2/28/2020 |
Thomas |
White |
Mr |
Silver Spring |
Maryland |
Clean air is beyond politics. Act now to ensure the future of a healthy environment. Clean air is beyond politics. Act now to ensure the future of a healthy environment. |
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2/28/2020 |
Linda |
McGinnis |
Economist, Member Governor's Climate Action Commission, Concerned Citizen |
South Burlington |
Vermont |
For the past decade, I have been deeply involved in developing concrete policy and investment solutions to address climate change in Vermont in a manner that can both contribute to our economy and... read more For the past decade, I have been deeply involved in developing concrete policy and investment solutions to address climate change in Vermont in a manner that can both contribute to our economy and ensure affordability for its citizens. I am an economist with 30 years experience in this field (20 at the World Bank), a core member of Governor Scott's Climate Action Commission, a member of VCRD's Climate Economy Action Team, and a Senior Fellow at the Energy Action Network (advising on the recent publication of "Cap and Invest: A Review of Policy, Design, and Models and their applicability in Vermont").
I say all of this because I do not come to this recommendation lightly. The decision to join TCI is a big one and deserves careful consideration. Having studied this question extensively over the past several years, not only in Vermont but also in a number of other jurisdictions, I can say unequivocally that joining TCI is the most fundamental way for Vermont to make genuine progress in meeting our energy, climate, economic and affordability goals.
TCI presents a unique opportunity to focus on the single greatest source of greenhouse gas emissions in Vermont, and the one that keeps GROWING - transportation - in a way that builds on the success of our nation's first successful Cap and Invest program (RGGI - started under Jim Douglas), and in a way that generates the revenue needed to invest in clean transportation solutions that focus on those who need it most. RGGI allowed Vermont to join others in the region to focus on dramatically reducing BOTH greenhouse gas emissions (by 40%) in the electric sector while ALSO reducing consumer costs. Vermont has strategically invested the revenues raised from RGGI, directing the $2 million annually into weatherization programs that help Vermonters stop wasting energy and save money. That is good for our environment, our economy AND for affordability. But it only covers the electric sector, which accounts for only about 10% of our overall GHG emissions. TCI would focus on the elephant in the room - our vehicles - which account for 44% of our emissions, and is growing rather than declining.
Importantly, by joining TCI, Vermont would not have to go it alone. Like RGGI, we would join others who have already committed to reducing their carbon pollution, thereby increasing the impact of emissions reduction AND the ability to generate revenue to invest in the systemic changes that need to occur in the transportation sector to improve access and electrification. In fact if we DO go it alone by NOT joining TCI, we would be putting ourselves in jeopardy by cutting off a substantial source of revenue that we desperately need to address fundamental issues of access and equity in transportation that we currently face.
Research shows that no jurisdiction (State, region, country) in the world has made the progress needed to reach significant GHG reductions without some form of either Cap and Invest or carbon pricing policy in place. By capping pollution, we can guarantee the pace at which our progress can be made, while allowing the participating entities to decide on their own how to reduce their emissions. When looking at successful examples of Cap and Invest in the US and Canada (e.g.,RGGI, California and Quebec), it is clear that each has demonstrated that a triple win is possible: reduced emissions, increased economic output (compared to non-participating jurisdictions) and revenue that can equitably accelerate the transition to a clean energy economy.
Finally, we all know that there are insufficient revenues available in our current budget to address the issues of access and equity in the transportation sector, and certainly not enough to electrify the sector at the pace needed to reach our climate goals. We continue to place our most vulnerable citizens - our children - on diesel-emitting schoolbuses every day, causing increasing levels of health issues and pollution. Our rural population has little to no access to public transit. Our low- and middle- income population cannot afford to switch to electric vehicles. TCI offers the possibility of generating additional revenues to address some of these critical issues while also reducing our collective climate pollution.
I am grateful for all the effort that Vermont has put into the discussions surrounding TCI so far. I am also grateful to the Scott administration for creating a Climate Action Commission which strongly recommended joining a Cap and Invest program for the energy sectors not yet covered by RGGI. Now is the time to act on all the important groundwork that has been laid. I urge Vermont to join others who are actually doing something concrete to make a difference for our future. We know this type of policy works. Please do it.
There is no doubt that climate change is the single biggest threat to our economy, to affordability, to our very survival. I notice the changes around me each and every day, and it breaks my heart to think of what we are leaving to our children. I hear them talking about how irresponsible it would be for them to bring children into this world, how they see the window closing in on them. We all know the time is short, and the time to act is now. So let's do it. |
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2/28/2020 |
naomi |
weisman |
Please Select |
Bethesda |
Maryland |
Maryland is joining states across the region that are trying to protect the climate and improve transportation through the development of a policy collaboration called the Transportation &... read more Maryland is joining states across the region that are trying to protect the climate and improve transportation through the development of a policy collaboration called the Transportation & Climate Initiative (TCI). I live in Maryland and support this policy. i am writing to add my voice in order to overpower big oil companies that are currently lobbying against this. |
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2/28/2020 |
Barbara |
Wolfert |
Democrat |
Columbia |
Maryland |
I have lived in Md for over 50 years and I am very proud of my state. I am proud that Maryland is joining states across the region that are trying to protect the climate and improve... read more I have lived in Md for over 50 years and I am very proud of my state. I am proud that Maryland is joining states across the region that are trying to protect the climate and improve transportation through the development of a policy collaboration called the Transportation & Climate Initiative (TCI). Please don't be swayed by the lobbies for the oil and gas companies. Thanks for reading this. |
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2/28/2020 |
Kevin |
Downey |
Retired |
Wilmington |
Vermont |
If the States in this Initiative are serious about our commitments to reduce our CO2 emissions, the TCI must include incentives or tax rebates for the oldest of all the Greens, geothermal. It has... read more If the States in this Initiative are serious about our commitments to reduce our CO2 emissions, the TCI must include incentives or tax rebates for the oldest of all the Greens, geothermal. It has been around since the 1950's and very few people are even aware of it. I installed a geothermal heating system back in '08 and it's been paid for since 2018 with savings from zero gas deliveries over that time. New construction would be the easiest target for incentives, as the wells needed for the system could be drilled within the home's or business's building footprint. Retrofits are a bit harder(that is what I had to do), but they could be popular too with incentives to change from fossils. Please consider this important system type when finalizing this important Bill. Thank-you.
Kevin Downey |
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2/28/2020 |
Megan |
Shook |
Sierra Club |
Baltimore |
Maryland |
I support the regional transportation and climate initiative because only by working together with neighboring states can we make progress toward expanding rail service and pulling back on highway... read more I support the regional transportation and climate initiative because only by working together with neighboring states can we make progress toward expanding rail service and pulling back on highway expansion. |
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2/28/2020 |
Jennifer |
Skinder |
Community Member |
Montpelier |
Vermont |
TCI is not nearly ambitious enough given the scale of the climate emergency. However, if specific policies are clearly defined by TCI it will provide a start in the right direction. Given that... read more TCI is not nearly ambitious enough given the scale of the climate emergency. However, if specific policies are clearly defined by TCI it will provide a start in the right direction. Given that Vermont gets all of our fossil fuels from other states, we should clearly join TCI, but must create policy that ensures equity for lower-income and rural Vermonters.
Vermont TCI should include:
-A mechanism to mitigate the impacts of TCI on low-income populations in rural areas with acknolwedgment that rural consumers must use more fossil fuels in order to get to work and commerce centers
-Higher EV and renewable energy rebates for low-income residents
-Increased weatherization funding for low and moderate income Vermonters and access to renewable energy sources via community solar development
-Development of safe roads for biking and walking, and focus on smart growth centers
-Investment in agricultural and natural responses to the climate emergency including carbon farming and forest health, acknowledging the impact of higher fuel rates on farmers, sugarmakers and others who work in agricultural and forestry professions
-Investment of TCI funds in clean energy, energy efficiency, and more robust public transportation to expand career opportunities and make jobs more accessible. The Vermont Green New Deal aims to do this, and is an essential part of all Vermont climate legislation. |
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2/28/2020 |
Scott |
Kline |
Sel-Lo Oil, Inc. |
Altoona |
Pennsylvania |
Just as all of the Petroleum Industry, the Alternative Energy Industries should stand on their own.
To collect money from gasoline and diesel purchases to fund alternative energy projects... read more Just as all of the Petroleum Industry, the Alternative Energy Industries should stand on their own.
To collect money from gasoline and diesel purchases to fund alternative energy projects is taxation without representation.
So I call on our members to dump your windmills and solar panels into the bay. |
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2/28/2020 |
Jacob |
Flanigan |
Vermont resident |
Burlington |
Vermont |
This looks like a no brainier. Let's do it already read more This looks like a no brainier. Let's do it already |
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2/28/2020 |
Anne |
Ambler |
Sierra Club |
Silver Spring |
Maryland |
The transportation sector produces just over 41% of greenhouse gas emissions in Maryland. Modeled on the successful system for reducing GHG emissions from power plants, this initiative to cap... read more The transportation sector produces just over 41% of greenhouse gas emissions in Maryland. Modeled on the successful system for reducing GHG emissions from power plants, this initiative to cap and reduce emissions from transportation fuel combustion is one part of a necessary plan to keep GHG emissions at a livable level. I read many of the comments already submitted and find strong support in heavily populated states such as Maryland, New Jersey, others, but opposition in Maine, where people now must rely on private cars in the absence of transit alternatives. This is where incentives should increase public electric transport and purchase of electric vehicles. Folks, we have a climate crisis here we simply must address. This initiative can be a big part of the solution. Thank you for the proposal. |
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2/28/2020 |
Tim |
Lidard |
Mr. |
Baltimore |
Maryland |
I support policies that promote strong environmental standards and a healthy future for our state and planet.
Thank You I support policies that promote strong environmental standards and a healthy future for our state and planet.
Thank You |
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2/28/2020 |
Linda |
Robbins |
Sierra Club |
Cambridge |
Maryland |
As an owner of a 100% electric car, I strongly support the “Transportation and Climate Initiative “. We need to eliminate pollution from fossil fuels, and move towards a more energy efficient... read more As an owner of a 100% electric car, I strongly support the “Transportation and Climate Initiative “. We need to eliminate pollution from fossil fuels, and move towards a more energy efficient means of transportation. |
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2/28/2020 |
Mark |
Kennedy |
Mr. |
South Hero |
Vermont |
Transportation is Vermont's largest contributor to carbon emissions, so focusing particularly on reducing reliance on fossil fuel power transportation is particularly relevant and important... read more Transportation is Vermont's largest contributor to carbon emissions, so focusing particularly on reducing reliance on fossil fuel power transportation is particularly relevant and important for Vermont. I urge joining and participating in the TCI. |
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2/28/2020 |
Vincent |
Robbins |
Sierra Club |
cambridge |
Maryland |
Strongly support this initiative. As the owner of two fully electric cars, I am trying to make a difference and this initiative is good. Strongly support this initiative. As the owner of two fully electric cars, I am trying to make a difference and this initiative is good. |
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2/28/2020 |
Kay |
Campbell |
Generation180 |
Charlottesville |
Virginia |
Hello, Transportation and Climate Initiative team,
I very much appreciate Virginia’s efforts to reduce transportation emissions, which are a major contributor to climate change.... read more Hello, Transportation and Climate Initiative team,
I very much appreciate Virginia’s efforts to reduce transportation emissions, which are a major contributor to climate change. And as a mom and fellow Virginian, I would implore lawmakers to consider more aggressive targets, which are essential for us to be able to reduce emissions enough to decarbonize before climate change is irreversible. Please consider at least a 25% reduction target over 10 years for all registered vehicles.
Please make zero tailpipe emission investments a priority. We all want our kids to grow up in with healthy air to breathe and a stable, healthy climate. Please act aggressively while we still have a window of opportunity to turn the tide on climate change.
Thank you.
Kay Campbell
Albemarle County resident
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2/28/2020 |
Tony |
Dutzik |
Frontier Group (writing as private citizen) |
Dorchester |
Massachusetts |
I am writing to express strong support for the Transportation and Climate Initiative and to urge the adoption of the strongest possible cap on transportation carbon emissions. The climate crisis... read more I am writing to express strong support for the Transportation and Climate Initiative and to urge the adoption of the strongest possible cap on transportation carbon emissions. The climate crisis demands that we take swift, strong action to decarbonize our economy, and with transportation now the number one source of greenhouse gases in the region and around the United States, we need to begin now. I further urge the adoption of a cap with the utmost of integrity. Cost-containment measures should not result in an increase in the overall emissions cap and the use of offsets should be strictly limited to ensure that the program achieves its main mission of promoting cleaner transportation in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. Finally, allowance revenue generated under TCI should be reinvested so as to accelerate the transition to a cleaner transportation system. States should not be permitted to use allowance revenues to fill gaps in road spending or to facilitate highway construction.
With sea level rise, increases in extreme precipitation and other impacts of climate change already beginning to appear in our region, we have the opportunity to lead and provide other regions with a shining example of leadership. By adopting a strong regional cap with integrity, and investing revenue from the program into clean transportation services and technologies, the TCI states can demonstrate to the rest of the country and the rest of the world that decarbonizing the transportation sector is possible. |
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2/28/2020 |
Ellen |
Cronin |
Citizen |
Chevy Chase |
Maryland |
We need to take every measure to help the climate for future generations.
Greed is not an option. We need to take every measure to help the climate for future generations.
Greed is not an option. |
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2/28/2020 |
Kathleen |
Clair |
(None) |
Silver Spring |
Maryland |
I strongly support efforts to rapidly, steeply cap fossil fuel emissions and invest in low- and no-carbon and methane transportation infrastructure in the region. We need to make a massive... read more I strongly support efforts to rapidly, steeply cap fossil fuel emissions and invest in low- and no-carbon and methane transportation infrastructure in the region. We need to make a massive transition rapidly to a region that is more walkable; is more accessible to and safer for bikes; has accessible, affordable (even no-cost at the point of service) public transportation such as rail; and subsidizes and provides infrastructure (Eg, charging stations) for electric cars, so long as the grid they plug into does not itself use fossil fuels. |
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2/28/2020 |
Stephen |
Parks |
Self |
Derwood |
Maryland |
Please be mindful of the real science and ignore the bull propagated by some green interest groups.
We are not headed for the Apocalypse. The best true science, as reported by real... read more Please be mindful of the real science and ignore the bull propagated by some green interest groups.
We are not headed for the Apocalypse. The best true science, as reported by real research institutions and the IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] predict moderate warming and slow sea level rise over the coming century, with small economic impacts.
There will be extreme events including droughts, storms, and floods; but these will not increase greatly in frequency or severity. The most significant thing about the past decade is the massively increased number of video cameras on cell phones, ready to capture dramatic footage.
Zoning laws and building codes should be changed to limit construction of buildings on beach dunes for example, or housing developments built on filled-in salt marshes. Zoning policy should encourage placing residences close to public transportation and to workplaces.
Electricity generation should not only include "wind farms" and "solar farms" but much more important, we should start expanding the amount of electricity generated by nuclear plants. Please note that in spite of some dramatic accidents, nuclear power is still the safest and cleanest of all our power sources. We need energy diversity, so coal plants should be kept operational.
According to most climate models, the equator will warm only slightly while temperate and arctic winters will be much milder. |
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2/28/2020 |
Ed |
Maibach |
George Mason University |
Potomac |
Maryland |
As a public health professional, I urge you to support the Transportation & Climate Initiative. These measures will have dramatic health benefits, and will make our communities safer and move... read more As a public health professional, I urge you to support the Transportation & Climate Initiative. These measures will have dramatic health benefits, and will make our communities safer and move livable. |
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