TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Last Affiliationsort descending City State Input File
Carol Berkeley Mrs. Boxfotd Massachusetts
It time we take affect of climate initiative and all it endures.

Mimi Hodsoll Mrs. Falls Church Virginia
We need to cut the pollution from transportation in order to fight global warming.
Angela Plagge Mrs. Etna New Hampshire
We must reduce pollution and one of the best areas to control pollution is in transportation. Please have NH join the efforts to reduce emissions and pay attention to equity in areas that are...
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susan foley Mrs. westfield Massachusetts
Transportation, in all its forms, produce toxins. It is imperative that we become PROGRESSIVE and RESPONSIBLE. We can be leaders on the national and world stages.
Julia Powers Mrs. Lancaster Pennsylvania
The United States is so far behind other countries. We need more efficient trains, better roads and bridges. We look almost like a 3rd world country than one of the Best Countries in the World...
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Bonnie Miskolczy Mrs. Carlisle Massachusetts
As a climate crisis widow, I support all efforts to limit CO2 and transportation is a large contributor. Do everything possible to make our transportation systems as efficient as possible as fast...
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Deborah Herath Mrs. Southwick Massachusetts
Climate change is REAL and we must make changes to our transportation. Low emissions are a must - we won't have a second change to save our planet's coral reefs, seaside properties,...
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Judy Knueven Mrs. Beaver Falls Pennsylvania
janice seipel Mrs. Triangle Virginia
Laraine Lebron Mrs. Utica Oneida County New York
This is one of the most important things that can be accomplished. It would be wonderful, in this age of anger in politics, to see a bi-partisan effort to reduce these emissions, thereby -...
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Lisa Lovejoy Mrs. Branford Connecticut
Connecticut’s transportation sector is the biggest single emitter of greenhouse gas emissions in the state at 38% of the total. This is a climate crisis, and we must immediately work to address...
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Louise Quigley Mrs. Braintree Massachusetts
Climate change is already at crisis level, given the dangerous storms that local and national news seem to be reporting all the time now. Transportation is a major contributor. At the same time...
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Marjorie Greville Mrs. Boston Massachusetts
Gov. Baker has shown recently his concern with traffic congestion in and around Boston. I applaud these efforts, and would like to urge him to go further and support the Transportation and Climate...
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donna stetson Mrs. Methuen Massachusetts
no more taxes!
Roxanne Donohue Mrs. Weehawken New Jersey
We have to act quickly as time is running out for our planet be bold be brave do the right thing!
Roxanne Donohue Mrs. Weehawken New Jersey
Time is running out for our planet we must move swiftly and do the right thing be bold be brave and help save us all
sherry weiland Mrs. Hudson Massachusetts
We are facing a climate crisis and need to take bold steps to prevent further damage. The transportation plan should be a big part of this. The plan needs to hold large transportation polluters...
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Patricia Brech Mrs. Elkton Maryland
I am retired now, but even though I do not need daily transportation to work, I still need to get around. But there are few, if any, alternatives to a car where I live, in Cecil County, MD. And...
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Kate Gelhard Mrs. New Windsor Maryland
Transportation in Maryland (and other states) is not being controlled in an efficient and eco-friendly manner. We are so far behind some European countries and must do better. People spend too...
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Molly Rahman Mrs. Chelsea Massachusetts
Improved transportation solutions, including electric alternatives and improved multi-modal infrastructure, are a win for everyone. Cost savings through decreased dependency on fuel and risky,...
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