TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliationsort descending City State Input File
Danny Beckwith American citizen Hinsdale Massachusetts
I do not support this tax. It is ridiculous and climate change is a hoax.
Joan Caiazzo American citizen Fresh Meadows New York
We need clean air and reduced emissions. Do what’s right for the health of the American people.
John Horner American Citizen, Human Race, Conscious Living Being Somerville Massachusetts
To disregard the potential dangers of climate change by those with the responsibility and authority to take reasonable precautions to mitigate these dangers is nothing short of a crime against...
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Jane Pringle American college of physicians Windham Maine
I live in a state with a large geography and inadequate public transportation systems. We have good progress on developing solar power and wind energy systems. We need to invest in better clean...
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Kenneth Rowe American Legion Loveland Colorado
We need to keep our air clean & climate change under control any bit will help. We don’t want Colorado to be come like some of the big cities around the country.
Lance Boucher American Lung Association Augusta Maine
The American Lung Association in Maine supports Maine’s involvement in the Transportation & Climate Initiative (TCI) as a critical regional effort to reduce the harms of transportation...
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Lance Boucher American Lung Association Augusta Maine
On behalf of the American Lung Association, I am writing to express our support for moving forward with a thoughtful program design that affords the greatest benefits to local community health....
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TCI Submission 110519.pdf
Mordecai-Mark Mac Low American Museum of Natural History Philadelphia Pennsylvania
Reducing pollution from transportation is a key component to reducing Pennsylvania's emissions. Public transit with sufficient frequency and coverage to attract car drivers while continuing...
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Bruce Cary American Patriot Limington Maine
This is a tax. I’m not that smart and I know that. This failed to pass in MA years ago, but yet here it is again. Had to come with numbers this time, pass it as a group because that makes it...
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Patrick Kelly American Petroleum Institute Washington District of Columbia
Please see attached.
TCI Comment API.pdf
Bert Kauffman American Psychological Association Oxford Maine
Climate change is the most critical problem facing the planet. All forms of transportation contribute to the problem. We must coalesce around solutions NOW.
Scott Blakeney American Taxpayer Sterling Massachusetts
Please keep your cash grabbing self promoting ideas to yourselves. To raise my taxes without any legislative representation is akin to how the American Revolution started. You have apparently...
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John Lawson Americans Penn Valley Pennsylvania
It is time for drastic action.
Sara Amish AmeriCorps Cambridge Massachusetts
I have to drive everyday to work, and it just kills me that I have no choice but to contribute to the growing problem of climate change. If we can find a way to create a world where individuals...
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Neda Hazen Amp Americas Chicago Illinois
AMP NGVA TCI Framework Letter.pdf
Robert Wasilewski An Automobile Driver Wilkes Barre Pennsylvania
I support the Obama era, or stricter, clean car standards. Climate change deniers must not be allowed to weaken vehicle efficiency standards. We already are suffering the consequences of climate...
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Esther Lacognata-Palmer An elder Topsham Maine
Certainly a great idea not only do we need efficient well run alternative fuel public transportation but it must Be superbly well run reliable pick up or scheduled stops

Something akin to...
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Maria Bartlett Andover Garden Club Andover Massachusetts
This is an extremely urgent program and MA should engage at the 25% level. As cars become more efficient at mpg, folks will not notice the added charge, especially since it will be done at the...
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Jason Curtis Andropogon Associates Philadelphia Pennsylvania
Carbon reduction is a must. If you believe the science and the environmental impacts then it's a win. If you believe in the bottom line approach then it's a win. Either way. Having...
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Jason Curtis Andropogon Associates Philadelphia Pennsylvania
The only way to move forward is to stop borrowing carbon from the future. Let's be smart.
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