TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliation City Statesort ascending Input File
Diana Greenhalgh USPS New Milton West Virginia
There is a problem with many people wanting to drive big trucks and diesel trucks and all the semi's due to hydraulic fracturing. Not just in WV but in PA also. Other eastern states have the...
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Char Osterlund member of Springfield Energy Committee Springfield Wisconsin
I fully support Vermont's signing onto the TCI. I read the MOU and liked its main tenets. I wholeheartedly support the goal of reducing carbon emissions. I also attended a meeting where the...
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Helgaleena Healingline White Rabbit Grove RDNA monona Wisconsin
Please design a regional low-carbon transportation policy proposal that would cap and reduce carbon emissions from the combustion of transportation fuels through a cap-and-invest program or other...
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Sondra Olson Ms BEAVER DAM Wisconsin
Please do whatever is in your power to help us & future generations breathe easier & be healthy.

Thank you!
Brian Yanke None Madison Wisconsin
I demand a strong program that invests in public transportation, biking, walking, and prioritizes equity. My state should get involved with the climate change fight.
Aleks Kosowicz Concerned Earthling Hayward Wisconsin
Our current self-induced climate crisis demands we begin implementing every tool at our disposal to mitigate the worst effects of it. One such tool of many is to reimagine our transportation...
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Mark M Giese none Mount Pleasant Wisconsin
Please work toward:

A cap on carbon emissions of at least 25% by 2032

An increase in the minimum investment in overburdened and underserved communities (>35%)
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C K citizen Lake Geneva Wisconsin
They did a study among the Swiss about Special Solar Panel Roads. The power generation was mind boggling, and the strengthened panels reportedly stood up to temperature changes, and at least mid...
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Aleks Kosowicz Concerned Citizen Abrams Wisconsin
Our world is LITERALLY ON FIRE. There can be no denying we have instigated a climate crisis and must take immediate action to mitigate the worst effects of it. Enacting a TCI program that...
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Tika Bordelon Dr. and Mr. Seattle Washington
Affiliation can be concerned resident/parent/voter/etc.

Request your state join the plan to reduce transportation emissions.

Explain why it is important to you that the states take...
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Tika Bordelon Dr. and Mr. Seattle Washington

A cap on carbon emissions of at least 25% by 2032

An increase in the minimum investment in overburdened and underserved communities (>35%)

Investments put towards...
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Virgene Link-New Dr. (Ms.) Anacortes Washington
To Whom It May Concern:

We need a strong TCI policy now.

A minimum of 35% of investments from the program will go to underserved and overburdened communities.

The creation of...
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Alex DePillis Vermont Agency of Agriculture Montpelier Vermont

I'm listening to the 5/23 webinar, and mostly watching the TCI process somewhat from the periphery. Here are my comments and my interest.

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Hillary Twining private citizen Wilmington Vermont
My name is Hillary Twining and I live in southern Vermont. I work at a local college and have a 12-year-old daughter. I am very worried about climate change. I see the effects all around me, and...
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Judy Davis Citizens Climate Lobby Craftsbury Common Vermont
Transportation and heating represent the bulk of Vermont’s carbon emissions. To reduce our use of fossil fuels most economists say we need a steadily rising carbon emissions fee (with revenue...
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Karl Kemnitzer Sierra Club Vermont chapter Hartland Vermont
You are doing good work on the modeling, thanks! I have misgivings about one particular section- 8% growth in VMT per decade, and would ask you to review that part better. The citation ("...
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Anne Watson Montpelier City Council MONTPELIER Vermont
This seems like a plan that has some potential to make change in Vermont. I hope that it moves forward.

Dan Whipple taxpayer Wallingford Vermont
I abhor this theft of my livelihood via taxation for the fool's pursuit of Carbon Reduction. First most, carbon dioxide is NOT a pollutant! Anthropogenic climate change is NOT a proven...
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Patty Davis Resident of Essex Town Essex Vermont
Copied and gave presentation to Essex Economic Development Committee. They loved my idea of making Saxon Hill Road a Greenway Linear Park as this already pristine, well maintained gravel public...
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Elisa Clancy Hyde Park Energy Committee Hyde Park Vermont
The Hyde Park Vermont Energy Committee members would like the opportunity to attend Transportation & Climate Initiative meetings in a virtual setting, whether via speaker phone, Skype,...
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