TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
Firstsort descending Last Affiliation City State Input File
Brittany Bertocchi Maine resident Pittsfield Maine
We do not need our gas prices rising. In places like central and northern Maine we don’t have bus transportation and many need to drive 45 minutes or more one way.
Brittany Gibson Mid-Atlantic Homeowner and Resident Laurel Maryland
Brooke Lierman Maryland State Delegate Annapolis Maryland
Please see a letter attached from members of the Transit Caucus in the Maryland General Assembly.
TCI letter_Transit Caucus_2_21_20.pdf
Bruce Ho Natural Resources Defense Council New York New York
Please find attached comments from 16 environmental, health, scientific, transportation, and business organizations on the Reference Case assumptions presented on the May 23rd TCI webinar. Thank...
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Advocate Group Comments on 5_23 TCI Webinar.pdf
Bruce Ho Natural Resources Defense Council Annapolis Maryland
Please find attached joint comments from 13 organizations on the reference case modeling results presented on the August 8th TCI webinar and on the TCI states' next steps in modeling. Thank...
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Joint Comments on 8_8 TCI Webinar.pdf
Bruce Lord Republican Gorham Maine
I do not support our governor in joining this coalition. She didnt get the approval of her state and many of us here dont believe she would be acting in our best interests to initiate more costs...
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Bruce Lord Republican Gorham Maine
I completely disagree with the one size fits all solutions this initiative is proposing. You dont even prove these solutions will have a definitive effect on any problems we may or may not have...
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Bruce Cary American Patriot Limington Maine
This is a tax. I’m not that smart and I know that. This failed to pass in MA years ago, but yet here it is again. Had to come with numbers this time, pass it as a group because that makes it...
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Bruce Forbush Inhabitant and taxpayer of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Marstons Mills Massachusetts
Article XXIII of Part the First of the Massachusetts Constitution states: "No subsidy, charge, tax, impost, or duties, ought to be established, fixed, laid, or levied, under any pretext...
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Bruce Marsh DHL Washington District of Columbia
please see attached comments
DHL Comments to TCI.pdf
Bruce Wojciechowski Concerned tax payer Brighton Massachusetts
MASSACHUSETTS is not California !!! The working poor cannot afford another tax. We pay enough. If this state needs more money for hack jobs, get it from some else. Try cutting some of the overpaid...
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Bruce Ho Natural Resources Defense Council New York New York
Please see the attached letter from stakeholder panelists at New York State's recent public meetings on the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) supporting a comprehensive plan to...
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NY TCI Panelists Letter_12-16-19.pdf
Bruce Gordon Taxpayer Milton Massachusetts
TCI = another case of taxation without representation.
Bruce Cote Tax payer Fitchburg Massachusetts
I am against the Transportation and Climate Initiative tax in all its forms.
Bruce Zoecklein Virginia Tech University Blacksburg Virginia
It is essential that all sectors of our society act to reduce the impacts of climate change.

Because transportation is so important, we need to address the impact and minimize its effects...
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Bruce Lierman Bennington County Regional Commission Bennington Vermont
Every living former Federal Reserve chair, dozens of Nobel laureates, and chief economists from both Democratic and Republican administrations, have all signed an open letter calling for taxes on...
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Bruce Revesz citizen CEDAR GROVE New Jersey
we as a world are obligated to do all we can to clean up what we have done to our planet and implement whatever it takes to keep our planet clean and healthy.
Bruce Birchard Mr. Glen Mills Pennsylvania
The proposed Transportation and Climate Initiative is absolutely critical to the future quality of life of all Pennsylvanians. Based on proven science and more than ten years of experience with a...
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Bruce Ho Natural Resources Defense Council Annapolis Maryland
In support of TCI jurisdictions' efforts to develop a robust and equitable regional clean transportation policy, please find comments attached from 62 organizations, including members of the...
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Joint Comments on Draft TCI MOU and Modeling 2-24-20.pdf
Bryan Rubio Port Authority of New York and New Jersey New York New York
Please see attached.
PANYNJ Comments TCI Framework 2019.pdf
