TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions
Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions.
Date | First | Last |
Affiliation![]() |
City | State | Input | File |
11/12/2019 | Joseph | Walsh | citizen | Bridgewater | Massachusetts |
This is a tax. All taxes must be voted upon by each state's legislation read more |
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11/12/2019 | Rich | Fairfull | Citizen | Whitinsville | Massachusetts |
Please pursue your goals by making an open, honest, case and let the voters decide. The people must decide by voting. |
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11/12/2019 | Anthony | Goodwin | citizen | Lynn | Massachusetts |
How about we start with some cost saving measures first? One small example are the 40 or so MBTA and MADOT cars parked on 45 High Street Boston. Funny thing is they are there all day and after... read more |
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11/12/2019 | Thomas | Burke | Citizen | Dartmouth | Massachusetts |
This is potentially ANOTHER TAX on the WORKING members and their families. Mismanagement of our read more transportation departments does NOT warrant another tax on the WORKING (!) public. Find... |
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11/12/2019 | Ronald | Karcz | Citizen | Lawrence | Massachusetts |
Please don't foist a gas tax on us and disguise it as some kind of "initiative". It's a tax and taxes should be raised through the legislature. If our legislators are afraid to... read more |
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11/12/2019 | Lisa | Gillum | Citizen | mashpee | Massachusetts |
This proposed policy for low-carbon transportation is a blatant effort to disguise a gas tax increase. It’s a very deceitful attempt by TCI to institute a carbon tax without a vote by our... read more |
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11/13/2019 | Angeline | Benoit | citizen | READING | Massachusetts |
The legislatures make the laws. We the people have a right to vote on this. Charlie Baker, This is not Cuba! |
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11/13/2019 | patrick | philbin | citizen | waltham | Massachusetts |
any taxes or government imposed fees need to be public and voted on by roll call votes. I want to know who votes and how. Stop this subversive, secret abuse of power. |
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11/13/2019 | Richard | Gagnon | Citizen | Rockport | Massachusetts |
Use the money we already collect each year wisely. No taxation without representation. |
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11/13/2019 | Alan | Miner | Citizen | Rochester | Massachusetts |
TCI is another attempt to ram another tax down our throats. Once the politicians start taking your money without your approval, especially for a " CLIMATE" initiative it will never end.... read more |
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11/19/2019 | Nick | Rotiroti | Citizen | Avon | Massachusetts |
Then TCI initiative is a tax on all of us without representation . It should not be allowed . California is paying gas at $4 plus a gallon and they are falling apart . It is another power grab by... read more |
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11/26/2019 | Erik | H | Citizen | Gloucester | Massachusetts |
With particulates, smog, gas and oil ruining our air and being drained into our waterways and the ridiculous subsidization of fossil fuels knowing the immense harm it causes I am strongly in favor... read more |
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12/1/2019 | Lawrence | Kelley | Citizen | Plymouth | Massachusetts |
Enough is enough stop this foolish proposal |
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12/1/2019 | Thomas | FitzGerald | Citizen | Northampton | Massachusetts |
To begin, I am appalled at the nefarious manner in which this insidious and outlandish scheme is being foisted upon the working people of the Commonwealth, and to express my absolute disgust at... read more |
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12/1/2019 | Brian | Curley | Citizen | Boston | Massachusetts |
This is an ILLEGAL GAS TAX. The voters of Massachusetts rejected this concept in 2014. The proposed “fee” (tax) needs to go through the appropriate legislative process. In addition, funding of... read more |
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12/2/2019 | Nick | Bagarella | Citizen | Woburn | Massachusetts |
stop the madness - citizens are the ones to address this issue, not just our "elected officials" read more |
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12/2/2019 | David | Watts | citizen | Arlington | Massachusetts |
The gas tax was defeated by the taxpayers already. This is an attempt to do an end run around the people of Massachusetts and to avoid fiscal responsibility. |
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12/2/2019 | christine | savage | citizen | boston | Massachusetts |
Outrageous! Since when is Massachusetts taxed without representation! We are so overburdened with taxes as is and this tax will hit the middle class the hardest. Where are our tax dollars spent?... read more |
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12/3/2019 | Michael | Modica | citizen | Saugus | Massachusetts |
If this is really about the environment and not just another tax increase, it will be made revenue-neutral, perhaps with a fixed dollar amount tax credit/benefits increase, so that if you consume... read more |
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12/15/2019 | Steinberg | Peter | Citizen | Boston | Massachusetts |
I believe this is doomed to fail in reducing admissions, will disproportionately hurt low income citizens and is being advanced without appropriate legislative action in the various states it has... read more |
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