TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliation City State Input Filesort ascending
Thomas White Mr Silver Spring Maryland
Clean air is beyond politics. Act now to ensure the future of a healthy environment.
Linda McGinnis Economist, Member Governor's Climate Action Commission, Concerned Citizen South Burlington Vermont
For the past decade, I have been deeply involved in developing concrete policy and investment solutions to address climate change in Vermont in a manner that can both contribute to our economy and...
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naomi weisman Please Select Bethesda Maryland
Maryland is joining states across the region that are trying to protect the climate and improve transportation through the development of a policy collaboration called the Transportation &...
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Barbara Wolfert Democrat Columbia Maryland
I have lived in Md for over 50 years and I am very proud of my state. I am proud that Maryland is joining states across the region that are trying to protect the climate and improve...
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Kevin Downey Retired Wilmington Vermont
If the States in this Initiative are serious about our commitments to reduce our CO2 emissions, the TCI must include incentives or tax rebates for the oldest of all the Greens, geothermal. It has...
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Megan Shook Sierra Club Baltimore Maryland
I support the regional transportation and climate initiative because only by working together with neighboring states can we make progress toward expanding rail service and pulling back on highway...
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Jennifer Skinder Community Member Montpelier Vermont
TCI is not nearly ambitious enough given the scale of the climate emergency. However, if specific policies are clearly defined by TCI it will provide a start in the right direction. Given that...
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Scott Kline Sel-Lo Oil, Inc. Altoona Pennsylvania
Just as all of the Petroleum Industry, the Alternative Energy Industries should stand on their own.

To collect money from gasoline and diesel purchases to fund alternative energy projects...
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Jacob Flanigan Vermont resident Burlington Vermont
This looks like a no brainier. Let's do it already read more
Anne Ambler Sierra Club Silver Spring Maryland
The transportation sector produces just over 41% of greenhouse gas emissions in Maryland. Modeled on the successful system for reducing GHG emissions from power plants, this initiative to cap...
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Tim Lidard Mr. Baltimore Maryland
I support policies that promote strong environmental standards and a healthy future for our state and planet.

Thank You
Linda Robbins Sierra Club Cambridge Maryland
As an owner of a 100% electric car, I strongly support the “Transportation and Climate Initiative “. We need to eliminate pollution from fossil fuels, and move towards a more energy efficient...
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Mark Kennedy Mr. South Hero Vermont
Transportation is Vermont's largest contributor to carbon emissions, so focusing particularly on reducing reliance on fossil fuel power transportation is particularly relevant and important...
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Vincent Robbins Sierra Club cambridge Maryland
Strongly support this initiative. As the owner of two fully electric cars, I am trying to make a difference and this initiative is good.
Kay Campbell Generation180 Charlottesville Virginia
Hello, Transportation and Climate Initiative team,

I very much appreciate Virginia’s efforts to reduce transportation emissions, which are a major contributor to climate change....
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Tony Dutzik Frontier Group (writing as private citizen) Dorchester Massachusetts
I am writing to express strong support for the Transportation and Climate Initiative and to urge the adoption of the strongest possible cap on transportation carbon emissions. The climate crisis...
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Ellen Cronin Citizen Chevy Chase Maryland
We need to take every measure to help the climate for future generations.

Greed is not an option.
Kathleen Clair (None) Silver Spring Maryland
I strongly support efforts to rapidly, steeply cap fossil fuel emissions and invest in low- and no-carbon and methane transportation infrastructure in the region. We need to make a massive...
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Stephen Parks Self Derwood Maryland
Please be mindful of the real science and ignore the bull propagated by some green interest groups.

We are not headed for the Apocalypse. The best true science, as reported by real...
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Ed Maibach George Mason University Potomac Maryland
As a public health professional, I urge you to support the Transportation & Climate Initiative. These measures will have dramatic health benefits, and will make our communities safer and move...
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