TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliation Citysort descending State Input File
Sandra Kuritzky Private citizen Blue Bell Pennsylvania
I would like the Commonwealth of PA to join the plan to design a regional low-carbon transportation policy proposal capping and reducing carbon emissions from the combustion of transportation...
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Erin Crump resident Blue Bell Pennsylvania
I'd love to see many more tax incentives for low emission cars, as well as assurances of safety and longevity.
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Mary Anne Anderson none Blue Hill Maine
The residents of Maine cannot afford more taxes. The Transportation and Climate Initiative would put a tremendous burden on all citizens, especially those who live in rural areas with absolutely...
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Laney Goodman Ms. Bolton Massachusetts
Reducing fossil fuel emissions is good for the planet. We need to move forward when we can and take actions to solve the climate crisis at hand.
Brian Allen Mr. Bolton Landing New York
We need a reduction of carbon in transportation as well as better public transportation mass transit to assist in this as well to get a hanlde on Global Climate change.
Phillip Ludvigsen First Environmnet, Inc. Boonton New Jersey
Financing Green Infrastructure moving toward a low-carbon economy is key. Green Bonds and loans are becoming a major market. Unfortunately many municipalities and corporations know very little...
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Green Bonds De-Risking Deals NYLJ Oct 2016.pdf
Jonathan Ferro Ferro Fuel Oil, Inc. Boothwyn Pennsylvania
The last thing we need in Pennsylvania is more regulations. Call Harrisburg to get an answer on sales tax or motor fuel taxes. There are so many rules at this point the state employees can not...
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Stacey Beuttell WalkBoston Boston Massachusetts
This comment is in response to the second panel discussion at today's Technical Workshop in Boston that discussed investments that could be made to the transportation system with revenue...
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Staci Rubin Conservation Law Foundation Boston Massachusetts
I plan to attend the upcoming stakeholder event on May 15 in Newark, New Jersey. I recommend that the states and Georgetown Climate Center invite Ironbound Community Corporation and the New...
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Marc Breslow Climate XChange Boston Massachusetts
see same attached as a PDF, with graphics



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Climate XChange TCI Comment Letter 5.15.19.pdf
Tony Dutzik Frontier Group Boston Massachusetts
Please accept the attached comments regarding forecasting of vehicle-miles traveled in the reference case scenario.
Frontier Group comments to TCI re reference case 052919.pdf
Elizabeth Henry Environmental League of MA Boston Massachusetts
Dear Governor Baker, Secretary Theoharides, and Secretary Pollack,

An uncommon alliance has emerged between five diverse Massachusetts organizations with business constituencies....
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Letter to Gov. Baker from Business & Environmental Leaders (June 20, 2019).pdf
Eleanor Fort Green for All Boston Massachusetts
On behalf of eight racial, economic, environmental, and transit justice organizations, we submit the attached letter "Policy Design Principles for an Equitable Clean Transportation Program...
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Regional Policy Design Principles for Equity.pdf
Sarah Simon E2 Boston Massachusetts
We should also look at investment in High speed, regional distance rail (VA to ME). Better GHG emission and energy choice than aviation (under about 1000 mi, ?) and probably easier to electrify....
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Marc Breslow Climate XChange Boston Massachusetts
Please find attached joint comments from Climate XChange and Health Care Without Harm concerning the planned modeling scenarios for TCI, directed to the Technical Analysis Workgroup.
CXC-HCWH Modeling Comment Letter 8.30.19.pdf
John Carlson Ceres Boston Massachusetts
Attached, please find a letter congratulating Gov. Lamont and his administration on their contributions to the TCI policy framework and the development process.
2019 TCI Framework - BICEP-Second Nature letter.pdf
John Carlson Ceres Boston Massachusetts
Attached, please find a letter congratulating Mayor Bowser and her administration on their contributions to the TCI policy framework and the development process.
2019 TCI Framework - BICEP-Second Nature letter.pdf
John Carlson Ceres Boston Massachusetts
Attached, please find a letter congratulating Gov. Carney and his administration on their contributions to the TCI policy framework and the development process.
2019 TCI Framework - BICEP-Second Nature letter.pdf
John Carlson Ceres Boston Massachusetts
Attached, please find a letter congratulating Gov. Baker and his administration on their contributions to the TCI policy framework and the development process.
2019 TCI Framework - BICEP-Second Nature letter.pdf
John Carlson Ceres Boston Massachusetts
Attached, please find a letter congratulating Gov. Hogan and his administration on their contributions to the TCI policy framework and the development process.
2019 TCI Framework - BICEP-Second Nature letter.pdf
