TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliationsort ascending City State Input File
Connor Wertz VPIRG Middlebury Vermont
The TCI is a critical initiative that will demonstrate the regional leadership we need to actually tackle the climate crisis. I'm a student, and increasingly growing frustrated with...
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TCI MOU-Joint VT Comments-Feb 2020.pdf
Brian Poarch VP Emporia Virginia
Sadler Brothers Oil Company which employs 87 people and provides petroleum for other companies that employ hundreds of employees in Virginia is strongly opposed to the "framework for a draft...
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Brian Poarch VP Emporia Virginia
Sadler Brothers Oil Company which employs 87 people and provides petroleum for other companies that employ hundreds of employees in Virginia is strongly opposed to the "framework for a draft...
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Jon Howland Voting Citizen and Taxpayer Warwick Rhode Island
Being in the Technologies allows me to be in direct contact with many in the Science Community. As far as I have learned, there is no climate issue presently, except for evidence leaning toward a...
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David Fitzpatrick Voting citizen Wayland Massachusetts
Climate change is a pressing issue being ignored at the Federal level. It is critical that state, communities, corporations, and individuals take action.
Mark Round Voter, Over Taxed Taxpayer BEVERLY Massachusetts
This is another tax for something I do not use. Plus it is unlikely to be used in it's entirety for the intended purpose.

Please no more taxes.
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christopher fabbri voter independent Ipswich Massachusetts
We have a gas tax already, we have excise tax, we have income tax, we have sales tax, we have property tax, I don't think I need to continue there. Wait we also have fees now vs tax, like...
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John Emerson Voter in Addison County Middlebury Vermont
I urge Vermont and Governor Scott to join TCI now. It makes no sense NOT to join it!

John Emerson
Donna Vatcher Voter Wales Maine
Raising gas prices is cruel and unusual punishment for having to drive! Maine is a rural state and we have to drive to go anywhere. This is not going to do anything for climate control! Do not...
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Joseph Huerta Voter Chicopee Massachusetts
This is nothing but a tax on the poorest amongst us. This is not the way to fix climate change. Free market solutions are a day better long term solution that will not harm the population.
Mike Croteau Voter Chicopee Massachusetts
This is a terrible idea and do not support it in anyway whatsoever
Corinne Hogseth Voter Acton Massachusetts
I am against Massachusetts entering into this agreement without a vote of the legislature. This is a gas tax, pure and simple, that they’ll be able to impose on drivers — particularly commuters—...
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Maria Rizzo-Roy Voter East Boston Massachusetts
We The People voted against a GAS TAX and that is exactly what this is. Why don't you give back the raises you all put in for yourselves that you dont deserve and did not ask us for, and use...
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Brian Joyce Voter Bellingham Massachusetts
A tax is a tax no matter how it’s disguised. Trying to slide this thru or past the voters in Massachusetts without those voters having a say at the ballot box should not be allowed, put it to a...
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ross almquist voter bridgewater Massachusetts
Never support a tax that isn't voted on by elected officials. If allowed, vote the official OUT!
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Maria Rizzo-Roy Voter Londonderry New Hampshire
Brian Sullivan voter Milford Massachusetts
I'm disgusted by this scam attempt to once again increase the gas tax on hard working citizens of Massachusetts. An increased gas tax was recently repealed just a few short years ago by the...
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Cathy Collins voter Douglas Massachusetts
No more gas taxes no matter what they want to call them. Carbon foot prints come from people who fly and have pleasure boats not the working POOR. Governors are not Kings or Dictator and need to...
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Christine Kusser Voter Quincy Massachusetts
It’s wrong for the Governor to pursue a tax increase without a legislative vote. Lawmakers are being completely excluded from the process, despite this being the exact task they were elected to...
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John Flanagan Voter Dedham Massachusetts
I am against any new tax on gasoline.
