TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliation Citysort descending State Input File
Amy Hansen Member, NRDC Asbury New Jersey
My family and I strongly support expanding zero-emissions vehicles and low-to-zero emissions mass transit options (e.g. buses, streetcars, trains, etc) and transitioning to more sustainable, low-...
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Amy Hansen individual, mother Asbury New Jersey

As a mother, I support increasing the sustainability of our transportation system.

Please support a cap on carbon emissions of at least 25% by 2032.

I also request that...
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Rebecca Canright individual, student Asbury New Jersey
Hi there!

I am a college student who supports increasing public clean transportation and other measures to reverse climate change.

I greatly support a cap on carbon emissions of at...
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Jim Durda Owner ASHAWAY Rhode Island
This tax will hurt my business and my lifestyle. I live and work in South County area of Rhode Island and it isn't feasible for bikes and there isn't any public transportation. My...
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Jim Durda Business owner ASHAWAY Rhode Island
This proposed initiative if enacted will place a burden on my business of which we rely on gas and diesel to do our work. We need to go to people's homes and businesses to do our work.The...
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Julius Sanks Engineer with long experience involving system design, weather forecasting systems, environmental satellites, and climate Ashburn Virginia
Jayne Severens Tax payer Ashburnham Massachusetts
No taxation without representation! This RINO governor has taxed the middle class into poverty. No to this tax!
Keith Maynard unknown Ashby Massachusetts
Under No circumstances will you raise the gas tax. Especially for a fashionable climate initiative. Quite frankly, I think this is just a rouse to finance the billions being spent on the MBTA....
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steven Williamson husband father healthcare worker Ashford Connecticut
Some thing must be done and it

s a good time to being. Interest rates are lower and bonding seems to be easier to fund. As soon as we get closer to national bipartisan leadership like this...
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Susan Eastwood Ashford Clean Energy Task Force Ashford Connecticut
I strongly support the Transportation and Climate Initiative TCI) because we have an urgent need to reduce our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in order to slow the devastating impacts of climate...
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George Carr Mainer Ashland Maine
I am from Northern Maine, you know, `the other Maine". We pay enough for our gas here. Enough with the price gouging! ITS bad enough that you have forgotten about us, NO NEW GAS HIKES!!!!!....
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Kathryn Goettel Concerned Great Aunt Ashland Massachusetts
I am thrilled that this northeast governors group is bipartisan! We can work together to do our part about climate change while the federal government denies and delays. We must reduce our...
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Cheryl Rigby Concerned citizen, mom and grandmother Ashland Massachusetts
I am concerned about pollution from transportation, our largest source of global warming emissions, and its increasingly negative impact on my family's health. It is jeopardizing their...
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Kathy Maffei private citizen Aston Pennsylvania
I support the Transportation and Climate Initiative for many reasons. It's critically important to reduce our carbon emissions to reduce climate change, of course. Research has repeatedly...
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Katherine Stevick Democrat Aston Pennsylvania
I strongly urge all law makers to treat de-carbonizing our transportation system as a top priority. While I fear the current proposal may not go far enough, I support this initiative as a critical...
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Jennifer Walsh Concerned resident Astoria New York
Transportation is our largest source of regional and national carbon emissions, and I fully support efforts to curb transportation-related pollution. In addition to protecting our planet for...
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Colin VETTIER Concerned resident Astoria New York
I am watching, with increasing worry, our world go up in smoke - quite literally recently. As I read more books and article on the subject, it appears to me that the issue of transportation is one...
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Kristin Ricigliano Self Astoria New York
I support this policy to prioritize climate change considerations when making infrastructure decisions.
Heather Andersen None Athens Maine
I'm not at all into politics but this type of leadership is starting to hurt my bottom line. Another tax, another way for someone else to get rich quick. I'm sick of my money being...
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Caren Connelly Republican Attleboro Massachusetts
This is a gas tax plain and simple. I drive 100 miles roundtrip to work and it would be a massive increase. I am a Republican because I believe in the constitution. This is unconstitutional. You...
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