2/24/2020 |
Susan |
Babbitt |
NA |
Philadelphia |
Pennsylvania |
Reducing pollution from transportation is a key component to reducing Pennsylvania's emissions. Public transit investments that could be made with TCI proceeds would be valuable; please... read more Reducing pollution from transportation is a key component to reducing Pennsylvania's emissions. Public transit investments that could be made with TCI proceeds would be valuable; please choose the aggressive greenhouse gas reduction target that climate science requires, prioritizing clean investments in areas overburdened by pollution and/or for those who don’t have access to transportation choices. |
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2/26/2020 |
Susan |
Babbitt |
NA |
Philadelphia |
Pennsylvania |
We need improved transportation options, and assurance polluters will pay for the damage they have caused. This must be addressed now.
Pennsylvania must jump in to reduce transportation... read more We need improved transportation options, and assurance polluters will pay for the damage they have caused. This must be addressed now.
Pennsylvania must jump in to reduce transportation emissions, with investments in public transportation, biking, and walking. |
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10/14/2020 |
Susan |
Babbitt |
Individual |
Philadelphia |
Pennsylvania |
Greetings: I would like to say that we must have
a cap on carbon emissions of at least 25% by 2032 and an increase in the minimum investment in overburdened and underserved communities (... read more Greetings: I would like to say that we must have
a cap on carbon emissions of at least 25% by 2032 and an increase in the minimum investment in overburdened and underserved communities (>35%)
It would be fitting to use investments to promote active transportation: sidewalks, bicycle infrastructure, and high quality public transit.
Thank you for your attention. |
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10/14/2019 |
steven |
babb |
none |
Westbrook |
Maine |
Mills, along with any democrat will do anything in their power to get more power for their party and more money out of the people. They are corrupt and incompetent and do not care about productive... read more Mills, along with any democrat will do anything in their power to get more power for their party and more money out of the people. They are corrupt and incompetent and do not care about productive policy - they care about PROFITABLE policy. That is why Mills is pushing the CMP corridor; to the horror of the entire state she is supposed to be running. She hasn't paid her inaugural bills yet, and is a known cocaine addict. How did this joke get elected? I have no doubt she would love to put multiple taxes on gasoline, which will absolutely KILL Maines young people and working class, both of which are leaving the state already for places that pay better money and don't have such a ridiculous tax burden. You can't have a mailbox in Maine without $200 a year in property taxes. Some states out west and in central America pay less than us for a hundred acres or more of land. The only way to go carbon neutral is to catapult yourself into the sun without using fossil fuels (good luck building that device) Short of that, you ARE NOT carbon neutral. These ridiculous proposals will waste our entire budget to generate 15% of our power via "renewable" sources - and half the country will die of starvation if we follow just any one of their stupid goals like not eating meat, or not using any fossil fuels. The entire society, and all of civilization will collapse if these idiots are actually given the green light on their lofty, moronic, short sighted goals. Liberals suffer from extreme cognitive dissonance, nirvana fallacys and rhetoric. Climate alarmism is not based on actual science, data, logic, theory or evidence. Transportation is not even man kinds largest contributing factor in regard to greenhouse gas emissions, farm animals are. This will also do NOTHING to alleviate the need for fossil fuels by our state or culture, it just puts more money in government pockets taken from citizens and businesses. This gesture is virtue signaling at it's heart- doing NOTHING to fix a problem while posturing to appear virtuous while in reality just exacerbating the problem or spending all of your effort on appearing to be a good samaritan instead of working on the problem. Care to guess how much time and effort Mills is spending on developing vertical farming? nuclear or thorium power? new cleaner fertilizers pesticides herbicides and fungicides? Improving solar power? None, zero - zilch - nada. These people do not work for solutions, they do not WANT or CARE about solutions, they want to preach about a problem; real or imagined, to increase their personal wealth and power. Climate alarmism is cyclical like doomsday prophecy. Al Gore said the ice caps would be melted and polar bears would be extinct by now. Earths climate and temperature has never been linear or static and it probably never will be. We have solar minimums and maximums, ice ages, and geography that essentially creates a climate cycle by itself. To think humans can control the climate other than avoiding things that do catastrophic damage is the height of arrogance ignorance and armchair activism. If you want to have a cleaner Earth and you aren't talking about China, India, and Africa, as well as nuclear or thorium power you are either stupid manipulating people with appeals to fear or full of shit. |
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12/18/2019 |
C |
B |
Fed-Up Taxpayer |
Wakefield |
Massachusetts |
Absolute no to this "initiative." Just another money grab for MA. Will move out of state if this goes through; tired of being taxed for every little thing. read more Absolute no to this "initiative." Just another money grab for MA. Will move out of state if this goes through; tired of being taxed for every little thing. |
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3/1/2020 |
Clifford |
Azersky |
1963 |
Sharon |
Massachusetts |
I am not in favor of passing this tax. And I am certainly not in favor of not letting a vote taken to either pass or reject this initiative. I am not in favor of passing this tax. And I am certainly not in favor of not letting a vote taken to either pass or reject this initiative. |
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11/5/2019 |
Najib |
Azar |
Seminary Road Shell |
Falls Church |
Virginia |
As a small business owner in the fuel sales industry, I am NOT in favor of TCI as it is currently proposed because I believe the negative impacts will outweigh the positive impacts. People's... read more As a small business owner in the fuel sales industry, I am NOT in favor of TCI as it is currently proposed because I believe the negative impacts will outweigh the positive impacts. People's jobs, livelihood, and families will be incredibly adversely affected by the aggressiveness of the proposed plan. Such severe caps and reductions within the proposed time frame are unreasonable without an acceptable alternative for sellers and consumers. Moreover, I wholeheartedly believe that this plan will NOT bring us any closer to accomplishing the overarching objective of creating a major reduction in carbon emissions. This can ONLY be accomplished by targeting the largest sources of carbon emissions, namely agriculture, coal mining, deforestation, jet fuel emissions, and burning fossil fuels for heat and electricity. In an already densely populated region that continues to rapidly expand, reduction of fuel for transportation will wreak havoc. It should not go unmentioned that we have an incredibly unreliable public transportation system that CANNOT be considered an alternative nor a method by which we can reduce emissions in our area. A positive global impact on emissions should be the ultimate objective since your efforts will be for naught without global participation and buy-in; we all share the same atmosphere. To really address the issue of carbon emissions, you need to look at the biggest state emitters, such as China, Japan, and India. Until there is action on a global scale, our climate will continue to be adversely affected, no matter what the TCI does. There are "bigger fish to fry," so to speak, and TCI is NOT the appropriate answer because its positive impact, IF ANY, will be negligible when compared to the biggest, real threats to our environment. However, its negative impact on jobs, families, and communities will be astounding and immediately felt. People will associate TCI with the jobs they lost, the money wasted on a failed initiative, and the ensuing chaos it created, not for its impact on the environment and our climate because it will have none that are lasting. |
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2/27/2020 |
Annie |
ayes |
Citizens Climate Lobby, Climate Reality, Sunrise |
West Wareham |
Massachusetts |
Having recently seen The Human Element, I am even more aware of the chemicals our atmosphere is infused with at our hands. Little kids are breathing through face masks made to look like elephant... read more Having recently seen The Human Element, I am even more aware of the chemicals our atmosphere is infused with at our hands. Little kids are breathing through face masks made to look like elephant faces multiple times a day at home and in school to stay alive. They explain that it feels like drowning when their damaged lungs fail to deliver adequate oxygen due to the pollution from the convenience of using fossil fuels. Our definition of fossil fuel necessity has been smothered by the scientific data that shows how we are destroying our life support systems. Shame on us for complaining that we don't like an additional gas tax. Our first responsibility is to life. We have lost our way as we minimize its fragility and our necessary stewardship. All around us we see the consequences accrue and the death of species; plants, animals and loved ones. My concern is that this legislation is as vetted and as extreme in its effectiveness as is humanly possible. I believe the team assembled and the sponsors behind this initiative are taking their moral role as shapers of our children's futures seriously. I thank you. Sign. Enact. Better our futures. |
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1/16/2020 |
Frank |
Ayers |
Mr. |
Altoona |
Pennsylvania |
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1/18/2020 |
Chris |
Ayers |
Tax Payer |
Saint Albans |
Vermont |
So is the bill going to increase gas, electric and heating oil based monthly bills for Americans? What is this new technology that will cap certain vehicles emissions? What about my 2010 Dodge... read more So is the bill going to increase gas, electric and heating oil based monthly bills for Americans? What is this new technology that will cap certain vehicles emissions? What about my 2010 Dodge Cummins and will I have to pay a seperate tax for having a bigger truck? Just how much is this program going to cost everyday tax paying New Englanders and please respond without political banter, I've had enough of that. Vermont is already one of the most expensive states to live in and it's only going up. It's very hard for a hard working father of 3 to pay all these taxes without a truthful relevant explanation. I give half my paycheck for taxes now so you can see why someone like me is hesistant.
Thanks for your time, |
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2/21/2020 |
Marya |
Axner |
Faith and Solidarity |
Somerville |
Massachusetts |
We need a comprehensive transportation plan in New England that will lower greenhouse gases. States cannot operate as if they are a separate unit. We need a comprehensive transportation plan in New England that will lower greenhouse gases. States cannot operate as if they are a separate unit. |
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1/22/2020 |
Rae-Anne |
Avery |
Mass resident |
Indian Orchard |
Massachusetts |
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1/22/2020 |
Rae-Anne |
Avery |
Mass resident |
Indian Orchard |
Massachusetts |
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2/12/2020 |
Rae-Anne |
Avery |
None |
Indian Orchard |
Massachusetts |
What you're doing is disgusting and disturbing yet you do it anyway. Your constituents are angered and have voiced their opinion and you all ignore us. It won't matter for us to vote you... read more What you're doing is disgusting and disturbing yet you do it anyway. Your constituents are angered and have voiced their opinion and you all ignore us. It won't matter for us to vote you out as the voting g in Massachusetts is rigged against us. And we know it. Can't wait for all of our state reps to get investigated. Your corruption is NOT hidden at all. This TCI is proof. |
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10/25/2019 |
Tom |
Aversa |
sebasticook Regional Land Trust |
unity |
Maine |
Mainers deserve creative new choices and new investments to meet our transportation needs; the one thing we know is that pouring pollution into the atmosphere and sending our hard-earned money out... read more Mainers deserve creative new choices and new investments to meet our transportation needs; the one thing we know is that pouring pollution into the atmosphere and sending our hard-earned money out of state for the oil that causes that pollution are NOT the way forward.
If the feds are paralyzed with inaction, we need to do it at the regional level. |
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11/2/2019 |
Tom |
Aversa |
sebasticook regional land trust |
unity |
Maine |
It makes sense that we join other states and improve our infrastructure to have cleaner transportation. Money raised by the initiative could be used to improve infrastructure such as charging... read more It makes sense that we join other states and improve our infrastructure to have cleaner transportation. Money raised by the initiative could be used to improve infrastructure such as charging stations and low emission vehicle incentives. Cap and invest! |
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1/14/2020 |
Daniel |
Austin |
Tax payer |
Westbrook |
Maine |
I strongly oppose TCI. This punishes poor people, especially in rural states like Maine. It is an unfair tax. I strongly oppose TCI. This punishes poor people, especially in rural states like Maine. It is an unfair tax. |
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1/18/2020 |
Greta |
Aul |
None |
Lancaster |
Pennsylvania |
Great idea, and I am interested to stay in the loop. No particular knowledge in this area. I ride Amtrak regularly from Lancaster, PA, to Bridgeport, CT, via Philadelphia. Trains are often... read more Great idea, and I am interested to stay in the loop. No particular knowledge in this area. I ride Amtrak regularly from Lancaster, PA, to Bridgeport, CT, via Philadelphia. Trains are often overcrowded, and driving is not pleasant. Think working from home wherever possible, as part of the solution. |
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2/26/2020 |
Greta |
Aul |
Consumer |
Lancaster |
Pennsylvania |
Climate change is the existential issue. We must do better to save our planet home. Everyone and every industry must cooperate. Climate change is the existential issue. We must do better to save our planet home. Everyone and every industry must cooperate. |
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10/14/2020 |
Greta |
Aul |
Private citizen |
Lancaster |
Pennsylvania |
I support clean air and water, and believe in climate change. We must stop the earth from becoming too hot for us to live on. There really is no other choice. I support clean air and water, and believe in climate change. We must stop the earth from becoming too hot for us to live on. There really is no other choice. |
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