TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliation Citysort descending State Input File
Kelly West Independent Bethel Maine
I am disabled and rely on The VA Healthcare System my clinic is in Rumford, Specialists primarily in Togus though some are in Lewiston. There is no Mass Transit or Public Transportation Option so...
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Sarah Edwards ? Bethel Park Pennsylvania
I support this initiative whole heartedly, regardless of its affects on consumer prices. Furthermore, I support those individuals that continue to push policy that promotes green industry.
Brian Joos Member P2E ACHD, CSI Bethel Park Pennsylvania
Consider practical aspects as to each of the program elements and additional elements including:

Safe roads for biking and walking: Delineated bike lanes and sidewalks on one or...
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judy jonas a mother, grandmother and wife, worried about the future of our planet bethesda Maryland
We must reduce pollution from transportation - most especially carbon from cars, buses and trucks, which is our largest source of global warming emissions (regionally and nationally). I beg you...
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Sarah Waldrop Maryland resident Bethesda Maryland
I strongly support the development and implementation of policies to reduce transportation pollution in our region. The resulting improvements in air quality are essential for public health,...
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James Zwiebel Private citizen Bethesda Maryland
I strongly support the TCI and hope all jurisdictions adopt it. We urgently need initiatives like these - the future of our planet depends on it.
naomi weisman Please Select Bethesda Maryland
Maryland is joining states across the region that are trying to protect the climate and improve transportation through the development of a policy collaboration called the Transportation &...
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Deborah Cohn constituent Bethesda Maryland
See attachment
RGGI transportation cap and invest system comments.docx
Deborah Cohn constituent Bethesda Maryland
See Attachment
RGGI transportation cap and invest system comments.docx
Steve Boehm St. Jane de Chantal Parish Environmental Committee Bethesda Maryland
I urge my Maryland legislators to support the TCI as a part of our urgent response to the dangers of climate change.

I believe that the transportation sector offers tremendous...
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David Kosterlitz Maryland Sierra Club Bethesda Maryland
Please enter into the TCI. I support the cap and invest method that has been proposed. This policy could set a declining cap on the amount of carbon pollution released by the use of...
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James Deiter Deiter Bros. Heating Cooling Energy Bethlehem Pennsylvania
I am adamantly opposed to this as it would unfairly burden consumers and business in the State of Pennsylvania who already pay the highest fuel taxes in the Country!
I hope that PA will formally join the plan to reduce emissions and that the policy will have a strong component of equity by prioritizing clean investments in areas overburdened by pollution and/...
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Thom Fistner concerned citizen Bethlehem Pennsylvania
Alarming evidence demands urgent action to reduce carbon emissions. A meaningful and comprehensive carbon reduction plan must address a wide variety of transportation modes, penalize excessive...
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Bob Riggs LEPOCO Bethlehem Pennsylvania
Imperative that citizens of the United States discontinue driving autos except in emergencies.
Benjamin Lunt Taxpaying consumer Beverly Massachusetts
This is essentially adding a tax on fuel without calling it a tax. It will result in higher prices for taxpaying citizens who need fuel to get to work. This will hurt our economy and ultimately...
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Paul Tacey Taxpayer Beverly Massachusetts
Clean up the fraud and waste in the Massachusetts legislature before you come to steal more of my money. Massachusetts has a corruption problem in their government. I have taken steps to move out...
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Mark Kolnsberg tax paying citizen Beverly Massachusetts
I do not support the TCI. Making taxes higher on working private sector citizens to fight climate change is a waste of our hard earned money as anything we do in Massachusetts to lower CO2...
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David SCANLON - None - Beverly Massachusetts
Enough taxes in Massachusetts already, cut some "fluff" jobs from the payrolls, eliminate a few pensions. In general get your house in order. Do your job and spare us retirees the...
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Joseph Rochna Leagal Citizen Beverly Massachusetts
I am opposed to the TCI proposal. This is a tax and the legislature must vote on this, remember 2014?

I am tired of the "climate change" frauds, climate has never been, is not now...
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