TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliation Citysort ascending State Input File
Ed Feeney None Weymouth Massachusetts
Governor Patrick, I mean Baker, would be wise to remember what happened to the last Massachusetts governor who instituted taxation without representation. Governor Thomas Hutchison’s mansion was...
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Brian McGeoghegan Republican Weymouth Massachusetts
No gas tax. I will be leaving this state as soon as I can.
Dan Hughes Unrolled Weymouth Massachusetts
Shame on all of you, but this doesn't effect ANY of the hacks that will decide on it. Must be nice to work part time and get full time pay!! Must be even better to have the taxpayers pay for...
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William Sokolowski None Weymouth Massachusetts
STOP! Enough already!

There are already too many taxes, and fees in this state. These inflated taxes are driving people out of this state.( if we can afford the gas to get out) TCI is just...
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Tim Cronin Resident, Citizen Weymouth Massachusetts
I support TCI. The reason is because we need to invest in transportation while targeting climate change. TCI gets to solutions to both these major issues. The costs will be minimal, while the...
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George Foster independent Weymouth Massachusetts
I oppose the gas tax increase . Stop this abuse of power , NOW
Alan Coulter Mr. Weybridge Vermont
Please join the TCI!!! Not doing so would be negligent, and a disservice to youth.

Thank you,

Alan Coulter
SPENCER PUTNAM Climate Economy Action Center Weybridge Vermont
TCI offers Vermont an opportunity to make serious progress in addressing the environmental damage caused by fossil fuels, not by going it alone, but by joining with northeastern states that...
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Fran Putnam Ms. Weybridge Vermont
Transportation is the Vermont sector which contributes the most green house gases than any other sector. We know that these gases cause climate change which has now become a global crisis....
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Anna Rose Benson Vermont citizen Weybridge Vermont
We say Yes to this proposal.

It is a good start and shows good intention.

We must work together, we must be serious and effective.

Good work.
Steven Tuell Dr. Wexford Pennsylvania
This is an excellent idea. In the face of our current climate crisis, with our federal government sidelined by willful ignorance, it is the necessary responsibility of states and municipalities...
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Royal Graves CTLCV - member Wethersfield Connecticut
There is a climate crisis. It is the responsibility of everyone to limit the creation of greenhouse gases (GHG). This is especially important for those people living in industrialized modern...
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Royal Graves self Wethersfield Connecticut
I am writing to support strong carbon reducing measures in support of CTI goals. I believe there is a climate crisis. Within a few decades the earth will be a miserable place to live if we do...
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John Pratt Citizen WETHERSFIELD Connecticut
We are already spending billions of dollars to upgrade an aging transportation infrastructure that was first developed in the WW II era, then expanded massively in the 1960s. We must invest for...
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Kilburn Child None Westwood Massachusetts
Climate change is going to happen and you cannot alter Mother Nature! Nothing we do is going to slow or alter it without bankrupting the country, and that is an unacceptable option. The TCI is...
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Robert Spellman None Westwood Massachusetts
I strongly oppose this new tax; and more so the means/scheme by which it is being attempted to be implemented. This matter warrants higher visibility for all taxpayers to consider.
Scott Daniels Mr Westport Island Maine
So why would a mostly rural state like Maine agree to do anything in conjunction with a highly populated state like Mass. or NY. In a nut shell this sounds like carbon taxing. The taking of wealth...
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Dawn Henry Electric Vehicle Club of Connecticut Westport Connecticut
I'd like to see policies that encourage consumers to choose electric vehicles over internal combustion engines. This could be done through carbon pricing, tax incentives, or perks given to...
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JoAnn Flaum Citizens Climate Lobby Westport Connecticut
I applaud the members of TCI for working together to price carbon on transportation. I believe that global warming is the most important problem to address right now, affecting, as it does, the...
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Philip Martin MA Taxpayer Westport Massachusetts
To implement this policy without the support of the elected representatives of my state government is grossly irresponsible. If and when my elected representatives have the opportunity to consider...
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