TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
Firstsort descending Last Affiliation City State Input File
Bryan Garcia Connecticut Green Bank Rocky Hill Connecticut
Please see attached
Green Bank TCI input.pdf
Bryan Murtha None Owings Maryland
100 percent is support of electric vehicles and their needed infrastructure.
Brydon Ross Consumer Energy Alliance Louisville Kentucky
Attached, please find CEA's comments on the Draft Framework of the TCI. read more
CEA TCI Draft Framework Comments.pdf
Brydon Ross Consumer Energy Alliance Louisville Kentucky
To whom it may concern,

Attached are comments on behalf of Consumer Energy Alliance concerning the Draft MOU of the Transportation Climate Initiative. We appreciate the opportunity to...
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CEA TCI Draft MOU Comments 2.28.20.pdf
Bryn HammarstromRN environmental activist Middlebury Center Pennsylvania
Penn's Woods citizens should take the lead in protecting our environment from the disastrous effects of climate change/ global warming. While we do not have a "coastline", the...
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Bud McAllister Partners in Healthy Communities New London Connecticut
We (PHC) Are in full support of Dream Corps Transportation and Climate Initiative
Burton Knapp Porter Hill Farm Farmington Maine
While recently on Maui in Hawaii I was impressed by seeing a bus with a large label on it's side touting that it was 100% electric.

Let's move ahead in Maine!
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byron Ogden indy walk away Bangor Maine
no no no
C B Fed-Up Taxpayer Wakefield Massachusetts
Absolute no to this "initiative." Just another money grab for MA. Will move out of state if this goes through; tired of being taxed for every little thing.
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C K citizen Lake Geneva Wisconsin
They did a study among the Swiss about Special Solar Panel Roads. The power generation was mind boggling, and the strengthened panels reportedly stood up to temperature changes, and at least mid...
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C. Miller ? Media Pennsylvania
We can cut poverty and pollution at the same time. We urge you to move forward with a regional program that prioritizes the needs of communities overburdened with pollution and underserved in...
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C. W. Comer Retired Sorrento Maine
We need a safe, clean and reliable train system in Maine. I would much prefer to ride on a train in order to go to Boston for medical and transportation connections than make the 5 hour drive to...
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Cameron Davis Ms Charlotte Vermont
I support a “…design (for) a regional low-carbon transportation policy proposal that would cap and reduce carbon emissions from the combustion of transportation fuels through a cap-and-invest...
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CAPT Donald P Galamaga USN Ret Retired US Navy Ship Command Qualified Officer Warwick Rhode Island
Weather and its relationship to long term Climate Change dynamics have always been a subject of professional interest and application for me during my active service with the United States Navy...
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Cara Robechek Vermont Energy Education Program Montpelier Vermont
Vermont Energy Education Program (VEEP) works with students and teachers from schools around Vermont. Young people around the state (our newest and soon-to-be voters) are worried about climate...
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Caren Connelly Republican Attleboro Massachusetts
This is a gas tax plain and simple. I drive 100 miles roundtrip to work and it would be a massive increase. I am a Republican because I believe in the constitution. This is unconstitutional. You...
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Caren Olmsted Ms. Basking Ridge New Jersey
Transportation is the number one source of climate pollution in the United States. Having not seen one snow flake since the start of the new year, we are seeing climate collapse happening before...
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Carl Dean Independent Westford Massachusetts
I am against any new taxes whatsoever especially gas tax you people in the government are stealing our money every chance you get it Hass to stop or were voting you out
Carl Lindquist Law abiding, tax paying, hard working citizen of the USA. Canton Massachusetts
Absolutely NO MORE TAXES without voted approval of the citizens (LEGAL) of Massachusetts! We have made this VERY CLEAR before. This 'initiative' is a sleazy, political scam against the...
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Carl Carey jr TAX Payer and Voter Lynn Massachusetts
In 2014 we voted NO to increasing a gas tax. This TCI is a tax and should be put to a vote. Legalize Gambling and steal that revenue. Did you people ever study how this country was founded? Go...
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