin now in all phases of our lives. |
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11/3/2019 |
Dirk |
Faegre |
Citizen |
Belfast |
Maine |
Clean transportation in Maine is a must. We're already the 'tailpipe of America', so we don't need to be adding to the pollution. Climate change is upon us and that alone... read more Clean transportation in Maine is a must. We're already the 'tailpipe of America', so we don't need to be adding to the pollution. Climate change is upon us and that alone should be enough for our government to act to protect us all. Get on it -- time is wasting. |
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2/21/2020 |
William |
Nelson |
Mr. |
Belfast |
Maine |
You know what's needed. Don't let anyone push you around. read more You know what's needed. Don't let anyone push you around. |
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2/27/2020 |
Ben |
Williams |
Mainer, property and business owner |
Belfast |
Maine |
Do not enter into this agreement. If you want better gas mileage get rid of ethanol. It cuts mileage by 4% and is a net energy deficit. It takes more fossil fuel to turn corn into something that’... read more Do not enter into this agreement. If you want better gas mileage get rid of ethanol. It cuts mileage by 4% and is a net energy deficit. It takes more fossil fuel to turn corn into something that’ll burn in an engine than it returns in energy output. Further, fuel taxes will raise the cost of all goods and services. Everything being delivered will cost more. To have a contractor show up will cost more. To have your lawn cut and driveway plowed will cost more. Farmers running tractors will have to charge more. Building materials deliveries will cost more. And if people do drive less, you’ll lose gas tax revenue & then you’ll have to raise taxes to fund the road repairs. This proposal will crush Maine. |
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2/28/2020 |
Michele |
Porter |
Tidewater Oil |
Belfast |
Maine |
I work at a small business in Belfast, Maine. We average about 200k miles per year on our fleet of vehicles to service our customers . Due to our geographical make-up, Maine is already at a... read more I work at a small business in Belfast, Maine. We average about 200k miles per year on our fleet of vehicles to service our customers . Due to our geographical make-up, Maine is already at a competitive disadvantage with high cost of electricity and one of the highest overall tax rates in the Union.
We have limited public transportation which require most folks from Maine to commute via vehicle to and from work. In addition, we have to rely on our vehicles to purchase groceries, visit local clothing stores, transport our children to school events, etc.. This list goes on and on. We cannot simply park our vehicles and chose another mode of transportation.
To include Maine in this initiative will be catastrophic to our economy. As a small business we will be forced to pass this cost on to our Customers. They in turn will have less disposable income to fuel the economy in Maine. I cannot speak to how this will impact other states, but I suspect outside of the large cities (Which already have large participation rates in public transportation) the rural areas will be in a similar situation as many of us in Maine.
I hope common sense will prevail.
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12/27/2019 |
Penny |
Morrell |
Retired |
Maine |
I do not want my state to belong to any such agreement. Maine cannot afford to drive more expensive cars or drive less because we are a rural state. We must drive many miles to get to urban... read more I do not want my state to belong to any such agreement. Maine cannot afford to drive more expensive cars or drive less because we are a rural state. We must drive many miles to get to urban areas. We need to be able to support efforts that meet our needs in Maine, not other states particularly with more populated areas. TCI is a regressive hidden tax that would be levied on Maine drivers. We are already taxed too much. Our legislature should make these decisions for Mainers, not unelected councils such as TCI. |
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