TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
Firstsort descending Last Affiliation City State Input File
Christine Pervaiz Independent-Democrat Sykesville Maryland
I want to see a move away from the big oil companies. I want our transportation and other energies to be as clean as possible. We must protect our environment in a preemptive way. In my opinion...
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Christine Erb Citizen Lanesborough Massachusetts
Please limit pollution from motor fuels and keep our air cleaner.
Christine Dolle none Swarthmore Pennsylvania
I would like my children (and all children!) to be able to learn, and play, and grow in areas free from noxious emissions from idling school buses, cars, and other forms of transportation.
Christopher Moulton Self Kennebunkport Maine
My name is Chris Moulton from KennebunkportKennebunkport ME. I applaud Gov Mills for involving herself in the regional transportation design process. I want to see initiatives that benefit low-...
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Christopher Doehne Mr. Falmouth Maine
This will do nothing but devastate the working class. Cap and trade has been an horrific failure with no benefit to the environment it has cost jobs and has done nothing but harm the working poor...
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Christopher Hastings ??? Richmond Maine
Taxes in fuel hurt poor people. It's already hard for us to get to work,and now we're going to be penalized?

Stop it!
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Christopher Earhart Dixie Gas & Oil Corp. Verona Virginia
Our company has been in business for over 73 years and is a supplier of both propane and petroleum products. We support efforts for a cleaner environment but it must be with a balanced approach...
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Christopher Johnson personal Somerville Maine
Transportation is required for most jobs in Maine, particularly outside the larger denser population centers. But Maine is also greatly at risk from our low average income and sensitivity to...
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Christopher Granda Appliance Standards Awareness Project Richmond Vermont
In Vermont, the transportation sector has the largest contribution to statewide greenhouse gas emissions. Many Vermonters must also drive long distances between their homes and their jobs, making...
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Christopher Wright Independent Plymouth Massachusetts
This is a tax on the people and MUST be put to vote. Do you recall "For the People, By the People"?
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Christopher Matera Independent Sutton Massachusetts
Whether this is a cap and invest, or a tax is immaterial. At the end of the process the consumer will be forced to pay more - thus making this fee, very tax like. Penalizing parts of the state...
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Christopher Shevchuk Private Citizen Worcester Massachusetts
I find it incredibly galling that Massachusetts Taxpayers made their will known when they rejected an automatic gas tax increase and instead the political class are trying to get it through...
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christopher fabbri voter independent Ipswich Massachusetts
We have a gas tax already, we have excise tax, we have income tax, we have sales tax, we have property tax, I don't think I need to continue there. Wait we also have fees now vs tax, like...
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Christopher Allaman Public Butler Pennsylvania
I support this measure as a way to reduce or eliminate greenhouse gas emissions. I want to see my state progress toward green energy and away from fossil fuels as quickly as possible. As a...
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Christopher Ecker Mammal Rockville Maryland
If we and most other species are to survive, we must stop burning fossil fuels ASAP and begin to remove atmospheric CO2 at a rapidly accelerating rate. The technologies exist to do these things;...
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Christopher Glattly NY Climate Smart Cities volunteer Canandaigua New York
Since the adoption of the electric infrastructure at all levels of commerce and transportation is well underway now, the primary question for TCI, as I understand it, is where to get and how to...
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Christopher Ecker None Rockville Maryland
If we are to survive as a species, we need all of the following to be implemented as quickly as possible: (1) Subsides for the purchase of vehicle-to-vehicle cruise control and any similar...
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Christopher Pearson VT Legislature Burlington Vermont
Please see attached comments
TCI comments.pdf
Christopher Kayes Terran Associates East Dover Vermont
There are several problems with this initiative as proposed:

1. Overall there is no mention made of how these initiatives this will affect global warming.

2. Because there is no Cost...
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Christopher Cummings Private Citizen Woodbridge Virginia
Fuel efficiency is a good thing. Disposal of renewable energy parts is of serious concern. Exploitation of children in mining for the use of rare earth minerals to satisfy technological uses such...
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