TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions
Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions.
Date | First | Last | Affiliation | City |
State![]() |
Input | File |
10/14/2020 | Bret | Polish | Teacher | Tarzana | California |
I want a cap on carbon emissions of at least 99% by 2032 and an an increase in the minimum investment in overburdened and underserved communities (>99%). I request that investments be put... read more |
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10/14/2020 | Bret | Polish | Teacher | Tarzana | California |
I want a cap on carbon emissions of at least 99% by 2032 and an an increase in the minimum investment in overburdened and underserved communities (>99%). I request that investments be put... read more |
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10/14/2020 | Madeleine | Berke | Individual | Monte Rio | California |
Please enact a strong TCI to reduce carbon emissions by at least 50% by 2030. Carbon emissions must be reduced drastically in order to decrease effects of climate change. |
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10/14/2020 | J. Barry | Gurdin | self | San Francisco | California |
I urge you to include: read more A cap on carbon emissions of at least 25% by 2032' An increase in the minimum investment in overburdened and underserved communities (>35%); ... |
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10/15/2020 | jon | longsworth | World Citizen | Aptos | California |
For a strong Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) program, right out of the gate: read more – Before 2032 (if not in half that time, 2027 or sooner): a reduction in carbon emissions to no less... |
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10/15/2020 | Querido | Galdo | Mr. | Oakland | California |
I live in California but spend a lot of time in New York and DC. I feel strongly that climate change mitigation is the single most important goal all agencies need to have right now. If we do not... read more |
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10/15/2020 | Eileen | Chieco | Clean Air Council | Oakland | California |
I am urging a cap on carbon emissions of at least 25% by 2032; an increase in the minimum investment in overburdened and underserved communities (>35%); and I request that investments be put... read more |
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10/23/2020 | Nicole | Wong | Green For All - Dream Corps | Oakland | California |
Please find attached comments from Green For All Dream Corps in response to the proposed TCI equity commitments and additional TCI concerns. |
Green For All TCI Equity Webinar Public Comment 2020.10.23 (1).pdf |
2/27/2020 | Tom | Wenzel | citizen | Prescott | Arizona |
Communities of color breathe air that is 66% more polluted from tailpipe emissions than white communities in the Northeast & Mid-Atlantic region. |
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10/14/2020 | Gary | Gover | Earth Day Mobile Bay, Inc. | Fairhope | Alabama |
I fully endorse the mission to design a regional low-carbon transportation policy proposal that would cap and reduce carbon emissions from the combustion of transportation fuels through a cap-and-... read more |
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2/26/2020 | John | Dodge | One person | Homer | Alaska |
We need carbon neutral transportation options starting immediately. Climate catastrophe is imminent and must be mitigated now or global civilizations will unstoppably collapse. |
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