TCI Regional Policy Design Stakeholder Submissions
Material submitted through the TCI Public Input form from April 2019-February 2021 is viewable here. View input submitted from March 1, 2021 forward here. All material submitted on this page informed the participating jurisdictions in the 2019-2020 TCI regional policy design process. Click on the column headings to sort the submissions.
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First | Last | Affiliation | City | State | Input | File |
10/27/2019 | Jeffrey | Pozzy | Republican | Newburgh | Maine |
As a taxpayer I find this initiative to be a waste of time and resources. I drive about 40000 miles per year for work and cannot afford higher gas taxes nor can I afford any kind of electric truck... read more |
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10/27/2019 | Thomas | Bernier | None | Bangor | Maine |
Maine is a rural State and Maine is a poor State. Maine depends on agriculture, fishing and forestry all of which use gas and diesel. Joining this group will create an additional burden on hard... read more |
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10/27/2019 | Brittany | Bertocchi | Maine resident | Pittsfield | Maine |
We do not need our gas prices rising. In places like central and northern Maine we don’t have bus transportation and many need to drive 45 minutes or more one way. |
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10/27/2019 | timothy | nichols | mr. | north anson | Maine |
we the people can not afford another tax ,especially another fuel tax of any kind .they say its to fix the roads and for a greener earth which is so much bull its sicking ,they didnt even spend... read more |
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10/27/2019 | Raymond | Lewis | Citizen of Maine | Wilton | Maine |
Please do not follow thru with this. Maine people often have to drive long distances to get to work, and we are barely surviving now. Paying more for gas means less money for groceries |
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10/27/2019 | Andrew | Allen | Libertarian | Unio | Maine |
This is a raw deal for over 3/4ths of the state of maine i strongly oppose increasing our already astronomical tax burden. I fail to see how raising taxes will accomplish anything but put more... read more |
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10/27/2019 | Michael | Graham | Democrat | Canton | Maine |
As a life long Mainer, I am 100% opposed to this proposal. Any legislator who supports this proposal and votes in favor of it will certainly lose my support and vote. Maine is already taxed... read more |
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10/27/2019 | Gary | Merrill | Independent | North Waterboro | Maine |
Maine is reducing emissions without taking much needed money from it's citizens. There is never a real "Program" that will accomplish what the stated goals are. It always ends up... read more |
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10/27/2019 | Katherine | Stover | Na | Dayton | Maine |
The additional taxes on Mainers will have a negative impact on young people trying to make it in our rural state, on our aging population and those with fixed incomes. As a young adult trying to... read more |
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10/27/2019 | John | Donald | American | jay | Maine |
Truthfully, I have no idea where you have gotten this idea from, or what you are thinking. read more While many of the public transit "solutions" and feel-good methods you propose might... |
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10/27/2019 | Paul | Bonarrigo | United States Citizen | Richmond | Maine |
If you have a plan that will reduce the impact of the human race on the earth's climate that will not increase our tax burden, go with it. In the meantime stay out of the state of Maine. We... read more |
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10/27/2019 | Linda | Rooney | Independent | Bar Harbor | Maine |
According to the United States Energy Information Administration, Maine ranks 45th for carbon dioxide emissions and releases approximately 0.3 percent of total carbon emissions in the United... read more |
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10/27/2019 | Jennifer | Landry | Maine Resident | Glenburn | Maine |
I am against this unfair tax. Absolute NO! This will put a burden on Mainers and we will fight this. |
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10/27/2019 | Kevin | Badger | Maine Taxpayer | Bangor | Maine |
I am very pissed off at you flunkies that want to bring on yet another tax to our fuel. You all have nothing better to do than to raise taxes on everyone and hide it under a name like Cap and... read more |
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10/27/2019 | James | Andrews | Mr. | Randolph | Maine |
We do NOT want or need this crap in Maine! We cannot afford any more tax hikes; winter is very hard on a lot of us. I drive sometimes over 200 miles a day, just to get to work and back. Tax... read more |
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10/27/2019 | Kim | Poors | Maine resident | Franklin | Maine |
Maine isn’t California. Most of its citizens live outside city and have to travel a long ways to get where they are going on a regular basis. This initiative will hurt the poor and elderly in our... read more |
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10/27/2019 | Jerome | Watson | Maine ratepayer | Pittston | Maine |
I am opposed to this initiative. Maine taxes are already much too high, we do not need more. |
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10/27/2019 | Rodney | Corey | Mr | Washburn | Maine |
Pushing for electric vehicles only transfers emissions from tailpipes to smoke stacks of power plants and battery factories that have other pollution issues is no solution. Mills is blind to the... read more |
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10/27/2019 | Larry | Pinkham | Maine resident | Phillips | Maine |
We have too many taxes as it is . Do not put more taxes on the shoulders of the poor Maine taxpayers. |
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10/27/2019 | John | Hussey | Mr. | Greenville | Maine |
What a great way to SCREW the POOREST and MOST VULNERABLE among us all to prove how "woke" member States are. read more |
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