TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliation City Statesort descending Input File
Jason Frost Synapse Energy Economics Cambridge Massachusetts
Please see the attached document.
TCI Reference Case Assumptions Comments.pdf
Mary Rose Scozzafava Massachusetts Resident/Citizen Lexington Massachusetts
To our concerned lawmakers,

I am a Massachusetts resident who has been closely following climate change issues over many years. I am a strong believer in the pricing of carbon to...
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Tony Dutzik Frontier Group Boston Massachusetts
Please accept the attached comments regarding forecasting of vehicle-miles traveled in the reference case scenario.
Frontier Group comments to TCI re reference case 052919.pdf
Dan Scholten First Religious Society, Unitarian Universalist Carlisle Massachusetts
The climate crisis is the most important issue of our generation, so I have been working most of my life on this, to protect the future for my children and grandchildren. We need to put a price...
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Mary Jo Maffei Carbon Pollution Fee and Rebate Group Amherst Massachusetts
I live in Shutesbury, MA and am working to pass carbon pollution fee and rebate legislation in Massachusetts. I am the chair of the Carbon Pollution Fee and Rebate Group of Climate Action Now and...
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Carolyn Weaver Mothers Out Front Bedford Massachusetts
I live in Bedford, MA and am a member of Mothers Out Front, actively working to fight climate change for the future of our children. This measure must set a price high enough to effectively...
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Elizabeth Henry Environmental League of MA Boston Massachusetts
Dear Governor Baker, Secretary Theoharides, and Secretary Pollack,

An uncommon alliance has emerged between five diverse Massachusetts organizations with business constituencies....
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Letter to Gov. Baker from Business & Environmental Leaders (June 20, 2019).pdf
Rich Rosenberry Citizen Holliston Massachusetts
We should have a price high enough to both offset the damage that GHGs cause and undo some of the damage already done. This has to be done equitably, taking into account low income and rural...
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Eleanor Fort Green for All Boston Massachusetts
On behalf of eight racial, economic, environmental, and transit justice organizations, we submit the attached letter "Policy Design Principles for an Equitable Clean Transportation Program...
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Regional Policy Design Principles for Equity.pdf
Sarah Simon E2 Boston Massachusetts
We should also look at investment in High speed, regional distance rail (VA to ME). Better GHG emission and energy choice than aviation (under about 1000 mi, ?) and probably easier to electrify....
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Chris Dempsey Our Transportation Future Many Massachusetts
Our Transportation Future (OTF) is a coalition of local, state, regional, and national environmental, health, scientific, transportation, and business organizations committed to modernizing...
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Our Transportation Future _ Letter to TCI Governors_7.29.2019.pdf
Marc Breslow Climate XChange Boston Massachusetts
Please find attached joint comments from Climate XChange and Health Care Without Harm concerning the planned modeling scenarios for TCI, directed to the Technical Analysis Workgroup.
CXC-HCWH Modeling Comment Letter 8.30.19.pdf
steven levy, ACLU Marblehead Massachusetts
We have to get the cars off the road. We need bus lanes. We need better public transit. Poor people cannot afford cars. Congestion by autos is taking it's toll on every part of our lives. We...
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Peter Guder Taxpayer Saugus Massachusetts
Climate models are worthless mathematical constructs riddled with guesswork.

CO2-driven Climate Change is an Assertion / Hypothesis that cannot be proven or dis-proven and is,...
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David Buchannon Citizen, voter, taxpayer Springfield Massachusetts
So, a group of well-meaning yet unelected people are pursuing a plan to impose new gas taxes on hard-working, tax paying citizens without following the legislative process. Ever heard of taxation...
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Richard Archer ME Turners falls Massachusetts
I believe you people (climate change activists) are out of your god damn minds!

Stop trying to eliminate fossil fuels! Electric cars will NEVER be a viable option.

STOP taxing (yes a...
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Eric Wheeler Concerned citizen Pittsfield Massachusetts
This should be done now to avoid higher climate costs in the future.
John Carlson Ceres Boston Massachusetts
Attached, please find a letter congratulating Gov. Lamont and his administration on their contributions to the TCI policy framework and the development process.
2019 TCI Framework - BICEP-Second Nature letter.pdf
John Carlson Ceres Boston Massachusetts
Attached, please find a letter congratulating Mayor Bowser and her administration on their contributions to the TCI policy framework and the development process.
2019 TCI Framework - BICEP-Second Nature letter.pdf
John Carlson Ceres Boston Massachusetts
Attached, please find a letter congratulating Gov. Carney and his administration on their contributions to the TCI policy framework and the development process.
2019 TCI Framework - BICEP-Second Nature letter.pdf
