2/21/2020 |
Jerry |
Hickson |
Vermont |
Hartland |
Vermont |
I support the TCI proposal. Carbon-based fuels are accelerating the climate crisis and their use must be curtailed. Increasing the costs of fossil fuels will help reduce their use and is an... read more I support the TCI proposal. Carbon-based fuels are accelerating the climate crisis and their use must be curtailed. Increasing the costs of fossil fuels will help reduce their use and is an appropriate method of raising money for investments in better transportation. Since Vermont is a mostly-rural state our primary need is to replace gasoline and diesel vehicles with electric vehicles. Our distribution of houses and patterns of travel are not easily handled by mass transit except in a few regions. Incentives for individuals and companies to switch from fossil fuel cars to electric cars, more investments in charging stations and more investments in electric school and commuter buses are all needed. Commuter rail should be considered as an option on existing tracks. More bicycle paths should be created as a transportation option and also for recreation by both residents and our economically important visitors. |
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2/25/2020 |
Jillian |
Joyce |
Vermont |
Landgrove |
Vermont |
As a resident of Vermont I would like to see our state participate in the TCI. As a regional force we can contribute in a more meaningful way to the needed changes to our transportation... read more As a resident of Vermont I would like to see our state participate in the TCI. As a regional force we can contribute in a more meaningful way to the needed changes to our transportation infrastructure. Regional change will also help advance the needed behavior shifts around transportation in New England. I believe that TCI will bring Vermont financial and environmental savings. TCI will stimulate new and future oriented jobs in the transportation sector. TCI will begin to help all states in the region curb the greenhouse gas emissions from our most challenging source of carbon pollution: transportation. I urge governor Scott to commit Vermont to this program in fulfillment of his pledge to take real and actionable steps towards reducing the carbon output of our state. Solving this global crisis will take cooperation. I would like our state leaders to be a force for this type of collaboration towards a sustainable future especially in light of the challenging national politics on this issue. Please join TCI.
Jillian Joyce |
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2/28/2020 |
Hannah |
Dreissigacker |
Vermont |
Albany |
Vermont |
Governor Scott- It is critical that Vermont join the TCI. It is a good deal for Vermont economically, and a key step in reducing Vermont's transportation CO2 emissions, which have been rising... read more Governor Scott- It is critical that Vermont join the TCI. It is a good deal for Vermont economically, and a key step in reducing Vermont's transportation CO2 emissions, which have been rising despite our green image and good efforts. Cap-and-invest programs like TCI are proven to work; lowering CO2 emissions and actually increasing GDP. Please, please, please do the right thing for all of us and Vermont join the TCI.
Hannah Dreissigacker |
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2/28/2020 |
Vermont |
Braintree |
Vermont |
TCI Comments 2.28.20
I believe that we are not doing enough to address climate change. Whether TCI will accomplish the intended results is very uncertain. For example, expecting electric... read more TCI Comments 2.28.20
I believe that we are not doing enough to address climate change. Whether TCI will accomplish the intended results is very uncertain. For example, expecting electric vehicles to significantly reduce climate change gases [cgc] is not certain, since it depends on the energy source of the electric recharge, which is dependent on the time of the 24-hr day cycle. The most efficient recharge would come directly [I.e., direct current] from a solar panel. However, for various bureaucratic reasons this cannot be done.
Uncertainty is also caused by the fact that major fracking is occurring across the US, except the east coast itself and New England. This fracking is producing significant cgs, which are carried eastward, and northerly, by the predominant air flows. TCI will do nothing to address this problem from fracking, as well as the other problems from fracking.
Needed is a comprehensive model of how to address not only climate change but also create sustainability. This model has to demonstrate how the collective “we” can move society in a short period of time from a consumptive society to a sustainable one, with low carbon waste gases. It will address social and environmental justice, by moving each of us higher on the Maslow model, resulting in a culture that has a higher quality of life for all.
TCI Comments 2.28.20.pdf |
1/22/2020 |
Warner |
Shedd |
East Calais |
Vermont |
I think this climate change initiative is an important first step, and urge Governor Scott to make Vermont a participating state.
Warner Shedd I think this climate change initiative is an important first step, and urge Governor Scott to make Vermont a participating state.
Warner Shedd |
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2/17/2020 |
Jenn |
Wood |
Vermont |
The Road to Transformative Action: Transportation Climate Initiative before Rainy Day Funds
“There’s nothing like 40+ degrees and raining to say Happy Holidays in New England!”... read more The Road to Transformative Action: Transportation Climate Initiative before Rainy Day Funds
“There’s nothing like 40+ degrees and raining to say Happy Holidays in New England!” Sadly, it has been a recurring family greeting of late. As someone who loves the outdoors in all seasons with a special affinity (some say obsession) to snow and skiing, this weather makes me cringe, and honestly, fight back tears of sorrow.
Growing up low-income in a small rural town, I was never able to afford the true luxury of skiing. At the time, I did not know what I was missing. Regardless I was still fortunate to spend endless hours playing outside – blossoming my intrinsic connection to the rural landscape as well as my fascination for all creatures. I didn’t need all that ‘stuff’ we couldn’t afford.
Without going into too much detail, I’ll just say it was not always easy. However, I’ve learned and continually work to embrace the powerful notion that vulnerability is bravery. My experiences have driven me to find work as an advocate for the communities and natural environments of Vermont.
Part of my work includes serving on the Board of Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility (VBSR), a statewide, nonprofit business association whose mission centers on People, Planet, and Prosperity. After years taking action on climate in the energy efficiency and renewable energy sectors, I recently delved into the world of transportation, which makes up the majority of Vermont’s greenhouse gas emissions. Both energy expenditures as well as energy burden – or ones annual spending on energy as a percentage of income – for transportation, are higher in Vermont relative to money spent on thermal or electricity costs. Vermont is a rural state and people who live in rural communities have to drive farther to commute to work and school, for recreation, and for all of the regular daily tasks that are part of a full and vibrant life. Our long commutes mean higher household expenses and increased carbon emissions.
Rural public transportation can work, but there is no denying that it is a complex system in need of coordinated, systematic solutions – including providing viable clean transportation choices, affordably, to rural Vermonters. One opportunity for this comes from the Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI) – a chance to collaborate with up to 12 other northeastern and Mid-Atlantic States on a region-wide approach to make transportation cleaner and more accessible. TCI is a cap and invest system. Each participating state is afforded the flexibility to choose how to use the TCI revenues. In Vermont, we could support not only what we usually think about as transit, but innovative solutions to meet the mobility needs of ALL Vermonters, especially those in rural areas. This could include increased route frequency, more nimble services like on-call microtransit, smart growth planning, electrification, microgrids, and even rebates to help people get into cleaner, safer vehicles.
Moreover, TCI has the potential to help the very fabric of where I came from - low-income and rural towns - by shaping investments through a lens of equity and economic opportunity. As do too many Vermonters, I know what it is like to grow up hungry and/or with parents too proud to ask for help. When my older brother gave me rides in his car that had a completely rusted out floor where my feet were supposed to go, it was a bit scary but also kind of cool, then; still I was thankful merely having a ride!
With programs like TCI, we have an opportunity to do more than just business as usual. Vermonters deserve cleaner, safer, and more reliable transit options.
As a staunch climate advocate, I feel it critical to ensure that the most vulnerable are not left behind – particularly when they’re the least responsible for climate change yet bear the most burden, as we saw during Tropical Storm Irene. Equally, I feel it imperative for me to speak out as someone who has endured similar challenges. Many extremely loud voices are spreading extensive misinformation about how vulnerable populations will be most hurt by such a TCI framework. Again, it comes down to choices – in signing on we have an opportunity to design programs ensuring that rural, low-income Vermonters are not disproportionately disadvantaged as the goals of the initiative outline.
Shifting transportation in Vermont can’t be done with the flip of a switch. Like the water challenges we face here, we need a long but focused effort to transition a system that has developed over an expanse of time with significant financial contributions. So where do we start? Well, fervent action is needed now. TCI is by no means the complete answer as it will take time to implement and it will not sufficiently cover all transportation investment requirements. Vermont needs to start the engine of transformation to a cleaner, more accessible transportation system immediately by investing in all aspects of our transportation system – from buses, sidewalks and cleaner cars to supporting our downtowns, developing affordable housing in places where people can walk, and even wastewater infrastructure improvements to help our small villages thrive. Such actions will put Vermont ahead of the curve.
All of this requires a collective approach. Please join me in the statehouse and around the state in advocating for a future that is inclusive and healthy for all - humans, the environment, and other creatures alike. Let’s protect our winters, our magnificent landscape and ALL Vermonters so no one is left out in the rain.
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2/25/2020 |
Timothy |
O'Dell |
Various unpaid positions for Town of Corinth |
Corinth |
Vermont |
Have become sick & tired of hearing carefully reasoned, public interventions to address market failures WRT unpriced externalities (think: TCI, Essex Plan) framed as nothing more than taxes.... read more Have become sick & tired of hearing carefully reasoned, public interventions to address market failures WRT unpriced externalities (think: TCI, Essex Plan) framed as nothing more than taxes. Both of these proposals included side payments to the vulnerable to soften their landing in a bumpy future. Is no one able to think and talk in terms of net outcomes? You're better than that.
Try to think analogously about this. You acted on gun control legislation because , God forbid, a mass shooting should happen on your watch. The next Irene IS out there, you and I just don't know when and how bad. Trust me, you want to be on record as having excercised some vision and initiative on this one. |
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2/18/2020 |
Elaine |
Becker |
VA resident & voter |
Roanoke |
Virginia |
We ALL need Clean Air! I developed asthma while living in a smoggy area. Lost productivity and increased healthcare needs are FAR more expensive than good transportation planning! ... read more We ALL need Clean Air! I developed asthma while living in a smoggy area. Lost productivity and increased healthcare needs are FAR more expensive than good transportation planning!
We can cut poverty and pollution at the same time. We urge you to move forward with a regional program that prioritizes the needs of communities overburdened with pollution and underserved in mobility options |
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11/4/2019 |
Michael |
O'Connor |
VA Petroleum & Convenience Marketers Association |
Richmond |
Virginia |
VPCMA Comments in Opposition to TCI Framework for a Draft Regional Policy Proposal VPCMA Comments in Opposition to TCI Framework for a Draft Regional Policy Proposal |
VPCMA Comments on Transportation and Climate Initiative.pdf |
10/28/2020 |
Peggy |
O'Neill-Vivanco |
UVM/Transportation Research Center/VT Clean Cities |
Burlington |
Vermont |
How does TCI plan on addressing transit agencies and diesel fuel usage? Would they be exempt from the diesel fuel surcharge? They move a lot of people around and are necessary (in some cases, the... read more How does TCI plan on addressing transit agencies and diesel fuel usage? Would they be exempt from the diesel fuel surcharge? They move a lot of people around and are necessary (in some cases, the only transportation options) for many low- and moderate-income and minority residents. How will TCI balance emissions and health needs with keeping public transit affordable for all users?
Thanks. |
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2/24/2020 |
Caylin |
McCamp |
UVM Office of Sustainability |
Burlington |
Vermont |
Getting involved is the right thing to do for our state and the planet! Getting involved is the right thing to do for our state and the planet! |
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2/29/2020 |
Carol |
Talley |
UVM MC and UVM |
Charlotte |
Vermont |
I am firmly in favor of the TCI and Vermont's participation. There is no question in my mind this is in our better interests.
Do the right thing for our climate future and join this... read more I am firmly in favor of the TCI and Vermont's participation. There is no question in my mind this is in our better interests.
Do the right thing for our climate future and join this initiative. |
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2/25/2020 |
Sebastian |
Wu |
UVM Grad, Born & Raised Vermonter |
Brownsville |
Vermont |
I believe Vermont must not only join TCI, but fight to make it as strong on climate as it can be. It is a critical opportunity for our region to get a handle on transportation emissions while... read more I believe Vermont must not only join TCI, but fight to make it as strong on climate as it can be. It is a critical opportunity for our region to get a handle on transportation emissions while investing in more sustainable alternatives (therefore strengthening our economy by creating jobs and resilience). Regarding the issue of equity, it is up to our state to ensure that the millions we make from the auction of carbon credits goes to helping low-income and rural Vermonters out by incentivizing low/no-carbon alternatives, and/or in the form of direct cash payouts. |
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1/16/2020 |
elaine |
peters |
uucsr |
hicksville |
New York |
We want non-polluting vehicles like electric and more high speed rail.
We want non-polluting vehicles like electric and more high speed rail.
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2/21/2020 |
Grace |
Hall |
UU Mass Action, 350MA |
Somerville |
Massachusetts |
Dear Governor Baker,
I am so pleased that you are pushing for enactment of TCI in the New England region. Please don't let some naysayers discourage you. Most of us strongly support... read more Dear Governor Baker,
I am so pleased that you are pushing for enactment of TCI in the New England region. Please don't let some naysayers discourage you. Most of us strongly support you in this endeavor. When I think of the poor air quality in East Somerville near I-93, I am very concerned for those who live near there. I see this as an important step in fighting the climate crises and in increasing environmental justice in low income communities. Hand in hand with more charging stations and a focus on public transportation, it can be a major player in reducing carbon dioxide emissions and reducing air pollution.
Thank you for your leadership in this area.
Grace Hall |
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11/12/2019 |
Dan |
Kennedy |
UTCA of NJ |
Allenwood |
New Jersey |
MX-5070N_20191112_153851.pdf |
2/27/2020 |
Diana |
Greenhalgh |
New Milton |
West Virginia |
There is a problem with many people wanting to drive big trucks and diesel trucks and all the semi's due to hydraulic fracturing. Not just in WV but in PA also. Other eastern states have the... read more There is a problem with many people wanting to drive big trucks and diesel trucks and all the semi's due to hydraulic fracturing. Not just in WV but in PA also. Other eastern states have the problem of population and also semi trucks. Something should be done and initiatives need to continue to reduce pollution from fossil fuels. |
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1/16/2020 |
Taina |
Litwak |
Darnestown |
Maryland |
I am writing because I am an involved citizen and I and really concerned about the steamrolling effects of climate change we are seeing. Climate change is the looming threat to the security and... read more I am writing because I am an involved citizen and I and really concerned about the steamrolling effects of climate change we are seeing. Climate change is the looming threat to the security and livability of our country and our planet. We cannot stop it at this point, but the more we continue with business as usual, the worse life will be for all of humanity over the next 100 years. Pollution from transportation is our largest source of global warming emissions (regionally and nationally). Maryland needs to formally join the plan to reduce emissions.
The new policy has a strong component of equity by prioritizing clean investments in areas overburdened by pollution and/or for those who don't have access. This is so important. I want to also thank you for the bipartisan nature of this current project, moving us forward while the federal government under President Trump takes us backward. I hope you take this very seriously and institute a strong emissions reduction program.
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1/23/2020 |
Andrew |
Graves |
USAF Ret |
Portland |
Maine |
We don't not need Transportation Climate Imitative, it is just one more TAX on or backs bad for Maine and Mainers and companies. Lets put it in the trash where it needs to go read more We don't not need Transportation Climate Imitative, it is just one more TAX on or backs bad for Maine and Mainers and companies. Lets put it in the trash where it needs to go |
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2/28/2020 |
John |
Kester |
USA citizen, resident on this one earth. |
Silver Spring |
Maryland |
Maryland should make a make a firm commitment to adopt a regional transportation policy that achieves a minimum 40 percent reduction in transportation sector climate pollution by 2030, to keep us... read more Maryland should make a make a firm commitment to adopt a regional transportation policy that achieves a minimum 40 percent reduction in transportation sector climate pollution by 2030, to keep us on track to meet the climate goals updated by the General Assembly. |
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