TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions

Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions. 
Firstsort descending Last Affiliation City State Input File
timothy nichols mr. north anson Maine
we the people can not afford another tax ,especially another fuel tax of any kind .they say its to fix the roads and for a greener earth which is so much bull its sicking ,they didnt even spend...
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Timothy Dobson Tax payer Old town Maine
Oppose Oppose Oppose Oppose
Timothy Lattig Maine resident Lee Maine
Quit spending Mainers money and trying to raise our taxes!!! We CAN NOT afford this!!!
Timothy Sweeney Citizen and Voter in Massachusetts Chicopee Massachusetts
Taxation, fees, and restrictive regulations are the wrong way to stimulate the economy. Positive incentives are much more effective.
Timothy Whelan MA House of Representatives Brewster Massachusetts
As a state legislator in Massachusetts, I firmly believe that any and all attempts to raise taxes (which I view this initiative as) should derive from a recorded vote by myself and my colleagues...
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Timothy Tribula Consumer Lee Massachusetts
The TCI while sounding good on paper will do nothing for us and the environment. Vehicles are already producing less and less pollution every year, meanwhile other countries across the world such...
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Timothy Plante Citizen Lincoln Rhode Island
This legislation is aggregious.

Timothy Swartz Concerned citizen, father of 3 Northfield Vermont
I strongly support the Transportation and Climate Initiative's plans to limit pollution (including carbon emissions) of the transportation segment of our economy. I am a Vermont...
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Timothy O'Dell Various unpaid positions for Town of Corinth Corinth Vermont
Have become sick & tired of hearing carefully reasoned, public interventions to address market failures WRT unpriced externalities (think: TCI, Essex Plan) framed as nothing more than taxes....
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Timothy Carpenter none Morrisville Pennsylvania
Because the federal government is destroying EPA standards, states need to take the initiative on climate change, pollution and renewable energy. Please make it happen.
Tina Courtway Conservative independent Peru Maine Maine
This Gas tax increase only hurts Mainers. The majority of Maine is a rural population. We have to Drive to work. There is no public transportation available. This tax also increases home fuel cost...
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Todd Burke Unenrolled Wilbraham Massachusetts
This is unconstitutional
Todd Smith Private citizen Woodstock Connecticut
This is another stupid idea to take money from ordinary citizens and give more money to the government. If history is a teacher the CT politicians will take the monies and spend it on other...
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Todd Dennis Resident of Vermont Tinmouth Vermont

I am a resident of Vermont and I am opposed to the creation of the TCI. I attended a meeting, one of several held around the state, where we were told that this regional...
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Tom Rumpf community volunteer Brunswick Maine
Thank you for trying to address the climate crisis in a bipartisan way by pricing carbon. I hope you will ensure that any carbon price is high enough to create sufficient incentive to reduce...
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Tom Mikulka Elders for Future Generations Cape Elizabeth Maine
It is a sad statement that I have to write in support of a concept that is such a no brainer for anyone who recognizes that we are in a true climate crisis. Electrifying transportation is one of...
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Tom Aversa sebasticook Regional Land Trust unity Maine
Mainers deserve creative new choices and new investments to meet our transportation needs; the one thing we know is that pouring pollution into the atmosphere and sending our hard-earned money out...
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Tom Keenan Hannabery HVAC Allentown Pennsylvania
I feel that by increasing the cost of fuel would have a negative affect on customers and vendors as the additional cost would have to be passed on to the end user.
Tom Aversa sebasticook regional land trust unity Maine
It makes sense that we join other states and improve our infrastructure to have cleaner transportation. Money raised by the initiative could be used to improve infrastructure such as charging...
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Tom Tietenberg Colby College Waterville Maine
We know that reductions in emissions from the transportation sector are essential if we are to lower the threats posed by climate change. We also know that emissions reductions are considerably...
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