TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
First Lastsort descending Affiliation City State Input File
Daniel Alesandro Union of Concerned Scientists ORADELL New Jersey
It is extremely important that we transition from a carbon based transportation system (internal combustion engine based) to clean public transportation. While individual autos will likely remain...
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Richard Alexander Retired Chemical Engineer (MIT1949) King of Prussia Pennsylvania
As a WWII vet I can look back on working on steam locomotives and their pollution. The same pollution that all carbon brings today. That pollution is now showing just how destructive it can be....
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Emily Alexander CT Resident Hebron Connecticut
We need TCI in CT! It will re-invest funds to help out rural communities as well as urban communities.
Gunta Alexander Voter Glen Ridge New Jersey
We can cut poverty and pollution at the same time. We urge you to move forward with a regional program that prioritizes the needs of communities overburdened with pollution and underserved in...
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Rachael Alfond MCV Portland Maine
Our outdated transportation system is Maine’s largest source of climate pollution—and it doesn’t even meet the needs of Maine people.

Maine people deserve clean, modern, affordable...
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Cheryl Alison Tufts University Worcester Massachusetts
Travel within Massachusetts, particularly commuting into Boston, has become something of a regular nightmare. We travel several times a week between Worcester, MA, where we live, and Boston or...
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Christopher Allaman Public Butler Pennsylvania
I support this measure as a way to reduce or eliminate greenhouse gas emissions. I want to see my state progress toward green energy and away from fossil fuels as quickly as possible. As a...
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A Allegro other Boston Massachusetts
I am strongly opposed to the T.C.I
Paul Allen M. J. Bradley & Associates Washington District of Columbia
On behalf of the signatory companies, please find the attached statement of support for, and expression of perspectives on the Transportation Climate Initiative’s efforts to develop a cap-and-...
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Chad Allen Resident Naples Maine
I don't think this is a good idea for Maine. It's not in the best interest of industry or tourism,and the very job's we depend on. Maybe you people should stop trying to be like...
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Pam Allen none Fryeburg Maine
Yes--bring it on! Non-polluting public transportation. We must do something everyday, however small, to change our climate-ruining habits. We must move away from fossil fuels and petrochemicals....
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Tracey Allen NRCM Scarborough Maine
Northeastern states worked successfully together to tackle power plant pollution through the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), which is supporting energy efficiency and weatherization...
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Jay Allen Citizen New Harbor Maine
This will have a disastrous effect on Mainers, especially those who are already struggling to pay for gas and heat their homes. Mainers don’t have the option to take a bus or hop on the subway....
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Andrew Allen Libertarian Unio Maine
This is a raw deal for over 3/4ths of the state of maine i strongly oppose increasing our already astronomical tax burden. I fail to see how raising taxes will accomplish anything but put more...
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Nancy Allen Overburdened taxpayer Belmont Massachusetts
The TCI is designed to force a massive change on American standard of living under the phony guise of climate change. It's an illegal tax on Americans to force them to give up cars. And...
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Dennis Allen Independant Warwick Rhode Island

This is an assault on American freedom.

RI government is out of control.

We have the freedom to move out of this state,

RI state of delusion.
Brian Allen Mr. Bolton Landing New York
We need a reduction of carbon in transportation as well as better public transportation mass transit to assist in this as well to get a hanlde on Global Climate change.
Tracey Allen none Scarborough Maine
Climate change is going to do horrible damage worldwide and providing sustainable transportation options is a critical piece of the picture. I fully support the policies put forth under this...
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Paul Allen M.J. Bradley & Associates Washington District of Columbia
Please see the attached comments from Exelon Corporation and Public Service Enterprise Group.
Utility Comment Letter on TCI MOU FINAL.pdf
Russ Allen Clean Air Council Jenkintown Pennsylvania
This is exactly what's needed. With transportation the sector of the economy now producing the most carbon emissions, it's time to apply a system that will result in a near complete...
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Council logo.pdf
