TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliation City State Input Filesort descending
Michael Hinds Hinds Oil Co., Inc. Montrose Pennsylvania
We are opposed to the proposal, Pennsylvania already pays the highest gasoline tax in the country. This proposal would unfairly burden the consumers and businesses of Pennsylvania and elsewhere...
Ann Pedreschi none Holden Maine
Maine needs diverse energy efficient public transportation. Mass transportation will lower emissions especially if the mass transportation is also energy efficient. LL Bean started this in Acadia...
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Tom Keenan Hannabery HVAC Allentown Pennsylvania
I feel that by increasing the cost of fuel would have a negative affect on customers and vendors as the additional cost would have to be passed on to the end user.
Jonathan Ferro Ferro Fuel Oil, Inc. Boothwyn Pennsylvania
The last thing we need in Pennsylvania is more regulations. Call Harrisburg to get an answer on sales tax or motor fuel taxes. There are so many rules at this point the state employees can not...
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Richard A Berry Jr Tax payer Belfast Maine
Queen of Maine mills has found perhaps another way of scamming the good people of Maine of hard earned money. Turning this great State into another California is not what the people here want....
Richard A Berry Jr Tax payer Belfast Maine
Queen of Maine mills has found perhaps another way of scamming the good people of Maine of hard earned money. Turning this great State into another California is not what the people here want....
Brad Fulton AC&T Hagerstown Maryland
Funding this endeavor seems to be very costly .

More time to study the pros and cons and getting voter input would make sense .

Scott Crooker Resident Gardiner Maine
Any policy that would require a permitting fee by a gasoline facility would be a hidden tax that would be passed on to the every day user thereby raising gas prices to too high prices. Maine is...
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Glen Fitzmaurice Not sure what you mean. Libertarian Pittston Maine
Janet Mills DOES NOT speak for most Mainers. We ARE NOT interstate in your electric car incentive and we are DEFINITELY NOT interested in an increase in our fuel costs.
William Lathrop None Sidney Maine
No more fuel taxes.

Furthermore - what are people thinking, seriously. Currently we have electric vehicles show up at our dealerships and just take power for free, don’t electric vehicle...
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Lynette Aucoin Independent South Berwick Maine
TCI is not a good fit for Maine. Most of our residents are hard working people already stretching to afford inexpensive used vehicles and will not be able to buy electric or hybrids. Add to that...
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Arthur Nickerson Concerned citizen Hudson Maine
Please stop harming the ordinary citizens of Maine by mak8ng backroo deals that cost those of us in Maine that have to travel for healthcare, shopping, and errands. Our state is extremely rural...
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Cindy Henderson None Augusta Maine
We strongly oppose any and all proposals being put forth by Gov Mills in regards to increasing Maine’s electronic cars, charging stations, and plans to hike gas prices, which would be a great...
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Jason Hall Citizen Durham Maine
Enough is enough. We live in Maine, salaries are not huge. You are supporting 2500 electric car owners on the backs of the other 1.3 million. Cut the citizens a break so we don't have to...
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John Macleod III Wells Maine
Enough with the taxes, the fees, the permits, and so on and so forth. We’ve passed mandatory paid sick leave, there’s a cost for small business. We have raised the minimum wage resulting in rate...
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James Glusker Taxpayer Augusta Maine
No more taxes!!!
Edward Malley Republican Fairfield Maine
She’s out of her mind. Global warming, climate change is a hoax. If she want to stagnate our economy by all means up the price of gas. She’s aligned herself with the mainstream Dems. at the...
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Ed Snider Citizen EastMachias Maine
No more taxes. Maine has to much poor people to pay your extra taxes. And how is taxing the gas more going to help the climate?
Jeff Richards Maine Worker Dexter Maine
We don't need more expense that this initiative will bring. Please don't do it!
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Chester Ficker None montville Maine
I have no wish to see the beautiful state of Maine polluted with the byproducts of fossil fuels but forcing people into so called "Green" causes thru taxation is the wrong way. Invent a...
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